Zee Cinema Har Din Diwali Contest 2015 : zeecinema.com

Organization : Zee Cinema
Competition Name : Har Din Diwali Contest 2015
Applicable For : Residents of India
Competition Last Date : 15th November, 2015

Website : http://www.zeecinema.com/

Har Din Diwali Contest:
1. This is a Facebook and Twitter contest and participants can send in their entries on either of these platforms
2. The Har Din Diwali movie festival will go on from 1st-15th November and each day we will run a new contest using the same hashtag – #HarDinDiwali
3. Each contest will be based on a specific movie and participants must answer two questions and perform a task to be eligible to win each contest
4. For each #HarDinDiwali contest, three winners will be selected either on Facebook or Twitter. The top winner will win a shopping voucher worth Rs.5,000, the first runner up will get Zee Cinema merchandise and the third runner up will get free couple movie tickets
5. The decision on the prize and the number of winners is final and no changes will be made regarding the same
6. Entries received from a previous #HarDinDiwali contest will not be counted in the next contest. Each #HarDinDiwali contest conducted must be treated as a new contest and entries received on the day of that contest will be considered
7. The contest winners will be decided at the sole discretion of Zee Cinema
8. The contest is only for residents of India
9. On Twitter, participants must use the hashtag – #HarDinDiwali at the beginning of their Tweets for their entries to be valid
10. Zee Cinema reserves the right to make changes to the contest and its prizes

Zee Cinema:
Zee Cinema, the ultimate Hindi movie destination on TV, was launched in 1995. It was a pioneering move to have launched a channel that showcased the best Hindi movies day-in and day-out and hence has stayed at the No.1 position ever since.

Zee Cinema reaches out to 194 million individuals across India and the count of non-Indian households the channel reaches is more than 5 million across America, Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan, Asia Pacific and rest of Africa.

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