Oil India 60 Years’ National Level Essay Competition 2018-19

Organisation : Oil India Limited
Contest Name : National Level Essay Competition 2018
Applicable For : Secondary/Senior Secondary School & College/ University/ Institute Students
Contest Last Date : 14th September 2018
Website : http://www.oil-india.com/default.aspx

OIL National Level Essay Competition

Oil India Limited (OIL) is organizing various events to mark completion of its 60 glorious years. To mark this occasion amongst other events, it is proposed to conduct the OIL’s 60 Years’ National Level Essay Competition 2018 for students pursuing school, college, under-graduate and post-graduate degree.

Related : PCRA Saksham National Essay/Painting/Quiz Competition 2018 : www.contest.net.in/36473.html

The National Level Essay Competition is being held in three languages i.e. Assamese, Hindi and English under the following two categories viz.


Category I: Students between 9th and 12th Standard; Topic: Green Energy: A Solution to Climate Change; and
Category II: Students pursuing Graduation/Post Graduation, Topic : Energy Security in India: Challenges and Opportunities

Participants have to select either Assamese, Hindi OR English as a medium of essay writing.

Duration of the Competition
: 15th August 2018 to 14th September 2018

Cash Prizes

Total 18 essays will be selected for prize distribution and online publication under the two categories and the three languages mentioned above. Names of the winners will be published on OIL’s website. Each winner will be awarded an honorarium cash prize and a certificate & memento as per the details below:

National winners will be announced in January 2019 and only the First Prize winners in each language and category shall be invited to participate in the concluding ceremony of 60th Year celebrations on 18th February 2019 at OIL’s Field Headquarters in Duliajan, Assam.


Category I: Would include Secondary & Senior Secondary School Students i.e. from Class 9th to Class 12th. (Maximum words 2000)

Category II
: Would include College / University / Institute students pursuing Graduation, Post-Graduation. (Maximum words 3000)

Officers / Employees of OIL are not eligible to participate in this competition.

Participating Fee

There is no registration/entry fee for participating in the OIL’s 60 Years’ National Level Essay Competition 2018-19

Essay Format

** Typed on A4 size electronic page. The participant should submit the essay in .PDF file format only. Handwritten essay will also be accepted in scanned .PDF format, but typed essays in .PDF format are preferred.
** Font size shall be 12 points English (Arial), Assamese (Vrinda) and Hindi (Mangal)
** 1.5 interlinear space
** Margins of one inch on all the four sides
** Name & other details of the participant should not be mentioned on the body of the essay or the .PDF document to be uploaded
** Maximum file size allowed for uploading is 20 MB.

Procedure For Essay Submission

The entries are to be submitted online on OIL’s website from 15th August 2018 to 14th September 2018 only. Maximum file size allowed for uploading is 20 MB

Scoring of the Essay

All the entries received within the due date will be screened and evaluated by a committee constituted by the OIL and then will be examined by the jury appointed by the OIL. Essays will be assessed on originality of ideas, clarity of the content, sequence of presentation and creative writing skills.

Evaluation Criteria

The essays will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

1. Central Theme & originality of ideas (30%)
2. Coherence and Organization in Structure (20%)
3. Creativity & presentation (30%)
4. Clarity in Language, Expression and Style (20%)

OIL reserves the copright of the submitted essays and is free to publish or edit essays on its own discretion. Decision of the OIL in deciding the winner(s) shall be final and binding and NO query, correspondence etc. in this regard shall be entertained by the OIL.

Competition Rules :

Important Notes

a) The participant must be an enrolled student in a School or Graduate/Post Graduate degree program in a College/University from anywhere across India.
b) The essays are to be submitted online on OIL’s website only (Maximum file size allowed for uploading is 20 MB
c) Only one essay is allowed per participant either in Assamese or in Hindi or in English. In case it is found that any participant has submitted more than one entry, all submitted entries by that participant will be considered invalid.
d) The entry should be original. Copied entries will not be considered under the contest and any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay.
e) The entries should be submitted along with a scanned copy of a certificate from Head of the School/Institute/College/University where the participant is currently enrolled (Maximum file size allowed for uploading is 1 MB
f) Essays incompatible with the above rules and conditions will not be considered.
g) Decision of the OIL shall be final and binding in all the matters of essay competition.
h) Submission of entries to the competition implies acceptance of the above terms and conditions by the participant(s).
i) Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/ its entries/ winners shall be subject to local jurisdiction of the Courts of Dibrugarh District and Gauhati High Court(Principal Bench) in the State of Assam.

This post was last modified on August 3, 2023 4:49 PM

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