NUALS CCPLaP National Essay Writing Competition 2015

Organization : The National University of Advanced Legal Studies
Competition Name : CCPLaP National Essay Writing Competition 2015
Applicable For : Full time LL.B. / LL.M. / P.G. Diploma (Law) Students of any College, University or Law School in India

Website :
Notification :

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CCPLaP National Essay Writing Competition 2015:

Centre for Consumer Protection Law and Policy at NUALS announces its First National Essay writing Competition on the topic “New consumer protection laws and policy – Notions of liability redefined?”

Last Date For Entries : 31st December 2015

Full time LL.B. / LL.M. / P.G. Diploma (Law) Students of any College, University or Law School in India may participate in the competition.

Entries of students from other Professional Programmes who study Law as a subject may also be accepted at the discretion of the organizers.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Submissions are to be made in electronic form only and are to be sent to
2. Each Essay is expected to be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 100 words.
3. The word limit for essay is set at 3000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
4. Essays along with abstract must be submitted before 31st December 2015.
5. Submission must contain a covering letter indicating name of the author(s), institution, e-mail id & contact number.
6. By submitting an essay, the author is presumed to undertake that the essay is an original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
7. Essays found plagiarized will be summarily rejected.
8. Co – authorship is allowed (maximum of 2 authors).

Formatting Guidelines:

1. All submissions must follow the Bluebook system of citation.
2. Submissions must be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing 1.5
3. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman with font size 10 and line spacing 1.
4. Submissions may be made in .doc/.docx/.odt formats only.

First Prize: Rs. 7,000/-
Second Prize: Rs. 3,500/-

For further details or queries, please email us at

This post was last modified on February 24, 2021 11:37 AM

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