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SET Sony TV Mere Sai Chalo Shirdi Contest 2018 : setindia.com

Organisation : SET Sony Entertainment Television (Sony TV)
Contest Name : Mere Sai Chalo Shirdi Contest 2018 (#MereSaiChaloShirdiContest )
Applicable For : Indian citizens, residing in India
Contest Last Date : May 31, 2018
Website : https://www.setindia.com/in-en

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SET Mere Sai Chalo Shirdi Contest

Sony TV brings a unique gift for all their viewers, Chalo Shirdi Contest. Every Monday & Thursday, after the Mere Sai episode, the viewers will be asked one question and they can grab their chance to win a ticket to Shirdi with their favorite Mere Sai star cast.

Update: SET India Mere Sai Bhakton Se Bane Sai Contest 2019 : www.contest.net.in/40212.html

This Contest commences from 9th April 2018. Follow the humble life of Sai Baba. Watch Mere Sai, Monday to Friday on SET at 7:30 P.M. Play and Win this golden opportunity.

Contest Duration

Every Monday and Thursday from April 09, 2018 – May 31, 2018 between 7.30 PM – 8.15 PM i.e during the Show episode.

Who Can Enter?

1. The Activity is open only to Indian citizens, residing in India.
2. The Participants must be adults having attained the age of eighteen (18) years to participate in the Activity as on the date of the Activity.

How To Participate?

Step-1 : One question will be asked every Monday and Thursday during the Show. The questions would be flashed 4 times between 7.30 – 8.00 pm in the Mere Sai episode through an aston/bumper.

Step-2 : Users have to answer by giving a missed call on the below toll free numbers corresponding to the option they feel is the correct answer.

** 1800-843-9901 for option A
** 1800-843-9902 for Option B

Step-3: Users giving the missed call will not be charged. In case a user gives multiple answers, only the first response will be considered.

Winners Selection

1) All the missed calls for the questions will be collected from the entries received by SPN.
2) Thereafter approximately 40 (Forty) winners who answer maximum questions correctly shall be selected by SPN.

Winners Announcement

1) The Winners shall be declared at the end of the Contest Term, on-air during the Mere Sai episode
2) The Winners need to revert with the required details and formalities within twenty four (24) hours after contacting them.


The Winners shall be entitled for an overnight Shirdi trip. SPN shall sponsor end to end travelling, accommodation and food expenses for the Winners

Contest Terms

** The announcement about the Winners and the Prize(s) (defined below) shall be as per the T&Cs of the Activity.
** The Participant can win only once in this Activity. Any subsequent wins of the Participant (if declared) will be automatically void.
** Participants agree no clarifications on the questions and the answers used in the Activity shall be entertained by SPN.
** Mere participation/submitting Entries in the Activity do not entitle the Participants to win the Prize(s).
** The Prize(s) shall be delivered to the Winners subject to submission of all relevant documents, if required in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of the Activity.
** The decisions of SPN and its representatives shall be final and binding on all aspects of the Activity.

Contest Terms and Conditions :


For any queries on the Activity and/or the Terms and Conditions, please send a direct message (DM) at connectwithset@gmail.com

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Add a Comment
  1. Poonam Aggarwal

    Still waiting for the result to be declared. Please do it fairly. Don’t give false hope.

  2. Prabhakar Murthy

    Not sure, the winners of this contest is announced (or) not. Would appreciate SET confirmation on current status and details of winners.

  3. Vaishali

    Please display the result of the contest. I feel the channel should take this seriously. Many peoples emotions and feelings are associated with the contest and its results.

  4. Simran

    I am really very excited for the results. When the results will be declared of Mere Sai Contest?

  5. Arjun Sharma

    Me and family are eagerly waiting for this result.

  6. Subash Chander

    Please tell us the date of declaration of result of Mere Sai Chalo Shirdi contest. We are still waiting for the result. Is there any problem to declare?

  7. मुलचंद बठीजा

    कृपया निकाल कधी जाहीर करण्यात येईल

  8. Anonymous

    मेरा तो नंबर भी लग गया पर मुझे कोई रिस्पांस नहीं दिया

  9. Preeti

    I love to see this inspirational serial.

  10. Dimple Kher

    Mere sai, it taught me a new lesson for life.

  11. Dr. Sanjib

    Again Sony started to make viewers fool. Last time did not announced any result. Nobody knows if at all any body got chance to visit sirdi. This time the channel again opting contest to make the devotees fool.

  12. Sachin Jadhav

    I like Sai serial very much.

  13. Renu Shahni

    Wow very nice serial, always missing on Saturday and Sunday.

  14. Sanjubaba

    Users have to answer by giving a missed call on the below toll free numbers corresponding to the option

    ** 1800-843-9901 for option A
    ** 1800-843-9902 for Option B

  15. Sonu

    I don’t know, how to give an answer, please send me that number so, I can give answers.

  16. Swati

    No. I have been watching this show regularly to know about the result.

  17. Shradha

    Please tell me the date of declaration of result of Mere Sai chalo Shirdi contest. Its been 2 months and we are still waiting for the result. I am very disappointing.

    1. Anonymous

      Yes, it is very disappointing.

  18. RAKHI

    I want to know, when are the results announced.

  19. R.RAINA

    Tell me, when is result be expected?

  20. Rajesh Nayak

    Please announce the winners list of Mere Sai Shirdi Chalo contest. I am waiting for result.

  21. Satish

    Mere Sai is not just a serial, It gives energy when required. We are waiting for long time, when are you going to announce the winners.

  22. Pradeep Kumar

    I am waiting for two months, When will you announce the winner list?

  23. Pooja Prakash

    I want to know, when will the result be announced.

  24. Sweta Haldankar

    It is almost two months, not declared the result yet.

  25. Harsh

    Best serial, I have learnt many things from this serial.

  26. Jayshree

    I am eagerly waiting for the results, please let know when results are going to declare.

  27. RAVI


  28. Ankit Jain

    Kindly announce the name of winners if we are not in the list, we can come ourself and meet Shirdi. I will be exited to meet all team.

  29. Devotee

    It is almost a month. Please tell us the winner’s name.

  30. Anonymous

    Please reveal the winners names.

  31. Amit

    Please tell me the winners name.

  32. Harpreet

    Please disclose the result so that we come to know who are that luckiest persons on which Baba shower his blessings.

  33. Puneet

    All are interested but I am not because their requirements include 18 above which I am not. All devotees are lucky so they have hope. All the best to everyone.

  34. Kuldeep Kaur

    Please tell me the winners name.

  35. Nitin

    We are waiting for Sai Baba blesses. When will Mere Sai Chalo Shirdi contest result come?

  36. Rohit Agarwal

    Shri Sai Baba is my life and I love watching the Mere Sai Serial each & every episode & I feel that, Baba is always with me.

  37. Akshaya

    I want to know, when are the results announced.


      Even I want to know the winners names.

  38. Anonymous

    I have participated in this contest, When will the result come?

  39. Rohit Agarwal

    Shri Sai Baba is my life and I love to watching the Mere Sai Serial each & every episode & I feel that Baba is always with me, Thanks Sony.

  40. Raj Singh

    Sai is my world.

  41. Suman Saxena

    Mere Aai is a good serial, it is not only a religious serial but it gives good information, how to tackle in different conditions by means of Sai Baba.

  42. Ashok Kumar

    I like Mere Sai Baba program and Sony is the best TV channel.

  43. Leena Jawa

    Can some body tell, how to know the result of contest?

  44. Meena Jindal

    I want to know, when will we get the results of the Mere Sai contest?

  45. Sweta Haldankar

    I am very excited. When is the result of Mere Sai contest announced?

  46. Sapna Uplenchwar

    Tell me, where & how can we see the show results?

  47. Saket Pandey

    Please update, when is the result for the contest being declared and where can I get the names of the winners?

  48. Nitin Kumar

    On which date, the result will declare?

  49. Kuldeep Kaur

    Please tell me, when and how we get this contest result.

  50. Meena Jindal

    I love to watch Mere Sai.

  51. Sapna Uplenchwar

    I am very exciting for results. Please send it soon.

  52. Anonymous

    I pray to God daily to get chance for Shirdi trip.

  53. Neha

    Mere sai is the best serial.

  54. Tripty

    This is a heart touching show. Best show I have ever seen.

  55. Rashmi

    Mere Sai is a very heart touching serial and one of my favorite. I like this serial and Sai.

  56. Seema

    Let us know, when results would be announced for Shirdi Chalo contest.

  57. Minakshi

    Lovely serial and while watching Sai Baba serial, I feel I am Shirdi. Heart touching Serial. My children also blessed with the love of Baba.

    1. Jagdish Vasani

      Very nice serial.

  58. Naveen Aswal

    Om Sai Ram, Mere Sai should be at least one hour every day. Please make repeat telecast on Saturday and Sunday.

  59. Hetal Pancholi

    My children can’t miss any episode of Sai. They love to watch this serial so much and they learn respect love and so much things from this serial. Thanks a lot to Sony TV to give us so. Lovely serial.

  60. Amol Uplenchwar

    I believe in Sai very much.

  61. Sapna Uplenchwar

    I am not able to give the answers because of network problem.

  62. Prabha Batra


  63. Soni Khan

    I like Mera Sai serial very much.

  64. Sunil Kumar Swamy

    If you have Shraddha and Saburi, all your difficulties in life will be sorted out.

  65. Mansi Babbar

    I just love this show. The role of Sai Baba is fantastic.

  66. Sony Tiwari

    I just love to watch Mere Sai.

  67. Soumil Saxena

    This is my favorite show and Sai baba is my only one and best god.

  68. Sushil Kumar

    We are regular in answering but on 30th April episode it was A for Nahi & B for Yes but now on first may it was reverse shown on TV making our correct reply A for Nahi to incorrect B for Nahi. Please check and maintain correct stream of replies so that our efforts to see pilgrimage with team is realised .

  69. Anita

    This is a best show. I like it very much.

  70. Neeta Yadav

    Winning this contest will be baba’s blessings for me.

  71. Sunil Tiwari

    I love this show, I am so excited in this contest but I missed the Saturday and Sunday episodes. Please give me the questions asked in the both episodes.

  72. Sapna Uplenchwar

    Sai is my favorite god. I never miss this serial.

  73. Maharshi

    My TV has stopped working today while watching serial. So how can I know 26/4 today’s question?


    I like this serial and I never miss any episode.

  75. Gautam Naik

    I like Mere Sai serial very much.


    Wonderful and well done team.

  77. Kamal Gupta

    Mere Sai is a great serial and heart touching.

  78. AYAN


  79. Geetika Bathija

    I wish to win this contest.

  80. Preeti Rajeev Verma

    Faith in Sai. I feel as, I am in Shirdi and watching everything live. Baba bless me always.

  81. Aman

    This show is the best show on TV and Sai is my favorite god.

  82. Dhanwanti

    Mere sai is the best serial, I never miss this serial.

  83. Navjeet Ashu Ghai

    It is a very good and Real Presentation.

  84. Prabha Batra

    Mere Sai is a heart touching serial. I feel as, I am in Shirdi and watching everything live.

  85. Mangal Sharma

    I like this serial and I never miss any episode.

  86. Jatin Kumar

    Mere Sai is heart touching real serial.

  87. Vrinda Shroff

    Wow! nice serial and contest.

  88. Soni Khan

    I am so excited in this contest.

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