Power India 67th IPC National Level Powerpoint Presentation Competition 2015 : Pharmacists’ Organisation for Women Empowerment & Research

Organization : Pharmacists’ Organisation for Women Empowerment and Research
Competition Name : 67th IPC National Level Powerpoint Presentation Competition 2015
Submission Last Date : 10th December 2015

Website : http://www.power-india.com/
Notification : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/3869-power.pdf

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National Level Powerpoint Presentation Competition 2015 :

Pharmaceutical Industry is expanding and is going global. It is competing with multinationals in producing quality medicines and supplying to the world. India is rightly called as the Pharmacy of the World. This industry demands candidates for its workforce who are smart, brilliant, IT savvy, strong, dynamic and extremely professional. All these qualities are not taught in a classroom.

Applicable For : Women Pharmacist Delegates of 67th IPC (Mysuru)

The journey for excellence, competence and quality is a journey of challenges. The goal posts are the same for all, but for women, there are more barriers. Our culture puts the burden of home making more on the woman than on the man. Women have to balance their personal lives with their careers and this balancing act requires agility on the part of the women, and it also calls for support; support from family, from institutions, from the government, from professional associations and from seniors in the field. POWER, an organisation of professionals, named “Pharmacists Organisation for Women Empowerment and Research” works towards encouraging and inspiring young women pharmacists to achieve and excel in their chosen area of work.

POWER wishes to act as a catalyst and provide mentorship to young women. Organising this PPT competition is an attempt to galvanise the women pharmacists of India into thinking about becoming smart and strong

Theme : Smart and Strong Women Pharmacists for Quality Pharmaceutical Industry

Eligibility : Participants must be women pharmacist delegates of 67th IPC (Mysuru).


** Any participant wishing to submit an entry should submit her PowerPoint by 10th December by email to powerpharmacists@gmail.com
** Biodata details and details of registration in 67th IPC are to be given in the first slide.
** Presentations may have a maximum of 25 slides. Plagiarism will not be accepted. Photos or images should be author’s originals. Diagrams, images, flow charts, tables, text or photos created by some other authors, in research articles or text books or in online publications should not be copied.
** Judges will screen and select the top 10 presentations. Judges decisions are final.
** Top 10 will be informed and they will present their ppts in a session organised at Mysuru on 19th December.
** Results will be declared and prizes will be given in the Women Pharmacists’ session during IPC.
** E-certificates will be sent to all participants by e-mail.


First prize: Rs 5000/-
Second prize: Rs 4000/-
Third prize: Rs 3000

Prizes will be called:
Prof. V. Subba Rao Prize for Excellent presentation.

Prizes Sponsored by:
Prof. Mrs. Vijaya Ratna Jayanti, Chairman, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, A.P.

*Enclose brief Bio data covering:-
Full name, Photo, Designation, Class/Qualification, Mobile no., E-mail, Organisation name & address, Enclose scanned copy of present identity.

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