GNLU CCAL’s First Constitutional Law Quiz Competition 2015 : Gujarat National Law University

Organization : Gujarat National Law University
Competition Name : CCAL’s First Constitutional Law Quiz Competition 2015
Applicable For : Higher Secondary Students
Applicable City : Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar
Registration Last Date : 18th November, 2015
Competition Date : November 26, 2015

Website :
Rules :

CCAL’s First Constitutional Law Quiz Competition 2015:
The objectives of CCAL’s First Constitutional Law Quiz are:
a. To inculcate a sense of pride towards the Indian Constitution.
b. To upgrade the knowledge of the present generation keeping in mind nation’s capacity building.

Bonafide students pursuing their Higher Secondary Education from recognized schools of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar are eligible to participate in the Competition.

1) The School may send any number of participants.
2) The team shall consist of 2 student
3) It is advisable that the teams should be accompanied by one of the school teachers.
The official language of the competition shall be English.

Dress Code:
The official Dress Code for the Competition is the school uniform of respective schools.

Schedule (Tentative):
Registration: 09:30AM – 10:00AM
Inauguration: 10:00AM – 10:45AM
High Tea: 10:45AM – 11:00AM
Preliminary Round: 11:00AM – 11:30AM
Screening of Documentary: 11:30AM – 11:45PM
Final Round: 11:45PM – 01:00PM
Lunch: 01:00PM – 02:00PM
Valedictory and Prize Distribution: 02:00PM – 03:00PM

Winner – Prize worth 10,000
First runner up – Prize worth 8,000
Second runner up- Prize worth 6,000

Certificate of Participation shall be given to all theparticipants of the CCAL Quiz, 2015.

Modes for Registration:
1) Online Registration:
Schools may register their teams in any of the following ways:

a) Through E- mail
By sending an e-mail with the subject “Registration for the CCAL Quiz” on mentioning the following details:
i) School Name:
ii) Name:
Student- 1
Student- 2:
iii) Standard:
iv) Stream:
v) Name of the teacher:
vi) Mobile No:
vii) Email address:

b) Through GOOGLE DOC for:
By filling the GOOGLE Form available on the link

2) Telephonic Registration:
Schools may also register their teams by calling undersigned organizers.

Last date for Registration: 18th November, 2015

In case of any query regarding the Quiz please e-mail at with the subject of the mail as “Query pertaining to the Quiz” or contact Ms. Neha Khurana

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 5:07 PM

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