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McGAN McDESIGN 2015 Competition : Ooty School of Fashion & Design

Organization : McGAN Ooty School of Fashion & Design
Competition Name : McDESIGN 2015 Design Competition
Applicable For : 11th and 12th Std Students Studying in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telungana, Karnataka, Kerala and Puducherry
Registration Last Date : 22.11.2015

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Website : http://www.mcgansfashiondesign.com/
McDESIGN ‘15 Registration : https://mcgansfashiondesign.com/
McDESIGN ‘15 Details: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/3613-mcdesigns.pdf

McDESIGN ‘15 Design Competition:

The objective of the McDESIGN ’15 is to create awareness of the social and environmental issues among the students by means of exploring new ideas, innovation and creativity and enable the participants to remain competitive. The Design competition is a freestyle competition open to 11th and 12th Std. students of all southern states.

In view of the unprecedented torrential rain and devastating flood in Tamil Nadu, the dates for the design contest have been extended as detailed below :
1. Online Registration extended upto : 8th January 2016
2. Online General ability Test and Creative Ability Test extended upto : 10th January 2016
3. Announcement of Result of Online Test : 14th January 2016
4. Final on the spot design contest at Ooty : Sunday, 24th January 2016 FN (For short listed candidates)
5. Result Declaration and Award function at Ooty : Sunday, 24th January 2016 AN

Terms and Condition:

1. Students studying in 11th and 12th classes in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala and Puducherry are eligible to participate in the competition.
2. The Drawing/Designs should be uploaded in to the web portal. The resolution of the scanned image shall be 80, and its size shall be lesser than 10 MB.
3. The work shall be the original one and not presented anywhere. Do not submit inappropriate content. Do not post anything which is offensive, hateful, racist, sexist, discriminatory, obscene, vulgar or in violation of local or international laws. Be kind, be social; do not send images which could create the feeling of disgust, fear or despair. Make sure your submission creates positive feelings when evaluated.
4.No Copyright-Infringing Material: This is a major aspect, and your entry will get eliminated automatically if you use copyright-infringing material.
5. The evaluation of the contest will be done by a Jury comprising eminent personalities and their decision shall be final.
6. The on the spot final round design contest will be conducted at McGAN’S Ooty School of Fashion & Design, Ooty, The Nilgiris 643 002.

Who Can Participate:
The students studying in 11th and 12th Std. in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala and Puducherry.

How To Participate:

The contest will have following steps

Step I:
Registration : the interested students are required to register their name and other details in the mcgansfashiondesign.com website . On registering, the students will be getting a confirmation mail with login details.

Step II:
Draw a design in any one of the following title, and keep it ready for uploading
a. Design a pictorial warning for cigarette smoking
b. Sketch a design for a south Indian bride (bridal ware of any state)
c. Draw an image describing the importance of protection of our globe.
d. Sketch a saree pallu using floral designs

1. Students are requested to use A4 white Chart paper for drawing.
2. The colours are optional

Step III:
Online objective test and uploading the Design:
The students shall be required to attend a objective test (online) and upload the design which they would have drawn already. The objective test shall be for 30 minutes duration. The questions will be asked generally to test the general ability of the students in the areas of fashion and general knowledge.

Step IV:
The list of selected students in the above test will be communicated in the web site.

Step V:
Final round – on the spot design contest:
The short listed students shall be required to participate in the final round of design contest on 27.12.2015 FN at the campus of McGAN’S Ooty School of Fashion & Design, Ooty, The Nilgiris. In the final round the students will be given a topic on which they have to draw. The evaluation will be done by a jury comprising eminent designers.

Announcement of result and award
The results of the design contest will be announced and the awards will be presented to the winners on 27.12.2015 AN.

Registration Fee:

No Registration Fee

Schedule of Contest:
1. Online Registration from 6.11.2015 to 22.11.2015
2. Online General ability Test and Creative Ability Test from 25.11.2015 to 29.11.2015
3. Announcement of Result of Online Test – 06.12.2015.
4. Final on the spot contest 27.12.2015 FN (For short listed candidates)
5. Result Declaration and Award function 27.12.2015 AN


First Prize: Cash award of Rs.50, 000 + Certificate
Second Prize: Cash award of Rs.25, 000 + Certificate
Third Prize: Cash award of Rs .10, 000 + Certificate
Participation certificate for all Participants for the final on the spot contest.

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  1. Jegan

    McGAN’S Ooty School of Fashion & Design : Admission open for academic year 2016

    B.Des. & M.Des.

  2. S.Kannan

    Dear sir,
    We received your mail regarding results of On line test. But results are yet to be posted in your website.
    In your earlier communication, the final on the spot examination was scheduled on 27th Dec 2015, but I understand that it is postponed to 24th Jan. Can you please post the results as well as these info with clarity to enable participation of long distance commuters like us.

  3. pranavi

    Can I know exactly when the results are going to be declared?

  4. pranavi

    When will the results be announced for MCdesign2015?

    1. Admin

      Result Declaration and Award function 27.12.2015 AN

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