EDUDEL Inter-Zonal Gymnastic Championship For School Students 2015-16 : Directorate of Education Delhi

Organization : Directorate of Education, Delhi
Competition Name : Inter-Zonal Gymnastic Championship For School Students 2015-16
Applicable For : School Students Under-14, 17 & 19 years (Boys & Girls)
Competition Dates : 23rd to 28th November, 2015.

Website :
Schedule :

Inter-Zonal Gymnastic Championship For School Students 2015-16:
Sports Branch, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi is organizing Inter-Zonal Gymnastic Championship at Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya. Mati Nagar. New Delhi w.e.f. 23rd November 2015 to 28th November, 2015.

Instructions :-
1. All participants must being their school identity cards with them.
2. No Gymnast / Team will be allowed on the apparatus without coach I PETeacher.
3. Gymnast should participate in the competition at their own risk
4. Boys& Girls Under- 14, 17 & 19 years should be evaluated as under SGFllatest code of points.
5. In case of any dispute, the decision of Technical Committee will be final with protest money of Rs. 500/-.
6. The participating players should be in 12thor io” or below but not less than 6thstandard.
7. A gymnast can opt only in one event either Acrobatic or Rhythmic or Artistic. Once gymnast is selected in one event, then he/she will not be allowed in another event. This will be strictly observed during the tournament.
8. Interested players can send their entries alongwith age proof, school identity card latest by20th November, 2015 at Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya, Moti Nagar, New Delhi & SBV, Block-III, Subhash Nagar, from 3:30 p.m to 5.30 p.m. No entry will be accepted on the spot for competition.
9. In rhythmic gymnastic the team will consist of only 3 gymnasts and each Gymnast can participate in 4 apparatus.
10. The gymnast has to submit 0-1, 0-2 forms before 24 hours of commencement of competitions positively.
11. Competition -III will be organized in both section if need arise.
12. All teams / participants are requested to report far competition at 9.30 a.m. sharp.
13. All the Zonal SPEs/ Convener / Secretaries are requested to send their entries in enclosed prescribed performa.

For any queries, you may contact Smt. Sushila Chaudhary, Gymnastic Coach (Mob. No. 9711373764).

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