Godrej Appliances Selfie Contest 2015

Organization : Godrej Appliances
Competition Name : Selfie Contest 2015
Applicable To : Everyone
Competition Last Date : 22nd November 2015

Website : http://godrejappliances.com/GodrejAppliances/theSelfieContest.html
Enter Now: facebook.com/GodrejAppliances/

Selfie Contest 2015:
Fancy winning a Godrej Appliance?

Just send us a selfie from a Kohinoor store next to you with your favorite appliance, your name and mention what you like the most about it and Whatsapp it to 9167555600 and stand a chance to win a Godrej Microwave Oven worth Rs. 10,000!

Terms and Condition for The Selfie Contest:
** The Selfie with Godrej Appliances competition (the “Competition”) is open to everyone (“You”).
** By entering the Competition you are accepting these terms and conditions.
** To enter this competition anyone can click a picture with any one or multiple Godrej Appliances that are available display at Kohinoor Televideo Pvt Ltd stores in Mumbai and Thane district only. A participant would have to send the clicked picture over Whatsapp to +91 9167555600.
** The entries shall be valid only from 26th October 2015 to 22nd November 2015. Entries received after 22nd November 2015 will not be considered. However, the offer can be extended at the sole discretion of Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. through its Appliances Division (“Godrej”).
** A panel of judges, chosen at the discretion of Godrej, will choose the winning entry. The judge(s)’ decision shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
** By submitting an entry to the Competition, you give to Godrej, the right to use your selfie on any promotional merchandise or marketing material or online, in any manner whatsoever, at their discretion.
** The winner will receive a prize as stated below but will not receive any kind of compensation for the use of their selfie. The prize for the winning entry would be a Godrej Microwave Oven worth INR 12,750. (MRP)
** The winner will be announced on facebook.com/GodrejAppliances by 30th November 2015.
** The date, venue and time of collecting the prizes will be communicated to the winner separately.
** The responsibility of collecting the prize(s) rests with the You only.
** Your entry must be your own work, must not be copied and must not otherwise be obscene, defamatory or in breach of any applicable legislation or regulations. If Godrej or Sales India has reason to believe that your entry is not your own work then it may not be considered at the sole discretion of Godrej.
** You shall indemnify and hold Godrej harmless of any action, cost or loss incurred by Godrej by reason of violation of (10) hereinabove.
** Godrej reserves the right to modify, cancel, extend, or discontinue the Competition without giving any reason or prior notice.
** All disputes related to this offer shall be subject to the laws of India and jurisdiction of Mumbai courts subject to arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by Godrej.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:55 PM

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