Organisation : Sony LIV
Program Name : KBC 2019 Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 11
Applicable For : Citizen of India residing in India
Website :
Sony LIV Kaun Banega Crorepati
“Kaun Banega Crorepati” is a quiz based game show primarily in Hindi language which is being produced by BIG Synergy Media Limited on Sony Entertainment Television channel.
Related / Similar Contest : KBC Season 12 Registration

Who Can Participate?
Any person(s) who participates in the Competition and who
(i) is above eighteen (18) years of age as on May 01, 2019;
(ii) is a citizen of India residing in India
(iii) is of sound mind and health
How To Participate?
Contestants can register his/her number to participate in the audition via SMS (or) IVR (or) App.
Level 1
One Competition question having four multiple choice answer options will be aired each day during the promotions of the Show for select mobile telephone subscribers (Airtel/ / BSNL/ Idea/ Reliance/ Vodafone/ Jio), excluding any calls made from a public call office (PCO) and users that register using the SonyLIV application available on iOS and Android platforms through the methods stated in point 5 below i.e. a total of ten (10) unique questions will be asked during the First Round Period.
The promotions will be aired inviting all viewers to register for the Competition. The telephone lines and the mobile phone lines, SMS acceptance, and online and mobile app acceptance for each question of the First Round Period and SMS, shall be open for the next twenty four (24) hours i.e. beginning from 8:30:00 PM (IST) to next day 8:29:59 PM (IST) only every day during the First Round Period.
Mode of Participation :
To participate in the Competition, the Registrant has to give the correct answer by choosing the correct option and sending the Entry in the manner prescribed in the grid below and as stated in the promotions of the Show
The SMS rates for participation are as follows:
For 509093– Upto Rs 3/- per SMS
The IVR rates for participation are as follows:
For 5052525 – Upto Rs6.99 for a 60 second pulse
Telecom Operators:
The shortcode 509093 is available on the following operators- Airtel, BSNL, Idea, Reliance, Jio & Vodafone in select circles
Answer Through SMS
SMS KBC<Space>A/B/C/D<Space><Age><Space><Gender (M/F/O) to 509093
For e.g. : KBC A 24 M
a. The following data fields will be stored
(1) Number from which SMS is received
(2) Message
(3) date of receipt
(4) time of receipt
(5) response sent (valid/invalid)
b. In case of error in SMS format, the response message will read on the lines of “Invalid format. SMS KBC<Space>A/B/C/D<Space><Age><Space><Gender (M/F/O)> to 509093. TnCs on Up to Rs. 3/ SMS.”
c. The acknowledgement message for entries sent in the prescribed format will read on the lines of as “Thanks for registration. If selected, KBC SONY Team will contact you in 5 days. TnCs on Up to Rs. 3/ SMS.”
Answer Through IVR
Dial : 5052525 01-04
If any of the information requested during the IVR is not provided by the Registrant(s) as per the instructions of IVR within four (4) seconds then the instruction will be repeated once again, after which also if the answer is not received for further four (4) seconds then a termination message will be played and the call will end.
If answer is not received in the correct format, or is not from amongst the acceptable answer options, the question will be repeated once again; if an invalid response is received a second time, then a call termination message will be played and the call will end.
On answering as per the format, the Registrant will be asked to confirm his/her entry or re-enter his /her response. If a Registrant does not confirm the answer entered by him/her the second time, termination message will be played and the call will end.
Answer Through App
Follow the steps to participate using SonyLIV application available on iOS and Android platforms (available on data-enabled handsets, subject to available data networks, for further details, please contact your service provider)
1. Download the SonyLIV application from the application store. Please note, the application download is free of cost, however data charges may apply. For further details please contact your service provider.
2. Please enter your email ID and mobile number. Please note that we will be able to get in touch with you only if the mobile number you have input is registered with the service provider in India.
3. Please select your age from the options provided. Please note that only those Registrants will be considered for participation in the show who have completed 18 years of age as on May 01, 2019.
4. Please choose your gender between Male, Female and Others
5. Please select your answer option (A/B/C/ D)
Download App Here :
Apple App Store : Play Store:
The game will be available on the App as per the following schedule
Ep No. | Date when PAG is available for playing
1. 19th August 2019
2. 20th August, 2019
3. 21st August, 2019
4. 22nd August, 2019
5. 23rd August, 2019
6. 26th August, 2019
7. 27th August, 2019
8. 28th August, 2019
9. 29th August, 2019
10. 30th August, 2019
11. 2nd September, 2019
12. 3rd September, 2019
13. 4th September, 2019
14. 5th September, 2019
15. 6th September, 2019
16. 9th September, 2019
17. 10th September, 2019
18. 11th September, 2019
19. 12th September, 2019
20. 13th September, 2019
21. 16th September, 2019
22. 17th September, 2019
23. 18th September, 2019
24. 19th September, 2019
25. 20th September, 2019
26. 23rd September, 2019
27. 24th September, 2019
28. 25th September, 2019
29. 26th September, 2019
30. 27th September, 2019
31. 30th September, 2019
32. 1st October, 2019
33. 2nd October, 2019
34. 3rd October, 2019
35. 4th October, 2019
36. 7th October, 2019
37. 8th October, 2019
38. 9th October, 2019
39. 10th October, 2019
40. 11th October, 2019
41. 14th October, 2019
42. 15th, October, 2019
43. 16th October, 2019
44. 17th October, 2019
45. 18th October, 2019
46. 21st October, 2019
47. 22nd October, 2019
48. 23rd October, 2019
49. 24th October, 2019
50. 25th October, 2019
51. 28th October, 2019
52. 29th October, 2019
53. 30th October, 2019
54. 31st October, 2019
55. 1st November, 2019
56. 4th November, 2019
57. 5th November, 2019
58. 6th November, 2019
59. 7th November, 2019
60. 8th November, 2019
61. 11th November, 2019
62. 12th November, 2019
63. 13th November, 2019
64. 14th November, 2019
65. 15th November, 2019
66. 18th November, 2019
67. 19th November, 2019
68. 20th November, 2019
69. 21st November, 2019
70. 22nd November, 2019
71. 25th November, 2019
72. 26th November, 2019
73. 27th November, 2019
74. 28th November, 2019
75. 29th November, 2019
A total of approximately 17,990 valid correct entries will be selected by the randomizer software from all entries received during the First Round Period
Call Back
A total of approximately 17,990 valid correct entries of the Registrants received from the First Round Period will be called-back by telephone on the number used for registration as per the details available with the Company.
Channel and Company are not responsible if the call-back is not successful due to including but not limited to the following reasons:
a) Line being busy
b) Congestion on the network
c) No answer received
d) Poor call conditions / unclear reception
e) Number engaged
f) Call drop
g) Other reasons that could render a call unsuccessful or terminate it.
The selected Registrants will receive calls from the call centre executives (“CCE”) and the selected Registrants must confirm the details required by the call centre executives (“CCE”) immediately. The CCE will ask the Registrant to confirm if he/she has sent the entry for participation in the Competition.
Level 3 – Individual
On successful completion of Level 1 and Level 2, all selected Registrants will be evaluated and shortlisted by the randomizer on pre-defined reservation criteria, and approximately 2,510 Registrants for First Round Period will be selected to attend the Audition venue asAuditionees.
The CCE will notify such selected Registrants for Auditions by telephone and will confirm their details (age & address) before proceeding further.
Documents Required
In the event the Registrant is available, the CCE will ask the Registrants to carry with them the following documents:
1) 4 recent passport sized color photographs of the Auditionee
2) For valid name proof (any one of the following):
1. PAN Card along with Birth certificate
2. Passport
3. Voter ID or
4. Driver’s License
5. UID / Aadhar card
3) For Valid address proof (any one of the following):
1. Landline Phone / Electricity Bill
2. Passport
3. Voter ID
4. Driver’s License or
5. Ration card
6. UID / Aadhar card
4) 2 recent passport sized color photographs each of four Phone A Friend Candidate(s). The Phone A Friend Candidate(s) must be above 18 years of age as on May 01, 2019, residing in India and of Indian nationality.
The timings for registration of Auditionees will be intimated, and cannot be changed or modified to suit Auditionee’s requirements.
The Auditionees will have to be present at the allotted Audition venue on the date and time allotted to such respective Auditionees alongwith the documents and photographs required (both in original and attested photocopy).
The Auditionees will have to go through entrance test which comprises of two rounds viz. Written Test and Video Audition. If the Auditionees fail to complete both the Written Test and Video Audition then he/she shall be disqualified from further participation.
Written Test For Individuals
** The Auditionees will be seated in a hall for the entrance test
** The doors to the room will shut at 9.00 am or at such time as the Company may decide in its sole discretion. Auditionees arriving later than such time will not be eligible for participation in the Auditions.
** There will be a screen which will display a recording asking ten (10) multiplechoice questions
** The Auditionees will be given a certain fixed amount of time to fill out their answer options (A / B / C / D), on their answer sheet, before the next question is asked.
** In the event the answer sheet is lost, unreadable, incomplete or untraceable eg, the Auditionee’s name / number is not mentioned on it, such Auditionee may be disqualified
Video Audition
** Each of the Auditionees will have to undergo a personal interview
** The Video Auditions will be taped for future reference by the Company/Producer
** In the event of any unforeseen loss of recordings, Producers at its own discretion may request Auditionees to appear for a repeat Audition session
** The Producer and Company reserve the right to increase / decrease / alter the number of Auditionees at any audition centre
The dates for any subsequent rounds of Auditions will be subsequently informed to the relevant shortlisted Auditionees.
** Two member jury i.e. one representative each from Synergy and the Company will evaluate all the Auditionees on the basis of the answer sheets and the recorded footages of the Video Audition of the Auditionees.
** Shortlisted Auditionees from this evaluation round will be evaluated by the 2nd evaluation jury.
** The 2nd evaluation shall be performed by a three member jury i.e. one representative each from Synergy, the Company and an independent member.
** Two lists of Participants will be selected for the Fastest Finger First round, out of which one list of Participants will be used for replacement purposes.
** Also, 10 Auditionees will be shortlisted from Mumbai as “stand-bys” in order to replace any confirmed shortlisted Auditionee who is a “no-show” on the day of the shoot.
T&C Apply :
This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 5:03 PM