Essay & Photography Competition 2015 : European Union & The Hindu Centre

Organization : European Union & The Hindu Centre
Competition Name : Essay & Photography Competition 2015
Applicable States : All India
Competition Last Date : Essay-August 16, 2015 | Photo-17th September, 2015

Website :

Essay & Photography Competition 2015 :

The climate is on everyone’s mind. Eight of the last ten years have been the hottest in recorded history. If glaciers continue to melt and sea levels rise, but rivers run dry, we will all be affected.

Related :
Harvard US-India Initiative Essay & Photo Competition 2015 :

Can the world wait till coal, oil and gas are exhausted? The short answer is no – because by then average global temperatures will have crossed the tipping point, unleashing storms, droughts, floods and searing temperatures.

Providing a platform for people to ‘Voice Out’ not only their concerns but also the solutions that they think should be adopted to tackle the Climate Change Challenge, the European Union today launched two initiatives under #MyClimateMyFuture:
1) An essay competition in collaboration with The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, and

2) A photo contest, organised by the EU.

These two contests are designed to allow Indian citizens to share their views on climate change challenges and solutions

These initiatives are part of the “European Climate Diplomacy Day” #ClimateDiploDay, being observed worldwide on the 17th of June 2015 to promote informed debate about climate change in the lead up to this year’s crucial meeting at Paris in December. The French capital will host the 21st Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which aims to seek a legally binding agreement applicable to all countries and keeping the world on track to its goal of holding the global temperature increase below 2°C.

Essay Competition :

The essay competition will target undergraduates (Bachelor’s) and graduates (Master’s only) and will elicit creative but practical suggestions from the youth of a country well-known as much for big ideas as for low-cost innovation, or jugaad, in informal parlance. Essays (1,500 words in English) should be submitted before August 16, 2015, on one of the following three topics:

** Climate Change in India: Challenges and Solutions
** Making India’s Growth Sustainable
** Clean Development in India: the Way Forward for Towns and Cities

This initiative is being organised jointly by the European Union and The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy – two organisations committed to global understanding and India’s future. After an evaluation process involving experts, the results will be announced in October, following which three winners will be invited for a short study tour to Europe.

Photography Contest :

Say it with a picture
A picture is worth a thousand words! With the overall theme #MyClimateMyFuture, the Photography Contest will run from 17th June to 17th September, 2015 and will be open for all Indian residents above 18. Participants can post a maximum of 3 photographs which best illustrate how they feel about Climate Change. The photographs can be shots of climate change impact, challenges and solutions.

To allow participants to click and upload while on the move – the photo competition allows uploading pictures taken from camera, phone or tablet.

The four winners will be announced in October 2015. Two ‘Climate Photo Prize’ winners will be chosen by viewers based on the maximum number of ‘likes’ on a photograph, while the other two ‘Climate Photo Jury Prize’ winners will be selected by a special editorial committee, together with the photo editors.

Participants have a chance to win a Canon EOS 700D camera, with an 18-55 mm lens and a 55-250 mm lens.


My Climate, My Future:
1. ESSAY COMPETITION on Climate Change in India: Sponsored by the European Union Delegation to India and The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy

The essay competition is open to students studying for an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree or graduate (Master’s) degree in a recognised institution of higher education whether public or private. M.Phil and Ph.D students are not eligible to take part in the competition.

Essays must be submitted by 5.00 p.m., August 16, 2015, to both the followings email IDs:

All entries must have the subject line: EU-THC Essay Competition

(Nothing else should be mentioned in the Subject Line)

The format should be as follows:
Single line between paragraphs, single spacing between lines of a paragraph, and 12 point Times New Roman font.

The marking scheme will be as follows:
Originality 30%
Research 20%
Argument 30%
Presentation 20%

Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarism or canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.

The competition is open to Indian passport holders, resident in India.

Employees of the EU Delegation, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, and their immediate families will not be eligible to participate in the competition.

The evaluation and selection of winners would be concluded by September 2015, and the winners announced in October 2015. Before the announcement, winners will be asked to present satisfactory proof of their eligibility in the form of a photo identity card. If necessary, the organisers will contact the institution in which the student is registered for further confirmation.

Winning essays will be published on the print and digital media of the organisers with the names of the authors.

The winners’ trip will be a group tour scheduled so as not to interfere with exams. While individual constraints will be considered, their acceptance cannot be guaranteed.

The decision of the organisers and judges on all matters will be non-negotiable and final.

2. EU Climate Photo Contest:
Your photograph may address the impact, challenges and solutions associated with climate change at any scale, from your everyday life to the world around you. Are you angry, powerless and scared or hopeful and inspired to take action? … Grab your camera, phone or tablet and show the world how you feel about the climate.

What does climate change mean to you? Let your imagination flow and tell your story in a single photograph!

Your work of art can range from purely photographic works to photographs with captions or small notes.

1. Eligibility:
The participant must be an Indian resident, aged 18 or older.

1.1 Copyright:
The submitted photo must be an original work authored by the participant.

The participant declares and warrants that:
1. the material is their own
2. no one else apart from the participant has copyright or any intellectual property right on the submitted photo
3. the submitted work does not infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of someone else.

** The participant hereby grants the European Union a non-exclusive right to use the submitted photo free of any charge for non- commercial purposes for the European Union web page, social media platforms and printed publications.

** The participant remains the owner of the copyright of the submitted work(s).

** The photo will be credited appropriately each time it is reproduced or communicated to the public by the European Union.

** If the winning photo contains recognisable images of children, the photographer will be asked to send a model release form, signed by the parents or the legal guardian of the minor, giving authorisation for the use of the photo.

2. Project period:
The project will begin on Wednesday 17 June 2015 and will end on 17 September 2015. The winner of the jury prize and public prize will be announced in October 2015.

3. How to participate:
** Participants are limited to one contest entry per campaign.
** Only users who submit a photo be required to fill in the qualification form: voting participants may vote and leave without answering any qualification questions.
** The photo has to be at least 72 dpi resolution, but 300 dpi is highly recommended
** The Minimum resolution is 1024 pixels on the longer side (horizontal or vertical) but 2048 is highly recommended. Maximum resolution can go up to 9933 pixels, in .jpg format
** Maximum file size must not exceed 5 MB
** The photo can be edited and manipulated by the participant. This means that the presentation of the motif may be manipulated in colour or composition (montage, collage, retouching etc.) to differ from the original motif. Re-sharpening and correction is also permitted.

4. Data Protection:
** The participant hereby grants the European Union a non-exclusive right to use the submitted photo free of any charge for non-commercial purposes for the European Union web page, social media platforms and printed publications.
** Participants must be able to provide proof of their identity, age and place of residence in such a way that the European Union can check and disqualify entries for any breach of the rules.

5. Selection of winner:
** Public Prize – Based on the maximum number of ‘likes’ on a photograph, the owners of the top 2 photographs will be declared as the ‘Climate Photo Prize’ winners.
** Jury Prize – The photographs will be judged by our special editorial committee, together with our photo editors. After selection, 2 photographs will be declared as the ‘ Climate Photo Jury Prize’ winners.

6. Award:
We love to encourage of winners of Photo Contest to keep clicking! That’s why, this time we will award our 4 winners with a Canon EOS 700D camera plus 18-55mm and 55-250mm Lens! Happy clicking!

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 5:20 PM

View Comments (15)

  • Please mention any e-mail id or web sites where to submit our photos on climate change. No information is given where to submit or send our photos on climate change

  • What is the actual deadline to submit the essay?
    One of the website mentions it as 15 September and another as 16th august. Which one is correct?

  • I have posted my photograpgh for the EU climate photo contest but on there Facebook page it is mentioned that deadline of this competition is 30th august but 17 sept is mentioned in the rules. So can you please confirm the time period of this competition?
    Thank You

    • Participants can post a maximum of 3 photographs which best illustrate how they feel about Climate Change.

  • I am doing my final year UG programme(Mechanical Engg.) at a private college in Tamil Nadu (India). I don't have a passport now. Whether I am eligible to participate in this contest?

    • The essay competition is open to students studying for an undergraduate (Bachelor's) degree or graduate (Master's) degree in a recognised institution of higher education whether public or private. M.Phil and Ph.D students are not eligible to take part in the competition. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map