Artist Aloud & Hungama Happy Club Comedy Talent Hunt 2018 Competition

Organisation : Artist Aloud & Hungama Digital Media
Contest Name : Happy Club Comedy Talent Hunt 2018 Competition
Applicable For : Residents of India
Phase 1 Last Date : 2nd December, 2018
Website :

Hungama Happy Club Comedy Talent Hunt

Participation in Happy Club Comedy Talent Hunt is voluntary and by participating in this Competition, the contestants agree to accept and be bound by these terms and conditions.

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Competition Duration

The Phase 1 of this Competition shall commence on 10th October, 2018 and shall end on 2nd December, 2018, which will require the contestants to upload their entry on the Artist Aloud Competition dashboard in the form of a comedy act performance video(s) as per the terms and conditions mentioned herein.

Who Can Participate?

The Competition is open to the permanent residents of India only which shall include

i) College students participating through Artist Aloud’s Official Youth Talent Partner “ATKT” under “ATKT Students Category” and
ii) Contestants participating otherwise under “General Category”.

How To Participate?

** Contestants participating under “ATKT Students Category” shall be entitled to participate with the specific ATKT student code shared with them by ATKT.
** Contestants participating under “General Category” is open to all age groups.
** Minors participating under this category should be participating only through the entries done by their parents/guardians.
** The contestants who have uploaded the performance videos in Phase 1 will be shortlisted through a sharing and voting mechanism, wherein the contestants can share the links of their performance videos through various social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Google link to gain votes.
** Voters will receive an OTP on their mobile when they click on the aforesaid link, in order to verify their vote.
** Voting mechanism will begin on 08th October, 2018 and will be valid until 11:59 pm IST, 2nd December, 2018.
** Any user accessing the website/Android Application will also be able to directly view and vote for the entries on the said website/Android Application and the vote counts received for any contestants’ videos can be viewed on Application or through the aforesaid links.
** The contestants should enter the following details on the Competition dashboard before uploading their performance video(s):
** Email ID and Mobile Number along with the OTP sent to the registered mobile number to verify that the entry is genuine and that the contestants are accessible if required.
** On the upload page, contestants need to enter the below details in order to participate in the Competition and upload the performance video.
** Video title Language selection through dropdown
** On the Competition dashboard, participants can upload multiple videos subject to these Terms and conditions.
** The entry should be in the form of a video only; native video/Recorded video for Android Application or YouTube link/native video on Website (Not just audio).
** The duration of the video should not be more than 10 minutes and upto 1 GB.


** Top 5 participants video(s) from ATKT Students Category and General Category for each of the aforesaid 7 language(s) will be shortlisted for the 2nd round (Jury round) on the basis of the highest number of votes gained by them which will be declared on 19th November, 2018.
** The Jury round will be conducted between 19th November, 2018 to 22nd November, 2018.
** The Jury members will select 1 winner from the 5 shortlisted participant(s) video(s) from ATKT Students Category and General Category for each of the 7 language(s) on the basis of the performance videos submitted by the shortlisted participants in Phase 1.
** Jury’s decision will be final and binding on the selection of the winner and winners will be announced on 23rd November, 2018.
** For clarity, there shall be one (1) winner for each of the 7 languages from ATKT Students Category and one (1) winner for each of the 7 languages from General Category.
** The shortlisted contestants and winners from ATKT Students Category and General Category will be announced on Application and will be contacted through e-mail as well.
** The shortlisted contestants/winners will be required to complete all formalities as may be communicated by Artist Aloud including submission of proof of identity and college identity card for ATKT Students Category failing which the contestant(s) shall be disqualified at any time or at any stage.
** The winner(s) of the Competition from each of the 7 language(s) from ATKT Students Category and General Category shall receive a prize in the form of Hungama Digital Showcase.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 5:03 PM

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