EduHeal Foundation EHF 11th IEO 2019 International English Olympiad Scholarship :

Organisation : EduHeal Foundation EHF
Contest Name : 11th IEO International English Olympiad Scholarship 2019
Applicable For : Students of classes 1 to 12
Contest Last Date : 31st August 2019
Exam Date : 18th October 2019
Website :

EduHeal Foundation IEO Olympiad

International English Olympiad is a unique Olympiad stressing on importance of English in academics, in day to day life and its relevance in today’s Global World.

Related : EduHeal Foundation EHF 14th NIMO 2019 National Interactive Math Olympiad :

Eduheal Foundation[EHF] is taking a step in this direction through its flagship programme-International English Olympiad [IEO], EHF is on a look out for kids who love english and want to excel in it.

Who Can Participate?

Now into its 11th year, classes 1 to 12 students can participate.

How To Register?

1) Students and the school registration forms are available in the following link

2) Fill and send the students and the school registration form and mail to

EHF 103 ground floor,
Taj Apartments, Ring Road,
Near AIIMSMetro Station,
New Delhi-110029.

Important Note:
** The name of the student should be filled in capital letters.
** The name should be correctlyspelled as the same will appear in certificates.
** Please don’t forget to keep a copy of above documents for your own use.
** Attendance sheet containing roll number of the enrolled student will be sent alongwith question paper.
** The Roll No.will be generated by EHF and is a combination of Olympiad code, school code & enrolment no.
** You can call 9811370229 to know your school code.
** The roll number/name given in the attendance sheet will be considered final.
** School will be required to generate attendance sheet in case the registration is received after the last date of registration.
** The generated roll no will remain same for all levels.

Exam Levels

Level 1: National

** Besides NCF, CBSE, ICSE, State and IB syllabus will be followed. To be conducted in your school.
** Theme will be given in Art contest. Syllabus guidelines, sample question for each class are sent upon registration.
** The School Teacher incharge is requested to share these with students.
** These can also be downloaded from the EHF website
** Level 1 will be pen paper (OMR) based multiple choice questions. Student should correctly fill in all columns of OMR.
** Incorrect or incomplete information may lead to disqualification of the student from being ranked.
** Sample OMR sheet is available on EHF site and is also attached with the sample paper. There is no level-2 in Arts and G.K. There is no fee for level 2 and 3.

Level 2 : International

Selected students – Successful school toppers will participate in an online/computer based test to be conducted at exam centres all over India in February. These tests will have interactive questions. The Syllabus will be same as was in level-1.

Admit Cards

They will be emailed to the school on the school email ID registered with EHF. An SMS will also be sent on the registered mobile number.

Exam Pattern

Sample Papers

Student can download sample papers from website


** Prizes worth 50 lakhs will be awarded to participating students, teachers and principals for promoting english creativity.
** Award of 100,000 to the overall best performing students in Math, Science, G.K and English.

Important Dates

** Last date to register is 31st August 2019 /30 day before the exam.
** Paper based exam date of International English Olympiad is 18th October 2019

This post was last modified on August 3, 2023 4:52 PM

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