NTPC Ash Utilization Contest 2018 : mapp.ntpc.co.in

Organisation : NTPC Limited
Contest Name : Ash Utilization Contest 2018
Applicable For : All Indian Citizens
Contest Last Date : 24th December 2018
Website : https://mapp.ntpc.co.in/

NTPC Ash Utilization Contest

NTPC is searching innovative ideas for achieving 100% Ash Utilization on sustainable basis at all Coal based stations.

Related / Similar Contest : NTPC GETS 2016 Technical App Contest


To invite ideas for achieving 100% Ash Utilization on sustainable basis.

Eligibility Criteria

** All citizen of India, who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to participate
**  The participants may be Individual/ Team/ NGOs/ Professionals/ Researchers/ Scientists/ Institutes/ Organizations/ Business Schools/ Startups etc.
** The contest is open for NTPC employees also, however NTPC employees working in Ash Utilization Group can’t participate.

Note :
The participants can either be an individual; or teams of up to 5 participants. In case of team, maximum 3 persons will be invited & allowed to participate for presentation & detailed discussion for Second level screening (if shortlisted in first level screening).

How To Participate?

** Interested contestants will have to make registration.
** Entries will be accepted through an online form as available on the contest website  https://mapp.ntpc.co.in/ashcontest
** During the entry period the participants need to complete the online entry form and submit it along with the original idea related to the given innovation
** Participants are encouraged to leverage new-age technologies while shaping their innovation.

Participation Fee

No, there is no charges for participation.


Selection Procedure

The submitted proposal shall be evaluated at two levels which has been described in detail under Evaluation Criteria in the menu.

Contest FAQs

Can working professionals apply for the contest?
Yes, the contest is open for all Indian Citizens.

What should be included in my proposal?
The proposal should include Abstract of the project, technical feasibility & commercial viability along with Detailed Methodology and Implementation time line for implementation of the proposed idea.

The proposed idea should be applicable to all coal based stations or particular type of stations?
NTPC stations have been grouped in 3 categories (see More Info in the menu) for making action plan for ash utilization. Action plan/ Business plan/ Methodology and Implementation time line prepared separately for different group of stations will be preferred to be included in the proposal.

Can I send my proposal through email/ courier/ speed post etc?
No. Only proposal received through website will be accepted. No hard copy will be accepted.

Can I modify the submitted proposal?
You can modify Abstract and all uploads till the last date of contest opening i.e. 24.12.2018 (23:59:59 Hrs.)

Can I upload images or videos to support my contest?
No, For the first level screening proposal should be only in PDF format which may include pictures, tables, charts etc.

How many members may be in the team?
In case of team, there must not be more than 5 members in the team.

Are multiple entries allowed from the same team?
No, multiple entries are not allowed from the same team.

Are more than one teams allowed from same Organization/ Institutes/ Business School/ NGO?
Yes, more than one teams are allowed from same Organization/ Institutes/ Business School/ NGO. However, no. of participants in one team must not be more than 5.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 3:33 PM

Categories: Idea/Innovation

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