Macmillan ICAS Educational Assessment Test 2018 UNSW Global :

Organization : Macmillan Education & UNSW Global
Competition Name : ICAS 2018 Educational Assessment Test
Applicable For : School Students
Exam Dates : 28th & 29th September 2018 (India)
Website :

Macmillan Education ICAS Assessment

Macmillan, a name synonymous with education across the globe, in collaboration with UNSW Global, brings you ICAS, the most comprehensive educational assessment program available.

Assessment Details

ICAS does not assess how well students remember the content they have been taught; it assesses the higher order thinking and problem-solving skills needed for success in:

** English
** Mathematics
** Science and
** Digital Technologies

Registration Process

** Students can participate only through schools. Schools may register by contacting local Macmillan office or the ICAS helpline.
** Macmillan will make available to interested schools the School Enrollment Forms and the Student Registration Forms.
** Schools are requested to provide soft copies of Student Registration Forms to Macmillan
** Macmillan will arrange to collect the payment from schools
** Based on the data provided in the School Enrolment Forms and Student Registration Forms, Macmillan will then arrange to send the admit cards and assessment materials to schools.

Rewards & Certificates

In addition to a Student Report, each student that participates receives a Certificate which is awarded on the following basis:

Award In Each Class
High Distinction The top 1% of participants
Distinction The next 10% of participants
Credit The next 25% of participants
Merit The next 10% of participants
Participation For all remaining participants
Principal’s Award Principals may wish to award this certificate to a students who have made progress that may not have been recognised otherwise. The awarding of Certificates is entirely at the discretion of schools.

There will be Subject-wise certificate for School and Subject Coordinators. The percentages allocated to awards are approximate and will vary according to the number of students taking each test and the distribution of their scores.

Exam Dates

For Schools In India:
** Friday, 28th September 2018 – Science & Mathematics
** Saturday, 29th September 2018 – English & Digital Technologies

For Schools In Neighbouring Countries : (Srilanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan & Nepal) and Indian Schools in Middle East
** Wednesday, 10th October 2018 – Science & Mathematics
** Thrusday,11th October 2018 – English & Digital Technologies

Exam Fee

For Schools In India:
Subjects -Price
1 Subject – Rs.400
2 Subject – Rs.700
3 Subject – Rs.900
4 Subject – Rs.1000

For Schools In Neighbouring Countries :
(Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan & Nepal) and Indian Schools in Middle East

Subjects – Price
1 Subject – 8 USD $
2 Subject – 15 USD $
3 Subject – 20 USD $
4 Subject – 25 USD $

Exam Format

** The Assessments consist of a range of multiple-choice and free-response questions.
** For the multiple-choice questions, students will have to choose the correct answer from the four possible options.
** For the free response questions, students will have to write the answers in the boxes provided.
** Each question is worth one mark.
** The total score is the number of correct answers.
** No marks are deducted for Incorrect answers.
** Papers are ordered from the easiest items to the most difficult items.
** The items towards the end of the paper are designed to provide an opportunity for the most able students to demonstrate a high level of skill.
** The questions are carefully graded to cater to a wide range of student abilities using contexts that stimulate students’ interest and engage their attention.
** Students at all levels of competency stand to benefit from participation in the diagnostic assessments.


T: +91 8130588966, dial 6 for ICAS

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 3:39 PM

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