Epoch NMO 2019-20 National Mathematics Olympiad : epocholympiad.org

Organisation : Epoch Olympiad Foundation
Olympiad Name : NMO 2019 National Mathematics Olympiad
Applicable For : Students studying in classes I to XII
Date of Exam : 18/12/2019
Website : http://www.epocholympiad.org/Home/Exams/#NMO

Epoch National Mathematics Olympiad

The NMO (National Mathematics Olympiad) is a means to identify and encourage the creativity of a child in mathematics. The problems in this exam seem simple and elementary but to solve them require creative ability and deep thinking.

Related / Similar Olympiad : Epoch National Mathematics Olympiad 2020

Key Facts:
The First International Competition was organized by Romania in 1959 and it gave birth to the present day Olympiad Examinations.

Result :
First level result of National Talent Search Test has been declared. Kindly check all the spellings and if there is/are any mistake(s), kindly write to us within 7 days from 28th December 2019.

Exam Schedule 2019-20

Schedule of Olympiad exams for 2019-20 is as under:

Olympiad: NMO
Exam Date: 18 December 2019
Day: Wednesday

2ND Level (Final) Exams
** 2nd level exam will be held in the last week of march or first Sunday of April 2020.
** Students who get A.I.R. upto 400 in the first level exams, will qualify in the final (2nd) level.
** 2nd level qualifier will have to pay a nominal fee.


Students (CBSE/ICSE/All State Board) studying in classes I to XII can appear in NTST.

Structure of the exam

** There will be two levels for this exam. Centre for level-1 will be student’s own school where as level-2 exam will be decided by our organization.
** There will be a separate question paper for each class. All questions will objective-type with single correct choice and no negative marking for wrong answers.

Class Section No. of Questions Marks per Questions Total Marks
1 to 4 Logical Reasoning (S-1) 5 4 20
Mathematical Reasoning (S-2) 10 3 30
Everyday Mathematics(S-3) 10 2 20
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) (S-4) 5 6 30
Grand Total 30 100
5 To 12 Logical Reasoning (S-1) 10 2 20
Mathematical Reasoning(S-2) 10 1 10
Everyday Mathematics(S-3) 25 2 50
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) (S-4) 5 4 20
Grand Total 50 100


CBSE/ICSE & State Board syllabus will be followed for setting the question paper. A syllabus for each class is being to sent by our co-ordinator. The school’s Incaharge teacher is requested to give a photocopy of the syllabus to interested students.

Registration Procedure

Information cum Application Forms will be made to available to interested school. Students who wish to enroll should fill in the application form. The duly filled in application form should be submitted to school/ exam Incharge with exam fee.


A nominal participation fee will be charged from each interested student. For details see the application form.


The merit list of the successful students from each class for level- 1 will be declared after 8 weeks from the receipt of answer sheets. It will be sent to the respective schools, registered mobile number & will also be displayed on our website.

Tie of Marks:
** In case of preparation of merit list, if two students studying in same class get same marks, then higher weightage will be given to S-4, S-1, S-3 sections respectively
** In case of tie in above case, interview may conducted to determine ranks. In the first level more than one student can get same ranking.


1st level Scholarship Details:
All Prizes are on Your All India Rank (A. I. R.)

For classes I to XII:
** 1st Rank – Scholarship of Rs. 10,000 (in each class) + Gold Medal + Certificate
** 2nd Rank – Scholarship of Rs. 5,000 (in each class) + Silver Medal + Certificate
** 3rd Rank – Scholarship of Rs. 2,500 (in each class) + Bronze Medal + Certificate
** Rank 4 to 10 – Scholarship of Rs. 1,000 (in each class) + Certificate
** Rank 11 to 50 – Scholarship of Rs. 5,00 (in each class) + Certificate
** Rank 51 to 100 – Dictionary (in each class) + Certificate
** Rank 101 to 200 – Mementoes (in each class) + Certificate
** Rank 201 onwards – Certificate of Appreciation

# Medals are plated Gold/Silver/Bronze as applicable
Note – Top 400 Rank Holders will Qualify for the 2nd Level from each class.

2nd level Scholarship Details:
For classes I to XII:
** 1st Rank – Scholarship of Rs. 50,000 (in each class) + TABLET + Gold Medal
** 2nd Rank – Scholarship of Rs. 25,000 (in each class) + TABLET + Silver Medal
** 3rd Rank – Scholarship of Rs. 10,000 (in each class) + TABLET + Bronze Medal
** Rank 4 to 10 – TABLET (in each class) + Certificate of Merit
** Rank 11 to 20 – Scholarship of Rs. 1000 (in each class) + Certificate of Merit
** Rank 21 to 50 – Scholarship of Rs. 500 (in each class) + Certificate of Merit
** Rank 51 to 100 – Encyclopedia (in each class) + Certificate of Merit
** Rank 101 to 150 – Gold Plated Shield (in each class) + Certificate of Merit
** Rank 151 onwards – Certificate of Merit

1st Time:
Class Topper Medal to the First Three Class Topper (with minimum 15 participants in each class) in both the levels.


Epoch Olympiad Foundation
Singhpur Tiraha, Bithoor Road Kalyanpur,
Kanpur (U.P.) – 208017

Helpline Number : 9807714979
Email : info@epocholympiad.org

This post was last modified on June 15, 2021 6:02 PM

Categories: Olympiad

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