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CPS Olympiads 2018-19 IT/Maths/Science/English/SSG/IQ/Hindi : cpsolympiads.org

Organisation : Competition Promotion Society
Contest Name : CPS IT/Maths/Science/English/SSG/IQ/Hindi Olympiads 2018-19
Applicable For : Students From Class 1st to 12th
Registration Last Date : 29th September and 31st October 2018
Website : https://www.cpsolympiad.org/

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CPS Olympiads

Registration for CPS Olympiads for Session 2018-2019 has been started.

Related/ Similar Contest : CPS Olympiads 2019-20

Competitive Exams

IT Whizkid Olympiad:
Our exam on computer science gives students the right impetus by providing an unique platform to start achieving from the very beginning of a student’s academic career. They can find new arenas of information technology with every passing day by taking part in this examination.

Math Wizard Olympiad:
This is an exam pertaining to a student’s aptitude in the subject and problem solving skill. It is observed that despite being a mainstream subject, it is dreaded by a substantial amount among school students. However, if a student does it in our way then this dreaded subject becomes a fun.

Science Supremo Olympiad :
Science is also a main stream subject which may be required till the last day of a student’s academic career and as such, require a strong base. These days, every other day a new Olympiad organizer comes up which are below standard of what is actually required to succeed in a real competition.

Appearing in our examinations, a student can have the right insight about the actual challenge they will face in the near future.

Hindi Olympiad:

English Laureate Olympiad :
English is a language and as a subject is imperative in the life of a student. In our exam, a student can learn and absorb the right kind of grammar and professional English writing which will help in getting coveted and white collar jobs in future. Take part and assess the difference.

S. S. G. K. Maestro Olympiad:
Most of the people may think that social science and general knowledge are the most useless subjects in a school student’s academic career. In other words, by appearing in this exam every year, a student will adequately be prepared to excel in these subjects for scoring higher marks in entrance examinations after 10th or 12th classes.

IQ Olympiad :
IQ Olympiad will help a student to participate in any kind of national or regional quiz contest. In India there are not much authentic platforms for the school students to check their IQ level and CPS is an International platform to prove their mettle, so far as Intelligence Quotient (IQ) level is concerned.

Who Can Participate?

Students from Class 1st to 12th can participate in the exam.

How To Register?

** Registration form for new Session 2018-2019 is available in the website (www.cpsolympiads.org).
** Download the Registration form and fill in all the required details.
** Read the instructions carefully before filling the form.

School Registration

To register your school, go to the link given below and fill & submit the online form.

Register Your School :

Awards & Prizes

All class toppers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd class top rank holders for every subject will be entitled to a gold, silver and bronze medal respectively with 50% and above marks after the 1st level. All participants will be issued a certificate reflecting their marks obtained, class rank and Olympiad rank.

Important Dates


Toll Free: 1800-11-3940

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Add a Comment
  1. Tejas

    My roll number 10653007004 please result

  2. Nagendra

    I want to know my result

  3. Nayanika Verma

    I want to see my result.

  4. Sarvesh

    I want to check my result.

  5. Gauri Deshmukh

    I want to see the CPS Olympiad result for 1st std of second level.

  6. Piyush Rajbanshi

    Mayukh Roy, In which class do you read? My son is also reading in Howard Memorial School, Kashipur.

  7. Moumita Roy

    My son Mayukh Roy’s enrollment number is 40637007005, Auth code is NaCIDKF, had participated in Math,Science, English,Computer & IQ in 2018. He has qualified for Math, Science & English 2nd level. But as he has left the school (Howard Memorial School, Kashipur) from where he had appeared the above Olympiads, so now, how can he participate for 2nd level this year (2019)? Please suggest.

  8. Ashutosh Singh

    Please give me the link to check my English result.

  9. Akanksha Yadav

    Please tell me the results of CPS Maths Olympiad for class 4th.

  10. Shlok Arbat

    Kindly tell me the result of CPS Maths for class 3rd.

  11. Anonymous

    Please tell, when the results will be declared?

  12. Shashank Singh

    I think, you people are not interested in the CPS results declaration.

  13. Aimen Shaikh

    I want to know the result of Maths Wizard Olympiad. How can I get it? Please help me.

  14. Ananya

    I want to know, when our Maths Olympiad 2018-19 result will come.

  15. Sachin Gautam

    I want to know the result of 8th. My AUTHCODE is FF4cfFD.

  16. Adrij Bera

    Intimate me, when will the 1 stage result of 2018-2019 be declared?

  17. Anonymous

    I want to see the CPS result of 1st stage.

  18. Anonymous

    Please give me the result of CPS Olympiad 2018-2019 of 1st level.

  19. Kaustubh Deepak

    I want to know the Maths and GK results of Class 2. My enrollment number is 40058002002.

  20. Unnati

    Let me know, is there any book for CPS Olympiad second level Science and English?


    I want to know, when will the 2nd level be conducted.

    1. Yash Chahar

      Maths Olympiad date is 18th February and Science Olympiad is 19th February. For more give comment.

  22. Harsh Mishra

    I want to know my ISSO result. My enrollment number is 13176009034 and code is GBiSQRk.

  23. Sudhanshu

    I want to know, when will the result be declared?



  25. Chahat

    Please intimate, when will the results be declared?

  26. Ansh Srivastava

    My roll number is 12261006040. Please show my result.

  27. Bhavishya Singhal

    The website of CPS Olympiad shows ‘Service Unavailable’. When will the result of Science CPS Olympiad come?

  28. Mahesh Gavhane

    Tell me the result date.

  29. Pawan Sharma

    Please tell me the result of Science Supremo Olympiad.

  30. Bhaswat Das

    I want to know my son’s result. How to get it?

  31. Raju

    I want to know, when the result of 2018-19 will come.

  32. Sachin Mohapatra

    I want to know, when will English Olympiad result be declared.

  33. Sachin Mohapatra

    Kindly reply the result date.

  34. Abhay

    Please show the result soon, I am very excited for result.

  35. Harshit

    I want to search my CPS Olympiad result, please help me.



  37. Saswat

    From where shall we get books & test papers for 2nd level preparations of CPS Olympiad in English for class 2.

  38. Anonymous

    Please show the result.

  39. Sudhanshu

    You are late to show the result of this session. Why?

  40. Ana

    Please show the result of CPS.

  41. Aswin

    Please declare the result of 2018-2019.

  42. Somil

    Tell me the result of GK CPS Olympiad 2018-19.

  43. Mohd Kaif

    Please show my competitive exam marks. My Enrollment Number is 37614004005.

  44. Nikhil

    Give the result of CPS Olympiad 2018-19.

  45. Manikant Kumar

    My roll number is 10245005006. Please show my result.

  46. Ayush

    I want to know, when the result of 1st level will be declared.

  47. Charvi Choudhary

    Please let us know the result date of first level.



  49. Anonymous

    Pleas tell me the result date.

  50. Anonymous

    I want to know, when will the result for IQ CPS Olympiad for grade 2 be declared?

  51. Magar

    Please declare the result date.

  52. Shardul Vikram Singh

    Why all your websites are not working?

  53. Pankaj Kumar

    Please tell me that, when will CPS result be announced.


    I want to know the result date of this year 2018-2019.

  55. Kanav Gandhi

    I need to know, are the results for level 2 GK declared?

  56. Manish

    I want to know, when will the result of 1st level of 2018-2019 be announced.

  57. Bhavya Raj

    Tell me, when the results of this Olympiad will come.

  58. Prince

    Tell me the information about the result.

  59. Anonymous

    Please let us know the result date of first level.

  60. Poorvanshi Shukla

    Please tell me the result date of exam as soon as possible.

  61. Rohit Sharma

    Kindly tell me, when will science examination of class ninth be held?

  62. Harshit Thakur

    I am studying class 9th. I want to know the exam date, centre and participation fee details.

  63. Nisha

    Please tell me the exam date and centre details.

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