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ShopClues ePreneur Business Plan Competition 2015

Organization : ShopClues
Competition Name : e-Preneur Business Plan Competition 2015
Applicable For : All Registered Merchants
Round I Application Last Date : 19th November 2015

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Website : https://bazaar.shopclues.com/?__ar=Y

e-Preneur Business Plan Competition 2015:
Next Big e-Preneur is a unique business plan competition to prompt innovation with respect to business planning.

ShopClues is providing a comprehensive platform that helps both budding and established entrepreneurs to develop and launch their business. This competition provides an opportunity to merchants to be mentored by seasoned professionals and industry experts, besides having access to networking opportunities with potential partners and investors and the chance to turn their idea into a reality.

In addition, ShopClues also provides a network for brainstorming, feedback, and future business opportunities.

** All registered merchants and their family members are welcome to participate in this competition.
** The minimum no. of participants is 1 and maximum is 4.
** Individual participation is allowed in the competition, although we encourage participation in teams of 2 to 3 members.
** Participants whose venture has already acquired funding from an external investor/ network are NOT eligible to apply, as this competition is meant to promote first time entrepreneurs who require a platform to show case their ideas.

Rules & Regulations:
** The competition is open to all registered merchants of ShopClues and their family. Participation of friends and others is strictly prohibited. If a participant is found to have partnered with individuals outside his or her own family, the team will be instantly disqualified from the competition. There is no offline submission for any round of the competition. Participants are required to register and submit their business plans online ONLY.
** Team information details can be changed anytime by contacting us. Participants can even add or drop team members.
** This facility will be available at any time during the competition cycle. Please note that the details of the team leader can be changed except his/her email id.
** A team can submit ONLY ONE business plan/idea in round I. If a participant is found to have applied more than once, even as part of another team, they will be instantly disqualified from the competition.
** Every contestant must abide by the rules of participation, terms and conditions of the competition and must accept the declaration of confidentiality during registration in order to participate.
** Any entry which is incomplete, incomprehensible or not in accordance with the rules of participation and terms and conditions will be declared void.

Rounds and Duration:
** ShopClues’ Next Big e-Preneur will be open for submission between Monday – 19th October 2015 and 19th November 2015 for Round I which will be for Business Idea Pitch. The pitch will be presented in an elevator pitch video format. The contestants will have to submit the YouTube link of the elevator pitch along with a brief write up about the business idea in a word document or powerpoint presentation format. Participants will have 4 weeks (i.e. the Last Date for round I is 11:59 pm IST on 19th November 2015) to complete and submit the video and document, following which the top 50 entries will be shortlisted for round II based on the detailed evaluation criteria.

** Please note it is compulsory to send both the elevator pitch video and the brief write up to be eligible for round II. Entries which do not include both these will not be considered.
** Round II participants will be notified and sent the Comprehensive Business Plan template. They will be required to complete and submit a comprehensive business plan within two weeks of receiving the mail, following which the top 10 entries will be shortlisted for the final round based on the detailed evaluation criteria.

** Round III participants (the finalists) will be invited to ShopClues’ headquarters in Gurgaon to present their ideas to industry experts. The duration of this presentation shall be 30-45 minutes each. Participants are advised that in addition to PowerPoint presentations, they are welcome to showcase videos/ physical prototypes/ and live demos to reinforce their case.
** Travel and lodging related arrangements shall be done by ShopClues for all members of the short listed teams

Key Dates:
Round I applications – 19th October 2015 till 19th November 2015
Declaration of shortlisted participants for Round 2 – 26nd November 2015
Round II applications (for participants short listed from Round I) – 27th November 2015 till 11th December 2015
Declaration of Finalists for Pitch Session-  18th December 2015
Pitch Session for Finalists – 23rd, 24th and 25th December 2015
Awards Disbursement for Participants and Finalists  -27th December 2015

No entries for Round I will be accepted after 19th November 2015.
No entries for Round II will be accepted after 11th December 2015.

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  1. Ravi

    When will you announce results?

    1. Admin

      From the Website :

      Entries for round 2 are now closed.

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