2nd ONGC International Essay Competition on International Contracts 2015 : Gujarat National Law University

Organization : Gujarat National Law University & Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
Competition Name : 2nd GNLU-ONGC International Essay Competition on International Contracts 2015
Applicable For : Full Time Undergraduate/Post Graduate Law Programme Pursuing Students
Applicable States : All India
Competition Last Date :10th August 2015.

Website :

2nd GNLU-ONGC International Essay Competition on International Contracts:
‘Identifying and Comparing the trends in International Contract Laws and Probing the Critical Issues for Multinational Contracting Parties’

The 2nd edition of the GNLU – ONGC International Essay Competition on International Contracts is being organized for the year 2015 on the theme “Identifying and Comparing the trends in International Contract Laws and Probing the Critical Issues for Multinational Contracting Parties”. The essay competition this year aims to provide a platform for the students of law to express their views on various aspects and trends of International Contract Laws across the world so that the students are encouraged to provide a comparative view on these current trends and also identify the critical issues facing the international transactions or more importantly between multinational contracting parties. The sub-themes of the competition further ensure to provide global relevance and encourage the participants to analyze and convey their thoughts and probable solutions on the given topics.

Sub-Topics / Sub-Themes:
** The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and its role in multinational contracting
** Standard Forms of Contracts, its adaptation across the world and the International Transactions
** Distinctions between Civil and Common Law with respect to Contract Laws across the globe
** Reasonableness of a Contract: An overview in various countries of the world
** Issues pertaining to International Transactions and the role of multinational entities
** Problems of International Trade / Transaction of Goods / Services: Remedies to the issues pertaining to cross border transactions
** Role of the United Nations and other international regulatory bodies in cross border transactions
** Protection of interest / rights of the multinational contracting parties: The role of UNCISG / UNCITRAL ** Formation and Enforcement of Trade Contracts and its Problems in the light of International Trade ** International Commercial Contracts and Protection of the Interests of Multinational Contracting Parties ** Jurisdictional issues in International Transactions, The Contract Law and the rights of contracting parties

The competition is open to all students from India and/or abroad, pursuing full time undergraduate or post graduate Law Programme from a recognized University/College/Institution.

Guidelines for Submission:
** The essays must be submitted in English Language only.
** The essays should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 with line spacing of 1.5.
** The margins should be 1” or 2.54 cm on all sides.
** The footnotes must be in Times New Roman, Font size 10 and line spacing of 1.
** The citation must be according to OSCOLA Format or Harvard Bluebook 19th Edition.
** The minimum word limit for the essay is 3000 words and maximum word limit is 5000 words (including footnotes).
** The essay can be co-authored (maximum number 2); however, each participant has to register separately.
** Multiple entries by the same author are not permitted.
** Only original work is invited and any kind of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
** The essays published elsewhere or selected for publication shall be disqualified.
** The essays can be sent in ‘.doc’ of ‘.docx’ format only.

The participants are required to send the following details in a separate word document along with the essay with a covering letter:
Name of the College / Institute / University:
Programme Enrolled & Year:
Contact No.:

Scanned Copy of College / University ID Card must also be sent along with the submission.

Last Date for submission:
The essays must be submitted in soft copy and sent by email to with the subject line ‘2nd GNLU – ONGC International Essay Competition on International Contracts’ on or before 10th August 2015.

Declaration of Result:
The winners will be notified by email and on the GNLU website on 1st September 2015.

1st Prize: Rs. 7,000/-
2nd Prize: Rs. 5,000/-
3rd Prize: Rs. 3,000/-
Certificates will be issued to the Winners as well as to all participants.

Important Note:
** The essays submitted shall be the property of Gujarat National Law University.
** A Committee of Experts shall be the Jury to select the winning entries.
** The top 3 essays may be published in the Journal of GNLU.
** GNLU reserves the rights to modify any of the terms and conditions as it deems fit.
** GNLU reserves the right to cancel, defer, or postpone indefinitely, the competition in the event of the accruing of any incident, natural or man-made.
** The participants shall agree to indemnify GNLU from and against any claims, suits and damages based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or unauthorized use.
** The decision of the Committee or Jury with regard to the competition, eligibility, submissions, selection criteria, results, or any other matter shall be final and binding.

This post was last modified on December 31, 2022 1:23 PM

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