Mentors Eduserv METRE 2015 Talent Reward Exam

Organization : Mentors Eduserv
Competition Name : METRE 2015 Mentors Eduserv Talent Reward Exam
Applicable For : Students presently in Class VIII, IX, X, XI, XII & XII PASSED and aspiring for JEE/ PMT/ NTSE/ KVPY/ OLYMPIAD
Registration Last Date : 20th November, 2015

Website :


Mentors Eduserv, an organization whose roots of inception emanated from a noble idea of providing quality education to each and every student aspiring to succeed in JEE MAIN, JEE ADVANCED, AIIMS, AIPMT, NTSE, KVPY, OLYMPIAD and other Competitive Examinations at State, National & International levels.

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Resonance Eduventures Student Talent Reward Test 2015 :

I am extremely delighted to convey that Mentors Eduserv has been able to accomplish the task of serving students’ community (especially Bihar) with unique expertise and has fulfilled the aspirations of several students. Our results of JEE-2015 are Best in Eastern India.

Test Date : 20-Dec-2015
Test Timing : 1PM to 4PM
Reporting Time : 12PM
The students selected for METRE Stage-2 Exam has been sent the SMS regarding Stage-2 Test Centre and Test Timing. In case if a student has not received any selection/non-selection SMS, then he can see the results on our website / on 19th December 2015 after 12PM.
While coming for METRE Stage-2 Exam, student should carry his/her Admit Card pasted with photograph. The Admit Card of Stage-1 is treated as Stage-2 Admit Card.
The student should carry the SMS of selection for STAGE-2 Exam.
The student should carry the photocopy and original photo ID proof (School ID Card / Board Registration Card / Copy of School Diary Page on which photo is pasted). The photocopy is to be submitted to the Exam Co-ordinator / Invigilator during exam.
Must read the instructions carefully given on the back side of your Admit Card.

Note : The students who are not selected can prepare and appear for our Admission cum Scholarship Test to be held on 27-Dec-2015 and 03-Jan-2016.

To maximize the reach of our noble and dedicated efforts towards student’s welfare, we started Mentors Eduserv Talent Reward Exam (METRE) in 2014. After getting grand response and success in 2014, I am delighted to announce METRE 2015. The main aim of METRE is to recognize sincere, bright and ambitious students and transform their Potentials into Excellent Performance. This is accomplished with the support of our exceptional expertise and an efficient academic system which has facilitated thousands of students in turning their aspirations into achievements.

For students presently in Class VIII, IX, X, XI, XII & XII PASSED and aspiring for JEE/ PMT/ NTSE/ KVPY/ OLYMPIAD

Procedure for Registration Process:

Offline registration:
** Please collect Registration form from nearest Mentors Eduserv centre. You can also download the registration form from our website
** Fill the Registration form carefully and completely.
** Attach the following documents with the filled registration form
** Four recent coloured passport size photographs.
** Photocopy of School photo ID or photocopy of school diary page on which your photo is pasted or Admit Card (having your photograph) of the last attended School or of Board Exam.
** Self attested copy of Mark Sheet of last attended class.

Registration Fee :
** Demand Draft/Pay Order for the registration Fee of Rs. 200/- in favour of Mentors Eduserv payable at Patna if you are submitting the Registration form by post.
** Registration fee of Rs. 200/– is to be paid in Cash at Corporate office or at Kankarbagh branch office, if you are submitting the Registration form in person.
** Submit the filled registration form with the above mentioned attachments and registration fee in person at Mentors Eduserv Centre or send it by post or courier to the corporate office.

Corporate Office:
Mentors Eduserv,
3rd floor, Parus Lok Commercial Complex,
Boring Road Crossing, Patna- 800001

Online registration:
** Please log on to our website
** Click on ‘Metre Registration‘ Link and fill the personal details and academic details carefully and completely.
** Must attach your recent Photograph, Signature and Documents.
** Pay the registration fee of Rs.200/- only using any bank’s Credit card/ Debit card or Net Banking.
** After successful transaction you will receive unique USER ID and Password at your registered email id and registered mobile number . Please remember this unique USER ID and Password for all future purposes like Admit Card download, knowing your results etc.

Online registration and Payment facility is available at many cyber café (Computer Centres) in your city.

Registration for Mentors Eduserv Students:
** Please collect Registration form from Mentors Eduserv Centre. You can also download the registration form from our website
** Fill the Registration form carefully and completely.
** Attach the following documents with the filled registration form
** a. 4 recent coloured passport size photographs.
** b. Photocopy of Mentors Eduserv I-card and Photocopy of latest fee receipt
** Registration fee: Registration fee of Rs. 100/- is to be paid in Cash at Corporate office or at kankarbagh branch office.
** Submit the filled registration form with the above mentioned attachments and registration fee in person at Corporate office or Kankarbagh branch office.

This post was last modified on February 25, 2022 12:24 AM

Categories: Talent Search Exam

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