Organization : English Wizard Foundation
Competition Name : Wiz National Spell Bee School/State/National Level Competition
Applicable For : School Children/ Students (Classes 1 to 12)
Applicable States/UT : All India
Website :
Wiz Spell Bee School/State Level
The competition starts at the school level and progresses to the National Level through the Inter school and State level Competitions.
Related / Similar Contest :
English Wizard Foundation Handwriting Contest Registration 2024-2025
Wiz Spell Bee 7th National Mega Final 2015-16 Schedule
The objective is to enhance the spelling and literary skills of children by encouraging them to explore the English language, expand their vocabulary, and improve their communication and comprehension skills.
Every participant receives a “WORD BANK” preparatory booklet , prepared by a panel of English teachers and academicians. The words are graded according to their age and class.
Update : All Spell Bee exams are postponed due to Covid-19, we shall update the new date ,venue and time once the schools reopen
Competition Dates
Between April to December students enroll for participation through schools. The School level competition is held at the respective schools at a convenient date.
Interschool , State Level and State Grand Finale Competitions will be held between January to May followed by National Mega Finals. A nominal fee is charged towards the cost of preparatory booklets and stationary at various levels of the competition.
Competition Categories :
** Category 1 – class 1
** Category 2 – class 2
** Category 3 – class 3 and 4
** Category 4 – class 5 and 6
** Category 5 – class 6 and 7
** Category 6 – class 9, 10, 11 and 12
To Enroll
Enclose Rs.100/- along with duly filled up form and hand it over to your teacher. Download the Form form the official website.
Preparatory booklet “WORD BANK” will be issued to the participating students through school.
Pay Online
1. Visit the official website of Wiz National Spell Bee and Click the Pay online link
2. Fill the following form
Step 1 : Enter your Name [Ananya]
Step 2 : Enter your Address [11A, AK Market, Guru Virjanand Marg, Block GG2, Vikaspuri, Delhi, 110018]
Step 3 : Enter your City [Vikaspuri]
Step 4 : Enter your State [Delhi]
Step 5 : Enter your Pin [110018]
Step 6 : Enter your Country [India]
Step 7 : Enter your Phone [9876543210]
Step 8 : Enter your Email []
Step 9 : Enter your Amount [100]
Step 10 : Click Pay Online button
School Level Competition
** Comprises of three written rounds only, duration 30 minutes with 30 marks.
** “WORD BANK”, comprising of 1500 words and exercises.
** Students who qualify in the written round will be eligible for the Inter school written competition
Interschool Competition
** Comprises of four rounds only, duration 40 minutes and 50 marks
** Interschool preparatory booklet comprises of 1250 words and exercises. Seventy percent questions will be from these books.
** To answer the thirty percent questions, participants must have a regular reading habit of story books, English news papers, watch English news, Movies etc.
** Students who qualify in the written round will be eligible for the Oral round
Oral Round
The contest will be held separately for each participant. The Participant must spell aloud the words given to them from a predetermined list of spelling bee words.
Interschool Ranking :
The Interschool Rank holders are decided based on the total marks obtained in the written and oral rounds.
State Level Competition
** Students who qualify in the written round of Interschool will be eligible for the State Level written
** Competition comprising of five rounds. Duration 60 Minutes, Marks = 60
** State Level preparatory booklet comprises of 1250 words and exercises. Seventy percent questions will be from these books.
Oral Round
Based on the total score of Oral round and state level written , toppers are selected for the State level Grand Finale from each district/ town/ city.
Grand Finale
** Toppers are selected from each district/ town/ city for the State Level Grand Finale
** All the contestants will participate in the oral and pronunciation key rounds.
** Pronunciation key round will be a slide show. the contestant will identify the words, spell the words and their meanings based on phonetic symbols. This is a time bound test.
** The ranking depends on the performance of the day only. Based on the total score of oral and pronunciation key, the state level rank holders are decided. The results will be announced on the same day.
National Mega Final
** The topper of each category is selected for the National Mega Final from all the cities/ towns through out India.
** Top ten state level rank holders of each category is eligible for the National Mega Final.
** All the contestants will participate in the oral and pronunciation key rounds.
Contact Us :
Head Office
English Wizard Foundation
8, Ashwini Dutta Road, 1st Floor
Kolkata – 700 029
Phone: 033 24660434 / 9830345745
E-Mail: wizspellbee AT
This post was last modified on September 23, 2024 11:46 AM
View Comments (146)
When prizes will be given to us of 11th national mega finale 2019-20
Why they charge very high fees like 2166 for national level?
my name is shreelatha and i am selected for national level of spell bee. I registered too and i logged in but in e-sources there is no pdf to download and learn it is showng blank page where do i get the pdf to learn?
When will the results of the 2020 state level competition held on 6th December be posted?
When will the results of the state level competition held on 6/12/2020 be posted?
Today is my exam but it is not opening
My forget pasward please help me
I have lost my admit card . And I want my ragestration numbe
When we will get school level result in nagpur
I want to know the results of a class 5 student , who gone to State level Competition. Please give us a link for getting results.
Please send me the results of state level spell bee 2019
Hey somebody can tell when interschool spell bee results will be declared?.
when will conduct inter school exam in category 1 at karnataka
I want to know when the inter school level result will be declared of Julien day school Ganganagar.
I want to know the school level result 2019 in Kolkata?
I want to know that when will i get result of wiz national spell bee school level of banglore
At wat base want to prepare for state final
How to know the result of state level 2018-19? Please give us the link.
How to check state level exam result? Please provide the website link.
How you check
My daughter got through state level written exam and want to know the state level Oral exam date of 2019?
I want to know about the oral round in detail.
How should I check the results of Interschool level Spellbee competition 2019?
I want to know the procedure for participating in the state level exam and also the date of examination of the same.
Let me know, when Interschool competition will be held in 2019?
I want to know my venue.
Tomorrow, I am having competition but I just lost my admit card. What should I do?
Ask your teacher.
I don't know, how to see my score. I had given my exam in Silver Bells School. Please help me.
I want to know the procedure for paying fees for national level.
I want to know, when will be state level exam for category 3 in 2019 held?
I want to know, where the exam will be scheduled.
State level exam date of Amity International School, Bharuch.
Please let me know, when the result of Wiz Spellbee Competition of Delhi Public School, Dhanbad, Jharkhand school level will be out.
I want to know the result of Wiz Spell Bee State Level held at Gangtok Sikkim Daffodils School.
There is no oral round for Inter school levels of wiz spell bee. The oral round starts from State levels.
Please reply, can I know the enrollment fee for the national mega final category 4 and after online registration, how can we get the booklet?
Last date for enrollment for state level grade 3.
Please tell us the results for state level competition held at St.Peter's Agra 2018.
Please give me the schedule of 2018.
My son got 7th rank in Inter school competition, I asked class teacher about state level exam. she told that, she doesn't know after that exam. What should I do?
I am a student of class 3 in DPS, Kolar Road, Bhopal. I want to know that whether the result is declared (or) not.
I want to know, when is the exam date of spellbee competition for level 1 and level 2 in Pune for standard 6th.
I am a student of class 5 in Creane Memorial High School Gaya, Bihar. When I was in class 2 means in 2015-16 then spell bee competition was held but after that it was not held. I want to know that when it will be held again. I want to participate.
You have to wait for your school to apply for the Wiz Spell Bee National Competition again and then you can participate.
I want to see the inter school result of spell bee for Rustomjee Troopers school.
I am a student of CMS Sector O Lucknow, Can I please know the dates of the school level competition?
My son is studying in BSD DAV Public School, Hyderabad. He has secured 12th position in state level 3rd category. Please let me know, if he is eligible for Nation level to be held in Kolkata. As we have not got any information from school regarding the fees, book, date neither of them. Awaiting your response
I am a participant from Uttar Pradesh. Can you please tell the steps to check the result of school level 2018-19?
My exam is going to be held on Tomorrow but I have lost my admit card So, I don't remember the center & timing of exam. Will I get the details of exam today itself? I am studying in 2nd standard in ST. Xaviers, Nagpur.
I want to know the result of 2nd level.
Kindly reply, are the results for the state level exam in Goa declared?
I need to know, whether Goa state level results for class 3rd are out?
I want to know the state level results list of Wiz Spellbee exam which was held on 1st July 2018
Niyam Sabharwal
Class 4-B
Dps Balco
Korba Chattisgarh
My son has got 7th rank in state level held at Delhi Public School, Dhanbad. For next round, what we have to do.
I want to my know, whether my son got selected for state level competition. We are from West Bengal and He is studying 1st standard.
Please tell me, when will I know the result of state level exam held in DPS, Dhanbad, Jharkhand?
I am the winner of the spell bee school level but I want to know my inter school level test result.
I want result of school level spell bee APS Kolkata.
I wish to know the results of the State level competition held in Jorhat, Assam on 9 October, 2017. I am in Category 6. I have received no information from my school so far.
Please tell the venue of state level examination which will be held on January 7th, 2018.
Let me know the last date for submitting the fees of level 2 or state level.
How can I know the result?
I want to know about the result of State Level Spell Bee Competition held in May 2017.
I want to know the result of inter school of 9th standard of Dhule city.
When is the last date for fee payment in Karnataka for 2nd level?
Can I know the results of spell bee held in Jharkhand (Ranchi) on 9th November,2017?
When will the WIZ Spell Bee 2017-18 be conducted for Inter school level?
When will you conduct the inter school 3rd level exam in Bangalore?
I want to know the spell bee school level result 2017 held in Nagpur. My school name is Somalwar Nikalas Middle School.
School Level Results are not available in the website of WIZ National Spell Bee. You may contact your school.
I want to know the result of inter school level 2017-2018 of Bengaluru, Karnataka.
I want to know the result of school level exam conducted in Bhopal held on 04/10/2017.
Please tell me the time for category 4 of the state grand finale which is going to be held on 15th October in Kolkata. Please tell me as soon as possible.
What is the date of spell bee 2017?
When will result be declared for school level 2017-18> I am from Uttar Pradesh Lucknow. I am a participant.
When will result of school level of Uttar Pradesh for 2017 be declared? I am a participant.
I want to know the result of inter school competition held in Kanpur Uttar Pradesh.
My daughter got selected for state level mega final. She got a booklet from the school- notes on phonetics.. That will help her for the pronunciation round. Is there a separate booklet provided for oral round?
No, you have to practice for it from your previous booklets. I have cleared state mega finale and selected for nationals.
I want to know the state level results of West Bengal 2017. I read in class VI Calcutta public school, Joramandir category 4. So,can you give me information about the results of state level competition of Kolkata? The venue of the state level was Shri sikshayatan school held at 16 April 2017.
My daughter is now eligible under state level UP but we moved to Chandigarh. Now she is studying in Chandigarh. So please tell me what she can do.
What is the date and place for Spell Bee International Examination-national level? I got selected for national level. I am from Ramanathapuram.
School-National academy CBSE school
623 503-TAMIL NADU
I want to know the results of inter school Competition category 6 for Karnataka state for my daughter (2016-2017) and also want to know how do we prepare them for phonetic? Are there any classes provide for the same?
I want to see the sample question paper for preparing for inter school level.
I want the exam date of inter school level of Ranchi, Jharkhand.
I am studying class IV in St.Joseph convent Chandannagar. May I know the date, time,and the place of the competition?
Where and when is the 2017 competition to be held?
I want result of level 1 bright day school Vadodara Gujarat.
I want result of group 5 level 1 inter school result of Vadodara Gujarat.
I want the results of wiz spell bee 2016 Telangana, Hyderabad.
I need date of inter school exam.
I want to know the results of state level Tamil Nadu Coimbatore.
What is the timing of exam spell bee state level to be held on 18th December 2016?
My son Harsh has not got his result for school level 2016 Maharashtra.
I miss to pay spell bee inter school. I tried in school but not get opportunity. Due to note band I suffered. How will I appear for the exam of class 3? I am also appearing in spell bee class 2.
How can I remit the fees to state bank of India?
I want to know school level results of 2016 Tami Nadu.
My daughter has qualified first level in Kolkata center and for 2nd level we just miss the date of submission of application in school. Could you please guide us how we can apply now.
When is the state level result of Bangalore going to be announced which was held on 28th February 2016 at Alpine Public School?
I am studying in class 6th in Bangalore KV Meg and centre. I want to know when the spell bee will be held. Please say spell bee is very nice. I love spell bee very much.
I am studying in class 6 school - KV MEG
I am participating in spell bee school level in Bangalore
When the spell bee will be held?
When will be state level competition held in Aurangabad, Maharashtra?
When will the state level be held in Varanasi?
When will state level competition be held in Jamshedpur?
When is national level in Telangana?