Adda247 Essay Writing Contest 2018 :

Organisation : Adda247
Competition Name : Essay Writing Contest 2018
Contest Last Date : 27-02-2018
Website :

Adda247 Essay Writing Contest

Dear Students, as we all know that the descriptive test has now become an important part of most of the banking and SSC examinations, it becomes important for one to become dab handed at writing before she appears for any such examination.

Related : CTDR Surana & Surana UILS International Essay Writing Competition 2018 :

Keeping in mind the current status of evaluation process through the descriptive paper, Adda247 is conducting an All India Level Essay Writing Contest on 26th and 27th of February. The winner will be will be rewarded with 12 months subscription of the Bank or SSC Prime (as per winner’s choice).

Not only that but her/his essay will also be published in the next edition of the Competition Power Magazine and Descriptive Writing Book by Adda247.


The essay writing topic is:
“Should Government Consider Privatising Public Sector Banks?”

It has become crucial for you all to be excellent at writing essays and this national level competition is definitely going to serve the purpose. In the competitive examinations, the candidates are supposed to obtain a minimum score in each section of objective test separately to get shortlisted for the Descriptive test evaluation and it is only qualifying in nature.

Writing skills are an important part of English Language and Descriptive Test (of English Language) tests your writing, understanding, analyzing and summarising skills.

Write your Essay in a Word File, Attach it to a mail with Subject line: Essay Writing Contest: <Your Name> and mail to contact AT

Generally, the essay questions have some direction words that give a hint about what is wanted in the essay, such as compare, describe, explain, argue, discuss, critique, etc. These words are actually the task words that help you identify the task that needs to be done. Highlight the keywords and identify the topic words that indicate what the whole essay is going to be about. Essay writing is an important part of descriptive writing.

Guidelines for Submission

** Essay writing topic: “Should Government Consider Privatising Public Sector Banks” (Industry body FICCI has called for privatization of public sector banks (PSBs), saying that the recapitalization efforts by the government have had little effect on improving their health. This update is all over the news and current affairs of the nation.)

** The essay must be written in English.
** The essay should not exceed the word limit of 400 words.
** The essay has to be written in MS Word Format, font size shall be 11 points in Cambria.
** The candidate has to send the word file attachment in the mail with subject “Essay Writing Contest: <Name of the candidate>” and mail to contact AT

Note: Only one winner will be selected who will be rewarded with all the three prizes.

All the best students. It’s an opportunity to get better and you should always make use of such opportunities in the best possible way. Get started with writing your essay now!!

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