ALLEN Champ 2018 Registration :

Organisation : ALLEN Career Institute
Competition Name : ALLEN Champ 2018 Registration
Contest Last Date : 31st March 2018
Website :


ALLEN Champ is India’s Unique Honoring & Mentoring program for rewarding the Academically Talented Students of the country. It aims at honoring the young champions of the nation, for boosting their confidence to perform better in future academic career.

Related / Similar Post : ALLEN Champ 2020

ALLEN Champ is a gift to the society by ALLEN where not only the Champions but their Parents and Schools will also be honored and rewarded.

Eligibility Criteria Rules

** The students currently studying in classes 4th to 10th can participate in ALLEN Champ.
** The Candidate must have at least one achievement out of the ones mentioned in the table below to be able to nominate for ALLEN Champ.
** To be eligible for Assured Rewards, it is mandatory for a candidate to have at least one achievement in the current session (2017-18)
** To be shortlisted for the Final Round of Activity resulting into ACR 1 to 10, it is mandatory for the candidate to have at least One Achievement (Mentioned in the Table below) in the Session 2017-18, apart from having highest achievements.
** The Top 3 rankers of ALLEN Champ are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in the next 2 consecutive years from their winning edition. They can again nominate themselves 3rd year onwards, consecutive their last winning year. This point has been explained more clearly through following cases.
Case 1: ALLEN Champ 2015 Top 3 (class 5th to 7th ) are eligible to participate in ALLEN Champ 2018.
Case 2: ALLEN Champ 2016 Top 3 (of each class) are not eligible to participate in ALLEN Champ 2018 and can nominate themselves later in ALLEN Champ 2019.
Case 3: ALLEN Champ 2017 Top 3 (of each class) are not eligible to participate in ALLEN Champ 2018 and ALLEN Champ 2019. They can nominate themselves after 2 editions i.e. in ALLEN Champ 2020.

Terms & Conditions

** Cash Prizes, Gold Medals, Silver Medals will be determined on basis of the student’s performance in National and International Benchmarking Exams.
** The Students who will qualify the criteria mentioned here will be eligible for ALLEN Champ Rewards.
** The final Judgment of awards i.e. Cash Prizes & Medals in ALLEN Champ for every class, shall remain with Management Team of ALLEN Career Institute and the decision taken by them will be final and irrevocable.
** Only the students of class 4th to 10th are eligible for self-nomination of ALLEN Champ.
** Achievements in ALLEN Champ do not guarantee direct admission to any of the Program conducted by ALLEN Career Institute.
** It is compulsory for the selected students to attend the Champion’s Day conducted by ALLEN Career Institute based on institute’s notification and compete in the Final Round of Activity for their crowning positions i.e. ACR 1 to ACR 10, to receive their rewards.
** No reward/award/prize money shall be handed over to any of the student’s relative/guardian or his/her representative in any case.
** It is compulsory for the Parents of the selected students to accompany the shortlisted students for Champion’s Day function to become eligible for the respective rewards. No rewards shall be handed over to any representative under any circumstances.
** All the Taxes and Norms specified by the Government of India on the Cash Prizes shall be applied.
** The prizes and rewards are non-transferable
** Step Up Cash will be paid to the students through a crossed cheque and shall be in favour of the student only.
** All legal matters shall be subject to Kota (Rajasthan) Jurisdiction only.
** To be shortlisted for the Final Round of Activity on Champion’s Day, A candidate must have at least One Achievement in current session (2017-18).

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques.1 : About ALLEN Champ-2018 ?
Ans. ALLEN Champ is Champion’s Honor And Mentoring Program. It is an initiative taken by ALLEN Sambandh Division for best brains of the nation who are recognized across the globe for being a WINNER of any Prestigious Examination / Event / Olympiad organized at National / International level.

Ques.2 : Who is Eligible to apply for ALLEN Champ-2018?
Ans. Click here for eligibility criteria.

Ques.3 : How to register for ALLEN Champ-2018?
Ans. The registration process is very unique and smooth. The students can register and nominate themselves here . They will have to submit the authentic details to become eligible for the participation.

Ques.4 : Why are the examinations mentioned in the eligibility criteria classified into different groups?
Ans. Under the eligibility criteria, similar category exams are clubbed together in a single group and further into sub groups, and in a particular group, only 1 best performance per year of the student will be taken into consideration (irrespective of the number of exams he/she has attempted in that group per year).

In each group, examinations will be shown in a weight age wise descending order (International, National and State). The Top most sub group has the highest weightage (A>B>C). The Candidate may have a minor advantage if they have an upper rank in a particular exam in a particular group.

Ques.6 : What is the last date for registration?
Ans. 31st March 2018

Ques.7 : How much is the registration fee for ALLEN Champ 2018?
Ans. There is no fee for the registration. It is totally free and online.

Ques.8 : How can I apply online?
Ans. Click the link Nominate Now Follow the instructions and fill in the exam category carefully nomination form. After locking the from “My Transcript” page. Submit your transcript online before the prescribed date to proceed further. If you clear the verification and nomination process, you will be shortlisted for an assured reward, or even better, you might be called upon for the Champion’s Day.

Ques.9 : What is Champion’s Day?
Ans. Champion’s Day is the special name given to the Honoring & Rewarding Ceremony of ALLEN Champ which is organized at Kota after the declaration of results. An activity for final ranking is conducted on Champion’s Day to evaluate the overall personality of the students for deciding the Final Ranks 1 to 10 (in each class). The jury which evaluates the students comprises of eminent personalities from the society.

Ques.10 : Who will qualify for Champion’s Day?
Ans. To qualify for Champion’s Day, 10 best student profiles from each class are shortlisted on the basis of highest scores which they would be given according to the examinations they nominate themselves in. Every exam mentioned in the eligibility criteria is given a certain weightage based on its Level of Conduction, Level of Difficulty, Assessment Criteria and No. of Students Participating

Ques.11 : From where Can I get the selection notice?
Ans. We will notify you after 30 June 2018

Ques.12: Is it compulsory for me to take admission in ALLEN Career Institute for getting Rewards though ALLEN Champ-2018 ?
Ans. No, It is not compulsory to take admission in ALLEN Career Institute as rewards of ALLEN Champ-2018 are not linked with admission process.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 3:09 PM

Categories: Talent Search Exam

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    • ALLEN will proceed to scrutinize the details submitted and locked by the students. Based on the nominations, we will shortlist 10 best student profiles from each class. These students will be invited for the final round of ALLEN Champ to be held on Champions Day along with their Parents. The lodging and boarding allowance will be provided to the Students & their Parents, as per their confirmation. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map