Instax Creative Knack Competition 2018-19 :

Organisation : Fujifilm India Pvt. Ltd.
Contest Name : Instax Creative Knack Competition 2018-19
Applicable For : School students studying in grade 5th to grade 9th
Contest Last Date : February 28th 2019
Website :

Instax Creative Knack Competition

Creative Knack by Instax is a Nation-Wide talent hunt to find the most creative school-children in India!

Related : Schools India 18th HOPE Talent Contest 2018 :

Competition Period

The Competition period is as follows: August 1st 2018 to February 28th 2019

Who Can Participate?

** The Competition is an individual student event. Any student of the school can participate in the Competition.
** Group of Competitor will not be allowed to take part in the Competition
** This Competition is open to all school students studying in grade 5th to grade 9th irrespective of board of schools.
** This Competition shall be valid for the schools situated at Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Goa, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Bhopal, Indore, Ludhiana, Lucknow, Amritsar, Pune, Raipur, Dehradun & Kolkata Schools.
** The school participation shall be on invitation only.

Entry Fee

No entry fee will be charged from either Competitor or school for participation. Any number of students from school can participate in the competition.

How To Participate?

** It is recommended that the students should register themselves online at the website to participate in the competition.
** The qualifying students should confirm their participation for the next round of the Competition within the stipulated time, which will be mentioned in the schedule given on the website.
** In case of failure on the part of any qualified student to confirm their participation, the chance will be passed on to the next qualified student.
** Students can represent the respective school only to which they belong.
** All qualified competitors are required to carry valid photo ID card issued by the school during the competition and same may be produced on demand.
** Other photo identity cards like PAN card, Voter Id, etc. are not valid for the purposes of this Competition.
** Fujifilm reserves the right to accept or reject any application to registration and / or entry to the event proceedings.
** 1 (one) student per school will be announced as winner to qualify for city level round.
** Out of all Competitors in each city, only (1) one per city will qualify for finale rounds to be held at Mumbai or Delhi.
** Out of the competing students in National Finale, 1 Winner & 2 Runner ups will be announced.

Register Here :


Following will be the prize or benefits (“Benefits”) under the instax Creative Knack competition

a. National Winner – Rs.1,00,000 to only one top competitor.
b. 1 Runner up – Rs.50,000 to 2nd top competitor.
c. 2nd Runner up – Rs. 25,000 to 3rd top competitor.
d. Other city winners – Goodies from Fujifilm worth Rs. 5000/-, Total 18-20 prizes

Winners Announcement

** The name(s) of the selected Contestant(s) shall be announced on finale day & through the event website:
** All selected Contestants shall be informed individually on their registered e-mail id and phone number of the participants.
** However, there shall be no liability on Fujifilm in the event such mail does not reach such Competitor on any account whatsoever.
** The winners shall be required to produce/submit photo identity/address proof as and when required by Fujifilm.
** The winners may be required to sign the Terms and Conditions herein or any other terms before accepting the prize amount.
** In case of gift cards and preloaded card given as prizes, the rules and regulations of the concerned bank will be applicable.
** Fujifilm will not be responsible for loss or damages of any nature; and will not entertain any communication of any nature in this regard from any entity.

This post was last modified on June 22, 2021 2:33 PM

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