Star Vijay TV Kings of Comedy Juniors Season 2 Audition & Registration :

Organisation : Vijay TV
Contest Name : Kings of Comedy Juniors Season 2 Audition
Applicable For : Children age between Three to Twelve years
Audition Last Date : 20/06/2018
Website :

Vijay TV Kings of Comedy Juniors Audition

Kings Of Comedy Juniors is a Tamil comic reality show on Star Vijay. It will have kids make you laugh with their funny acts.

Related : Star Vijay TV 10th Annual Awards Voting 2018 :

After a huge success of season 1, the stand-up comedy reality show back with Kings of Comedy Juniors Season 2 Audition.

Who Can Participate?

1. The Contest is strictly open to Contestant(s) of age between Three (03) to Twelve (12) years and residents and citizen of any of the jurisdictions included in the Territory during the Period of the Auditions.
2. The Contestant(s) must know to speak in Tamil language.
3. The Contestant(s) must participate in the Contest only as an individual.

Auditions Levels

Auditions shall collectively mean and comprise of the On Ground Auditions, Tapes/ CD Auditions and Digital Auditions to be conducted inter alia in the mode and manner as detailed and set out herein during the Audition Period which the Participant(s) is required to qualify and pass for participating in the Program.

Tapes/ CD Auditions

Tapes/ CD Auditions means different levels comprising of Level 1 of the selection process of the Auditions as detailed herein, to be conducted inter alia in the manner as set out herein during the Audition Period which the Participant(s) is required to qualify for the further Levels and pass for participating in the Program.

Digital Auditions

Digital Auditions means different levels comprising of Level 1 of the selection process of the Auditions as detailed herein, to be conducted inter alia in the manner as set out herein during the Audition Period which the Participant(s) is required to qualify for the further Levels and pass for participating in the Program.

On Ground Auditions

On ground Auditions means different levels comprising of collectively Level 1, 2 and 3 of the selection process of the Auditions as detailed herein, to be conducted inter alia at the Audition Center(s) during the Audition Period which the Participant(s) is required to qualify and pass for participating in the Program.

Audition Centre

Audition Centre for on ground auditions in level 1 means locations in any of the cities/towns

Zones :
** Chennai
** Coimbatore
** Trichy
** Madurai

Selection Process

The selection and shortlisting process for the Auditions shall be conducted as detailed below for each Level of the Auditions. For the sake of clarity, a Participant cannot enter the Auditions without undergoing the process at each Level.

Level I – On Ground Audition

The Auditions for the on ground auditions shall be conducted at the Audition Centre in the manner as detailed below:

Procedure To Register

The VTPL shall promote the registration through on-air promos, online and any other manner as the VTPL may deem fit, at its sole discretion, stating the mechanism in which the Contestant(s) can participate in the Program.

Registration process will be at the Audition Centre :
To register and to participate in the Contest, the interested Contestant(s) shall

(a) Have a unique registration code provided to him /her at the Audition Centre

(b) Fill and execute a registration form at the Audition Centre and duly submit all personal information as may be required to be submitted by them on the registration form in a manner and form, as requested and /or prescribed therein

(c) Submit necessary indemnity proving documentation at the respective Audition Centre.

Audition by CD

** During the Audition Period as set out hereinabove, the interested Participants shall make a recording of him / her comedy performance  on a CD of any format whatsoever

** The Audio Video should start with an introduction which includes the name of the Participant, name of the city/town that they hail from, name of the school and the contact number followed by the Act.

** The Act shall not exceed 2 minutes. For better clarification, the introductory part and the Act shall not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

The Audio Video shall be sent to the following address:
Executive Producer
Kings of Comedy Juniors Season 2,
Post-box No.8484,
Chennai- 600 034.

Audition By Mobile Phone (or) Email

** During the Audition Period as set out hereinabove, The interested Participants shall make a recording of him / her comedy performance (“Act”) on a mobile phone or email.

** The Video should start with an introduction which includes the name of the Participant, name of the city/town that they hail from, name of the school and the contact number followed by the Act.

** The Act shall not exceed 2 minutes. For better clarification, the introductory part and the Act shall not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

The Video shall be sent to the following mobile number:
+919789099188 (or)

Based on the evaluations of the Audio Video(s) by the panel, the shortlisted Participants(s) shall be selected for Level 2.

Level 2 Audition

Participant  and natural/legal guardian of the Participant shortlisted at Level 1 through the on ground auditions, digital auditions and /or CD auditions on the basis of the criteria set out above, shall be required to be present in the Audition Centre at the main Audition Centre which will be in Chennai on specific dates as decided by VTPL and intimated to the Participants.

Level 3 Audition

Participant and natural/legal guardian of the Participant shortlisted at Level 2 and attended the worship session or training session, shall be required to be present in the Audition Centre for Level 3 on the day and time specified by VTPL.

If the Participant(s) fails to attend the Audition at the venue on the date and time as informed by VTPL, the Entry of the Participant(s) will be deemed invalid and VTPL shall be free to select the next deserving participant in place of such disqualified Participant .

Level 3 will be held in Chennai as intimated to the Participants by VTPL and /or the Production, either orally or written at the Audition Centre The Participant(s) shall be evaluated by the judges of the Program appointed by VTPL at its discretion.

The Judges panel will judge the Participant(s) on the basis of their performance and such other criteria as may be determined by VTPL in its sole discretion.

Audition Period

The Auditions Period for the various modes of auditions at Level 1 shall be as follows

For on ground : From 19/05/2018 till 20/06/2018
For digital : From 14/05/2018 till 20/06/2018

This post was last modified on May 11, 2022 12:00 PM

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