Organisation : IFIM College
Contest Name : Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Level Essay Writing Contest 2018 Season 3
Applicable For : Students from 10th Standard to PG
Registration Last Date : 15th December 2018
Website :
IFIM Essay Writing Contest
IFIM invites students to participate in the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Level Essay Writing Contest 2018 Season 3.
Related : Cinestaan India’s Story Tellers Script Contest 2018-19 :

Contest Categories
Category 1: PG&UG
Category 2: 10th Standard to 12th Standard /PUC
Contest Theme
Education ecosystem for 21st century.
How To Register?
Just follow the simple steps mentioned below for registration.
Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Click on the ‘Register Now’ link.
Step-3 : Fill the form and
Step-4 : Finally submit the form.
Required Details:
1. Name of the Participant:
2. Title – Mr./ Miss./ Mrs.
3. Category- Post Graduates and Under Graduates/ 10th Grade to 12th Grade
4. Education details-School/ College/ University
5. Name of the Educational institute
6. Email ID
7. Phone number
8. Address
9. City/Town
10. Pin Code/ Zip Code
11. State
12. Country
Prizes in each category
I Prize: INR 50,000
II Prize: INR 25,000
III Prize: INR 15,000
7 Concept Prizes INR 5,000 each and All participants are awarded a ‘e Certificate /Certificate of Participation ’
Essay Competition Criteria
** Registration to the Contest is free.
** Incomplete registrations will not be eligible
** The centre for competition will be notified on the date specified through email to mail id provided in the registration form.
** The length of the essay will be 800 words and must be original creative work of the student.
** All essays submitted will be the property of IFIM College.
** The decision of the panel of Judges would be final and binding on the contestants with respect to award winning essays.
** The results will be announced on the date specified on the website; and winners and their institutions will be notified through E-mail.
** e-Certificates to the participants will be sent to the respective institutions.
** Certificates and prizes to the winners will be distributed at special function in March 2019 at IFIM College, Bangalore.
The essays will be evaluated on the following parameters:
** Original content
** Unique style
** Fresh point of view
** Creativity
** Descriptive language
** Good diction
** Practicality of ideas
** Research incorporated into the essay
** Clear and Strong presentation of ideas
** Spelling/Grammar/Word Count/cohesive devices used
** Relevance to the theme
IFIM College prefers essays in soft copies with following specification:
** Font size 12
** Times New Roman
** 1.5-line space
** proper alignment
** margins – 1.5 in all the sides
Important Dates
** Online/Offline Registration | 09th November 2018 to 15th December 2018
** Essay Contest at various centers | 15th November 2018 to 26th January 2019
** Declaration of Winners and Prize distribution | March 2019
** Email address for queries:
** Email address for sending written scripts:
This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 4:34 PM