Modern College of Law : MCL Online Essay Competition 2015

Organization : Modern College of Law
Competition Name : MCL Online Essay Competition 2015
Applicable For : Students of recognized colleges/universities
Submission Last Date : 18th Nov. 2015

Website :

MCL Online Essay Competition 2015:
The right to die is sometimes associated with the idea that one’s body and one’s life are one’s own, to dispose of as one sees fit. However, there is sometimes deemed to be a legitimate state interest in preventing irrational suicides. Pilpel and Amsel write, Contemporary proponents of ‘rational suicide’ or the ‘right to die’ usually demand by ‘rationality’ that the decision to kill oneself be both the autonomous choice of the agent (i.e., not due to the physician or the family pressuring them to ‘do the right thing’ and suicide) desired by liberals, and a ‘best option under the circumstances’ choice desired by the stoics or utilitarian, as well as other natural conditions such as the choice being stable, not an impulsive decision, not due to mental illness, achieved after due deliberation, etc.

Modern College of Law is conducting an essay writing competition for students of recognized colleges/universities. The aim of the Essay Writing Competition 2015 is spread of modern scientific education the medium of competition is English only. There is an entry fee Rs. 200 for the Essay Writing Competition and the participant has to send the essay in both the hard and soft copy. The selected essays will be published on our website with the name of the author. The best essays on each topic will be ranked winner who will be getting the free subscription of E magazine for six months. We hope more and more of you will participate for the Essay contest.

Essay Topic:
“Indian Judicial approach regarding right to Die”

Prize money :
First prize- Rs.1100
Second prize- Rs.551
Third prize- Rs.251
02 consolation prize-Rs.151

Method of Submission:
Submit an electronic copy of your manuscript; along with the hard copy till 18th Nov. 2015. Result will be declared on 26th Nov 2015. on account of Constitutional day. The manuscript must not bear any identification of the author

Procedure for Submission:
The papers will be submitted according to the date mentions in schedule at the address In case of any quarry please contact at 09711149736. Fees should be submitted by demand draft in the name of Modern College of Law payable at Ghaziabad must reach on or before 18 November 2015 on the address mentioned below along with the single side printed hard copy of the paper

Rules of Essay contest:
1. The essay should be sent in the word format with 12 font size. It should carry the name of the author and its e mail ID. Any other format of submission is not acceptable.
2. The essay should contain a declaration saying that it’s original content of the author and is not copied from anywhere.
3. If the essay is found to be copied it will be rejected and senders ID will be blocked.
4. Modern College of Law reserves the Copyright of the essays; however in case of copyright infringement (copied matter) Modern College of Law is not liable for it.
5. Modern College of Law reserves the right to edit the essay for clarity of language, grammar and space in case of publication in E magazine.
6. One person can send only one essay for one topic it’s advised to go through the essay carefully before sending it once and finally. More than one entry can also be send from the same College
7. The Essay must be between 1000 and 1500 words.
8. Please send your entries much before the Last Date
9. Certificates shall be issued all the participants

All manuscripts must be addressed to:
The Coordinator Modern College of Professional Studies
431, Anand Industrial Estate Mohan Nagar,
Ghaziabad Pin-201007

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