Online Art Competition 2018

Organisation :
Competition Name : Online Art Competition 2018
Contest Last Date : 04-03-2018
Website :

Online Art Competition

Eligibility: 5 Years & Above
Styles/Types: Oil, Acrylic, Water, Drawing, Pastels & Sketching.

Related : IHAG Earth Matters Art Competition 2018 :

Commencement of the Competition: 12th February, 2018
Last Date For Receiving Entries: 4th March, 2018
Duration of Voting: 12th February to 11th March, 2018


** Best Artwork (Popular choice)
** Winner- Rs.3000
** Runner-up- Rs.2000
** Best Artwork (Jury)
** Winner- Rs.3000
** Runner-up- Rs.2000
Institute with maximum participation – Prize of Rs.3000 and a special prize.

About the Judge :
A renowned personality in the industry. To name a few of his achievements:
Gold Medalist in the Annual Exhibition at Sir J. J. School of Art.
Awarded at the Maharashtra State Award, Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation.

Rules for the Contest

** Theme- “Social Cause”.
** Styles/ Types allowed – Oil, Acrylic, Water and Drawing, Pastels & Sketch.
** Entry is
** Images of the Artwork is to be uploaded on the website.
** Image should be a Raw file i.e. it should not be filtered or edited.
** Image should be high-resolution file of jpeg or png format with maximum 800px * 600px and not exceeding 2 MB.
** Details to be provided- Name, Age and Description about the art work.
** Art / Drawing Classes or Institutes details are optional. Institute or teacher with maximum participation will receive special prize and a cash prize of ?3000.
** Contest is open for amateur and professional artists.
** One person may upload 3 artworks. However, 1 participant can receive only 1 award.
** The Artwork will be available for voting once approved by us. You will be notified about the approval via Email (Kindly check spam folder).
** Entries will be accepted from 12th February to 1st March 2018
** All participants must reside within Mumbai, Navi Mumbai or Thane.
** Popular Choice Award Winners will be decided on number of votes for the artwork.
** The voting period is from 9th February to 8th March 2018.
** You can share your entry in Facebook using #YoungButterfly.

Terms and conditions

** The Entrant / Participant hereby agrees that shall have the right to use any of the participated works in any of their publications / products / activities. Respective artist will be mentioned and no remuneration in either cash or kind will be given.
** The Entrants / Participants understand that their work shall be in public domain and the entrants / participants at no point of time shall hold responsible for any third party infringement of their copyright.
** The contest will be valid only if there are more than 20,000 votes in total.
** In the event of a ‘draw’, will make the final decision on a winner.
** Articles must be the original work of the artist.
** The decision of jury would be final (for the Jury Award) and binding on all participation and no further correspondence would be entertained in this regard.
** If there is any question about authenticity; reserves the rights to demand proof of authorship and if it is not then your entry will be disqualified.
** in holds no responsibility if there are any technical glitches.
** We may cancel or amend any competition, competition information, or these terms and conditions without prior notice. Any changes will be posted either within the competition information or these terms and conditions.
** Winner would be declared through fair competition and selection for participation is done only if the candidates abide by the rules and terms & conditions.
** Results will be declared on the website within 10 days after the voting is closed.
** For any further enquiry or query mail us on artcomp AT or call on 022-61739738 ext-100.

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