Panjab University Rose Festival 2019 Competitions :

Organisation : Panjab University
Contest Name : PURF Panjab University Rose Festival 2019 Competitions
Event Dates : 8th-10th February, 2019
Website :

Panjab University Rose Festival

The Horticulture Division of Panjab University always striving in its aim to make the Panjab University Campus cleaner and greener. One of the glorious examples of its untiring efforts is Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden in front of Vice-Chancellor’s Office in Panjab Univesity.

Related : Chandigarh Corporation Rose Festival 2019 Photography Competition :

With the development of Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden came into existence the Panjab University Rose Festival.

PURF Competitions

** Fashion Competition
** Rose Prince & Princess
** Flower Competition
** Photography Competition
** Painting Competition
** Fancy Dress
** Catch The Glimpses Competition
** Natural Biodiversity
** Exhibition & Workshop
** Collage Making Competition
** Dancing Competition
** Art Workshop
** Singing Competition
** Rangoli Competition
** Poetic Competition
** Band Competition

PURF Registration

To participate in the above competitions, kindly click on the registration button and fill the details.

Register Here :

Flower Competition:
Flower Competition (To be applied offline only) :

Check Here :

PURF Rules

1. Entry Fees (Per Entry) for various competitions will be as following:
a. Flower Competition – Rs. 50 per entry per participant
b. Singing, Dancing, Fashion, and Rose Prince & Princess Competitions -Rs. 300 per entry per participant
c. School Band Competition -Free Entry
d. Other competitions – Rs. 100 per entry per participant.

2. A participant participating in more than one competition will have to deposit separate entry fees for each competition.

3. Competition in which participants have to participate in a duet or group category, each member of the duet or group will have to deposit separate entry fees.

4. Entries for flower competition will be accepted up to 07.02.2019 till 5:00 p.m. at Rose Festival Secretariat, Single Window Enquiry, Near Post Office, Panjab University, Sector-14, Chandigarh and on 08.02.2019 till 10:00 a.m. at Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

5. Entries for photography competition will be accepted up to 05.02.2019 till 5:00 p.m.

6. Entries for all other competitions will be accepted up to 06.02.2019 till 5:00 p.m.

7. The organizers reserve the power to cancel, postpone or change the venue of any event without assigning any reason. The organizers can divide a group into sub-groups and can also merge two or more groups into one.

8. Rules for participation in all competitions will be available in Rose Festival Secretariat, Single Window Enquiry, Near Post Office, Panjab University, Sector-14, Chandigarh and also at website and on Facebook at page ‘P.U. Rose Festival’. Participants are requested to check for any updates regarding the change in venue or dates through online channels.

9. All the forms of competition will be sold and received in Rose Festival Secretariat from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. and on the website till last dates for respective competitions.

10. No Cash Prizes will be awarded.

11. Those applying online should bring the acknowledgment receipt and an attested copy of DOB certificate at the venue of the Competition.

Event Schedule

1st Day (08.02.2019):

Programme Timing Venue
Flower & Photography Competition (Judgement) 12:30 p.m. Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden
Inauguration 2:00 p.m. Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden
School Band Competition 4:30 p.m. Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden
Fashion Competition & Performance by Band 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Old Convocation Ground

2nd Day (09.02.2019):

Competition Timing Categories Venue
Singing Competition
(Solo & Duet)
8:30 a.m. 1st group (5-12 yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Old Convocation Ground
Rangoli 10:00 a.m. 1st group (5-12 yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Pond near Admn. Block
Collage Making 12:15 p.m. 1st group (5-12 yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Old Convocation Ground
Slogan Writing 2:00 p.m. 1st group (5-12 yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Old Convocation Ground
Face Painting 3:00 p.m. 1st group (5-12 yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Old Convocation Ground
Laughter Show 7.00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Old Convocation Ground

3rd Day (10.02.2019) :

Competition Timing Categories Venue
Dancing Competition

(Solo, Duet & Group)

(Solo & Duet)

8:30 a.m. 1st group (3-10yrs)

2nd group (10-15yrs)

3rd group above 15 yrs

Old Convocation Ground
Poetic Recitation 9:30 a.m. 1st group (5-12yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Balwant Gargi Open Air Theatre
Rose Prince & Rose Princess 9.30 a.m. 1st group (0 -1 yrs)

2nd group (1-2yrs)

3rd group (2-3 yrs)

Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden
Painting Competition 11.00 a.m. 1st group (5-12yrs)

2nd group (12-18yrs)

3rd group (18-27yrs)

Old Convocation Ground
Creative Mehandi 2:00 p.m. 1st group (5-10yrs)

2nd group (10-15yrs)

3rd group (15-30yrs)

Old Convocation Ground
Fancy Dress 2:00 p.m. 1st group (3-6 yrs)

2nd group (6-9yrs)

3rd group (9-12yrs)

Prof. R.C. Paul Rose Garden
Star Night 7.00 p.m to 10:00 p.m Old Convocation Ground


For More Information & Sponsorship: 7888331330 / 9814893401/ 01722534365.

This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 4:20 PM

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