IPLT20 VIVO IPL Fantasy League/ Game 2018 : Win Tata Nexon Car & Mobile

Organisation : BCCI (IPLT20)
Contest Name : VIVO IPL Fantasy League/ Game 2018
Applicable For : Viewers/Fans/Registered Users
IPL 2018 Final : 27th May 2018
Website : https://fantasy.iplt20.com/

IPLT20) VIVO IPL Fantasy League

Don’t just watch IPL. Play it!

Related / Similar Contest : Dream11 IPL T20 Fantasy League 2019

Who can Participate?

Anyone can participate in the game.

How To Play?

You may participate in the Games on the Web Portal after registering and creating an account with the Web Portal.

Step-1 :
Go to the following link [ https://fantasy.iplt20.com/ ] and click on ‘Play Fantasy’ link.

Step-2 :
You will be directed to the ‘Registration/Login’ page.

Step-2A : Login:
If you have an account in the ‘IPL T20’ website then, Enter your Email ID and Password in the space provided and submit the login button to play the game.

Step-2B : Registration :
1) If you are a New User, then click on the ‘Don’t have an account? Create one here’ link in the ‘Sign In’ page for Sign Up.

2) Enter your Full Name Email ID, Phone Number, Account Password, Date of Birth, Gender, Country of Residence, City of Residence and then submit the ‘Sign Up’ button to start the game.

Step-2C : Sign Up with Facebook
You may also register and create an account with the Web Portal through your Facebook account, and agree to permit the BCCI to access, store and use your full name, email address, date of birth, gender, country of residence and city of residence from the account information of your Facebook account, for the purpose of enabling and facilitating your participation in the Games.

Game Rules

Squad Selection:
Users may draft virtual squads composed of 11 players from the pool of real-world players made available for selection by the BCCI on this Web Portal and the format of the Game and such virtual squad shall be attached to their user account.

Nationality :’Overseas’ or ‘Indian’
Playing role :‘Batsman’, ‘All-rounder’, ‘Wicket keeper’ or ‘Bowler’ and in some cases with dual playing roles, like ‘Batsman’ and/or ‘Wicketkeeper’
Type:Whether such player is ‘capped’ or ‘uncapped’ by such player’s national team.

Squad Selection:
For the purposes of the selection and drafting of a virtual squad, each user shall be provided with a budget of 10 million virtual dollars. When drafting a virtual squad, the user must operate within this budget and must draft 11 players to form the virtual squad.

Games Formats

Fantasy Championship:
The Fantasy Championship Game format runs for the duration of the IPL, with points attributed to each player drafted in the virtual squad on the basis of their performance in each match of the IPL (each match being considered a round). For participation in the Fantasy Championship Game format, each user account shall be permitted to draft one squad alone.

At the end of all of the matches of the IPL, the winner will be determined on the basis of the accumulated points of each participating virtual squad, with the winning virtual squad being the virtual squad that accumulates the most number of points relative to the other participating users’ virtual squads.

Daily Challenge:
In the Daily Challenge format, users can create virtual squads on the basis of players participating in the match(es) of the IPL being played on each day, and compete against the squads of all other users on that day

All Stars :
The All Stars Game format runs for the duration of the IPL, and in this format of the Games users can create a virtual squad, comprising of 11 real-world players participating in the IPL, and such virtual squad will be attributed points on the basis of the performance of the players comprising the virtual squad in the matches of the IPL.

Game Points

The points attributable to each virtual player shall track that player’s match performance in each round or match of the IPL and shall be allocated as follows:

Batting Points:
** Base Points :1 point per run.
** Pace Bonus Points -A player must score a minimum of ten runs to be awarded the Strike Rate bonus
** Strike Rate 1: 0-74.99 -15 points(15 point deduction).
** Strike Rate:75-99.99 -10 points(10 point deduction).
** Strike Rate: 100-149.99 – 5 points.
** Strike Rate: 150-199.99 – 10 points
** Strike Rate: 200+ – 15 points.
** Milestone Bonus : 10 points for scoring 25 runs; 10 points thereafter for each additional score of 25 runs.
** Impact Points :2 points for every six; -5 (5 point deduction) for getting out for a duck (Except Bowlers).

Bowling Points:
** Base Points :20 points per wicket taken.
** Economy Rate – 0-5.00: 15 points.
** Economy Rate – 5.01-8.00: 10 points.
** Economy Rate – 8.01-10.00: 5 points.
** Economy Rate – 10.01-12.00: -10 points.
** Economy Rate – 12.01+: -15 points.
** Milestone Points : 10 points for taking 2 wickets, 10 more points for a 3rd wicket and 10 more points for every wicket thereafter.
** Impact Points :1 point per dot ball bowled. 20 points for each maiden over bowled.

Fielding Points:
** 10 points for each catch resulting in a fall of wicket.
** 15 points for each stumping resulting in a fall of wicket.
** 10 points for a run-out (The run-out bonus points will only go to the fielder responsible for the throw, not the fielder who removes the bails).

Bonus Points:
** 25 points for being declared the official player of the match;
** 5 points to each player in the winning IPL franchisee in case of a victory, in all matches other than in Qualifier 1, Eliminator, Qualifier 2 or Final of the IPL;
** 10 points to each player in the winning IPL franchisee in case of a victory in Qualifier, 1, Eliminator, Qualifier 2 or Final of the IPL.

Super Over:
In the event of a Super Over, Point will not be Awarded


Tournament Mode :

Daily Challenge :

Winners Announcement

The winner of each prize shall be announced within a reasonable period of time after the completion of the league or format of the Game in relation to which such prize is being offered. The winners shall be notified by email to the account specified in their account information and by publication on the Web Portal.

Claiming Procedure:
After notification by email, users shall have 7 days to respond, to verify their identity and residence (in accordance with the procedure set out in the email notification) and claim the prize from the BCCI in accordance with the procedure set out in the email notification.

Game Queries

How many teams may I enter ?
You will only be able to enter one team for each account. However there is no limit to the number of different accounts you can create, entering a team through each of them.

How many transfers are available to me ?
** Between the start of scoring and the end of the Group phase of the tournament, users are allowed to make up to 75 transfers in total.
** Between the Group phase and the first Qualifier,users can again make unlimited transfers to their team.
** Between the first Qualifier and the Final, users can make up to ten transfers to their team.
** Transfers must be made ahead of the scheduled start of a match, will be active for that match.

What is a Power Player ?
** Once you have selected your team, you must select a Power Player! Your Power Player will score double points (including negative points), and could be the difference between success and failure, so choose carefully!.
** You can change your Power Player at any time. Changes must be made ahead of the scheduled start of each match to take effect for the upcoming match.

What is the Last Date for making changes ?
** Transfers must be confirmed by no later than right before the scheduled start time of a match in order to be active for that match.
** A breakdown of the transfer Last Dates can be found in the rules tab.

What happens if a match is cancelled or postponed ?
** In the event that a match starts, but does not finish (ie if a ‘No Result’ is declared), all players will score zero points for that match.
** If a match is decided by the Duckworth-Lewis method, all players will score points earned during the match, however long it may be.
** If either of the Qualifiers or the Eliminator is washed out completely, the team which placed higher in the Group Stage, will progress.

What happens if a match goes to a Super Over ?
In the event of a Super Over, Points will not be Awarded.

How do I create my own league?
** Click on ‘Create League’ from the Leagues tab and choose ‘Create League’.
** Choose a name, motto and emblem for your League and choose Save League.
** A password will be generated for you to share with your friends and colleagues and invite them to join your league.
** Up to 150 users can participate in a private league.

How do I join a League?
If you wish to join an existing league, you’ll just need the Private League code from the chairman who created the league. Choose ‘Join League’ from the ‘My Leagues’ section of the menu and add Private League code to join.

How many Leagues can I join?
There is no limit to the number of Leagues you can join.

The league name and password that my friend gave me are not working?
Make sure you have typed the correct password. Password input is case sensitive, so make sure you don’t have Caps Lock on.

This post was last modified on June 30, 2021 1:33 PM

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