Organisation : RobinAge
Contest Name : RBSA Bright Sparks Awards 2018-19
Applicable For : Students From Class 1 To 10
Contest Last Date : February 28, 2019
Website :
RobinAge Bright Sparks Awards
Now in its 5th year, the RobinAge Bright Sparks Awards is a national initiative that builds on RobinAge’s position as the Voice of Children to encourage and support creativity in children.
Related / Similar Contest:

The competition invites students from class 1 to 10 to send in their fiction stories, poetry and artwork.
Contest Categories
** Artwork
** Poetry
** Fiction Stories (of up to 500 words)
Age Groups
Group A: Class 1 and 2
Group B: Class 3 to 5
Group C: Class 6 to 8
Group D: Class 9 and 10
How To Enter?
** Submit entries to be considered for the 2018-2019 awards. All poems, artworks and news reports submitted here will automatically be entered for the RobinAge Bright Sparks Awards.
** Only original entries will qualify. Articles, once submitted, cannot be edited. If you need to make a change, please re-upload the edited article.
** To ensure children use their imagination, the competition is not restricted to themes or topics. Instead, children can choose any subject and express themselves freely.
Submit Entry Here :
If you prefer to post your entry, send it to:
RobinAge Bright Sparks Awards 2018-2019,
11 & 12, Shah & Nahar Industrial Estate,
Dr E Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400018
Entries MUST be submitted along with your name, class, school, residential address, contact number and e-mail address. If you are participating in the Art category, we suggest you send us your artwork by post.
The top three entries of each category and age group as well as three outstanding schools – as selected by a judging panel of premiere children’s authors and artists – will win accolades, recognition and prizes. What’s more, all entries submitted online will get an e-certificate of participation.
Contest Rules
** RobinAge does not charge a participation fee for the RobinAge Bright Sparks Awards.
** Only original entries in English will be considered.
** Please do not submit entries in the form of books or models.
** Entries should be submitted only once, either online or in hard copy.
** Entries that do not mention the student’s name, class, school, residential address, contact number and e-mail address will be disqualified.
** Content sent to RobinAge is RobinAge property and can be reproduced at RobinAge’s discretion.
** Children must obtain the permission of their parent/guardian in order to enter the contest.
** Prizes will be awarded to three top schools for quality and quantity of entries received and to the top three entries in each contest category for each age group.
** A total of 39 prizes will be awarded.
** The decision of the judges will be final. RobinAge will not entertain any questions regarding the judging process.
** Open to citizens of India only.
Important Dates
** Last Date For Entries February 28, 2019.
** Winners will be announced in RobinAge’s 11th Anniversary Edition, dated April 11, 2019.
This post was last modified on September 5, 2022 10:52 AM