L’Oreal Paris India Hair Colour Festival Contest 2015

Organization : L’Oreal India Private Limited
Competition Name : L’Oreal Paris Hair Colour Festival Contest 2015
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Applicable States/UT : All India (Except Tamil Nadu)

Website : http://www.lorealparis.co.in/
T&C: facebook.com/notes/lor%C3%A9al-paris/hair-colour-festival-contest-terms-conditions/902484299799791

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L’Oreal Paris Hair Colour Festival Contest 2015:

1) L’Oreal Paris Hair Colour Festival Contest (“Contest”) isbeing organized”) is being organized by the L’Oréal Paris brand belonging toL’Oréal India Private Limited (‘L’Oréal India) and the Contest is availableonly at selected outlets across India, except in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Competition Last Date : 31st December 2015

2) The Contest shall entail the following:
** A voucher with a unique code would be offered by the selectedoutlet to the consumer, on purchase of select L’Oreal Paris Hair Colour products(“Product”),
** The unique code is to be sent via SMS to 99202391200,a confirmatory SMS will be received.
** Basis the unique code, “Two winners” will be selected peroutlet and they have to provide contact details and proof of Purchase of theProduct i.e invoice via email to _________ .
** Post verification, a gift of diamond jewellery from Nakshatra (“Gift”)shall be dispatched to the address given by the selected winner. Confirmationof receipt shall be sought.

3) The Contest is valid only for Indian citizens who haveattained the age of 18 years, residing in India. The Contest shall be valid from1st November 2015 till 31st December 2015 only.
4) The selection of winners is final, conclusive, binding and liessolely with L’Oréal India. No further appeal, enquiry and/or correspondence inthis regard shall be entertained. In case of disputes, the decision of L’OréalIndia shall be final.

5) The participation in the Contest is purely voluntary and thesame shall be construed as an acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulatedherein. No employee, retailer, distributor or agent of L’Oreal India and theirimmediate family shall be entitled to participate in the Contest.

6) L’Oréal India shall not be responsible for any loss, injuryor any other liability arising out of the Contest.
7) There is no cash alternative for the Gift and the same cannotbe exchanged for cash at any point nor transferred to someone else.
8) L’Orealreserves the right to substitute the Gift offered at any point of time. Such giftwill be of equal or greater value.
9) Acceptanceof Gift constitutes permission to L’Oréal India to use the winner’s name,relevant details and/or photographs for purposes of publicity, advertisingand/or trade without further compensation or notice.

10) L’Oréal India reserves the right to extend, cancel,discontinue, withdraw, change, alter or modify the terms and conditions of theContest, at its sole discretion, without any notice at any time during thevalidity of the Contest. No correspondence will be shared in this regard.

11) L’Oréal India reserves the right to not give away the Gift in the event of non-production of any of thespecified documents and/or submission of false, incorrect, misleading orfraudulent document(s)/ information and in such a case the Gift shall beforfeited in its entirety.

12) The Contest is subject to force majeure conditions.
13) An authenticitycertificate for the Gift shall be issued by Nakshatra [NA4] and L’Oreal India shall not be heldresponsible for the authenticity of the same and for anycomplaints thereafter.

14) All warranties of any kind whatsoever, whether expressed orimplied, are hereby expressly disclaimed by L’Oréal India including, but notlimited to, meeting of the participants’ requirements or aspirations,timeliness, security, un-interruptedness, error-free, the results orreliability of the Contest, or the delivery, quality, quantity,merchantability, fitness for use or non-infringement in respect of any goods,services, emoluments, benefits or awards acquired or obtained through theContest.
15) All disputes shall be governed by the laws of India andshall be subject to jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai only.

This post was last modified on July 9, 2021 1:56 PM

View Comments (1)

  • Today (12/10/2015) I received a call from +91 8040554808 and have been informed that I have been selected as one of the winners for Loreal Colour Festival for which I filled the form at BigBazar after purchasing Loreal Hair Color.
    I have been selected as one of the Nakshtra Gift winners, and asked to send the documents before 4pm on the mail id which I'll receive on my gmail id "rajeshkureel[AT]gmail.com", but haven't received the mail yet. I would not be able to send the documents in case I'll not receive the mail.

    Please look into this

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