CBSE 2018-19 Inter-School Sports & Games Competitions :

Organisation : Central Board of Secondary Education
Contest Name : CBSE Inter-School Sports & Games Competitions 2018-19
Applicable For : CBSE Students
Students Registration Last Date : 10.08.2018
Website :

CBSE Inter-School Sports Competition

Sports activities help students to stay healthy and fit contributing to overall wellbeing. The Board has been conducting sports events for the schools affiliated under independent category at Cluster/ Zonal and National level every year.

Presently, sports and games competitions are being held in various age-groups for boys and girls. An online system has been introduced for inviting proposals for hosting sports events and for applying to participate in sports events.

Online Proposal & Registration

Online Proposal by Schools for Organizing Sports Events:
Schools wishing to host any of the competitions at Cluster/ Zonal or National Level in any of the disciplines, may apply online by clicking link ‘Sports’ available on CBSE websites ( and

Offline entry shall NOT be accepted. The link “Apply to Organize” may be clicked for filling online form. The Username and Password will be same as used by the schools for LOC Submission for class X/XII Examination.

The schools must ensure that they have all the facilities befitting to organize the sports events, preferably as per specifications of infrastructure available on website of SAI (Sports Authority of India) at the following link:

Online Registration of Players for Participation in CBSE Sports Events:
Schools intending to sponsor their students/ teams for participation in CBSE sports events may register their students/ teams online by filling the online form available at above mentioned link and click “Register Student” and then click “Apply to Participate”.

Register/Apply Here :

The schools may use the same Username and Password as mentioned in point no.1 above. Offline entry shall NOT be accepted. It may be noted that for new students; both the steps (‘Register a Student’ and ‘Apply to Participate’) are mandatory.

However, for those students who were registered last year, only the 2nd step (Apply to Participate) is required. Their previous year’s Registration Number will be used for this year also. But, these students must upload their recent photographs online before applying to participate.

Schedule of Activities

List of Games & Age Groups

The listed 24 games, Age-groups at Cluster/ Zonal and National level are given in Annexure – A & B.

Download Annexures Here :


** Board provides grant to schools for organizing sports events. (Rs.2,00,000/- for Cluster/ Zone level and Rs.3,00,000/- for National level).
** Sports equipments such as shuttle-cock, tennis ball, football, volleyball and basketball etc. will be arranged by the host schools.
** They may purchase/ hire equipments at their own and meet expenditure out of CBSE grant.
** No extra payment will be given by CBSE.

Annual Sports Fee

** Independent private schools are required to remit Rs.10,000/- as Annual Sports Fee at the time of depositing registration fee online with LOC (List of Candidates).
** No other mode like Cheque/ DD shall be accepted in this regard.
** The Sports Fee should not be sent to Sports-Cell, CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi or to CBSE Regional Office in any case.
** The Sports Fee would be automatically added in online fee at the time of registration of class IX/X/XI/XII students in the month of September/ October.
** So, the schools are not required to send Sports Fee separately.

CBSE National Level Sports Events

Participation of winners and/ or Runner-ups of Cluster/ Zone level in CBSE National Sports Events will be as per following:

a. Winner & First Runner-up:
Winner & First Runner-up individuals/ teams of following sports events will participate in CBSE Nationals in each category and age-group separately:

** Athletics (Individual events), Table-Tennis, Badminton, Judo, Skating,
** Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, Football-Girls, Chess (02 top teams),
** Rifle-Shooting (Top 02 teams & 05 top individuals), Boxing and Archery

B. Winners Only:
In case of team-events of Athletics, Basketball, Football-Boys, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Handball and Hockey, only the Winner teams will participate in CBSE Nationals.

The above rule regarding participation at National Level shall also be applicable to all Foreign Zones/ Clusters/ Schools w.e.f. session 2018-19 onwards.

All Independent category private schools affiliated to the Board are requested to take note of the above and participate accordingly in sports competitions.

Contact/ Helpdesk

The schools may contact Dr. Manjit Singh, Sports Cell, CBSE at or for any further query.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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