Star Plus/ Asianet Middle East Pinky Memsaab Dubai Story Contest 2018 :

Organisation : Star Plus/Asianet Middle East
Contest Name : Pinky Memsaab Dubai Story Contest 2018
Applicable For : UAE Residents
Contest Last Date : 24th Nov, 2018
Website :

Star Plus Pinky Memsaab Dubai Story Contest

STAR shall promote the Contest on the channels “Star Plus Middle East”, “Star Bharat”, “Star Gold International” and “Asianet ME” and on its Facebook Page at the and

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Contest Period
The Contest shall commence on 20th Nov, 2018 at 12:00 PM UAE and shall conclude on 24th Nov, 2018 at 11.59pm UAE (“Contest Period”).

Participants Eligibility

To participate in the Contest the Participant(s) must comply with the below:

1. The Participant(s) must be individual citizens/resident of the Territory and of twenty (21) years of age or above at the start date of the Contest Period.
2. The Participant(s) should not have criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Contest. The Participant(s) should be legally eligible to enter into a contract.
3. The Contest is not open to the employees (permanent or contract) and directors
4. STAR reserves the right to verify the eligibility of all Participants.
5. Non-conformance by the Participant(s) to any and all the Terms and Conditions herein or as set by STAR from time to time will make such Participant’s Entry(s) as null and void.

Participation Mechanism

1. Participants of the Contest will be asked to share their UAE story by writing to
2. To enter the Contest, Participants must watch the Channel(s) during the Contest Period and mail their story to (“Entry”).
3. Only the first Entry per Participant(s) shall be allowed and considered for the purpose of the Contest.
4. An Entry will be deemed valid only on completion of the full details requested along with the answer to the question.
5. Any details submitted must be accurate and complete and are subject to proof upon request by STAR.
6. Participant(s) must enter the Contest on his/her own behalf and Entry(ies) by proxies will not be accepted.
7. The Entries received before the commencement or after the expiration of the Contest Period shall be void.

Selection Process & Gratification

1. Within Two (2) days after the expiry of the Contest Period Star will at its discretion select three (3) best heartwarming and will get in touch with the said three wining Participants through email.
2. The Winner will be contacted on the mail number through which the Entry was submitted.
3. The communication to the Winner would be done within thirty (30) days from the end of the Contest Period.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:18 PM

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