Organisation : Viacom 18 Media Private Limited
Contest Name : Wonder Park Contest 2019
Applicable For : Residents of Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore
Contest Last Date : 12th March 2019
Website :
Nick Wonder Park Contest
The Contest is organized by Viacom 18 Media Private Limited. Answer simple questions and win free movie tickets
Related : Nick Birthday Bumps Contest :

This contest is open all individual participants who:
** are above 18 (eighteen) years of age. However, in case of participation by Participants who are below 18 (eighteen) years of age, participation in this Contest will be deemed as participation with the prior consent and knowledge of the Participant’s parents/guardian.;
** are viewers of the channels “Nick, Sonic, Nick HD+, Nick Jr”and
** hold a valid proof of Indian citizenship of India and reside in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.
Contest Period
The Contest shall commence on 6th March 2019 at 00:00 hours and shall conclude on 12th March 2019 at 23: 59 hours
How To Participate?
** To participate in the Contest, the participants will be required to visit and answer the question of the day.
** One multiple choice Contest Question will be posted on the Contest Website every day from the commencement of the Contest Period until the end of the Contest Period.
** The correct answer to the question must be chosen from the options that have been provided under that Contest Question, and must be in accordance with the Contest terms and conditions.
Each Winners shall win the following prize as stated below.
Prize | Approximate Value |
2 (two) Movie Ticket for Wonderpark | Upto INR 500/- |
1 (One) Gift Hamper consisting of Wonderpark merchandise | Upto INR 1000/- |
The Prizes shall, at the discretion of the Organizer, be distributed by the Organizer or may be collected by the Winners at such dates, times and locations as specified by the Organizer, which dates shall be between the 12th March 2019 to 15th March 2019.
Contest Rules
** The Organizer shall have the right to choose a total of 15 (fifteen) contest winners from the Participants, who have provided the maximum number of correct Contest Answers to the Contest Questions.
** The Winners shall be selected on the basis of the maximum number of correct Contest Answers provided by the Participants during the Contest Period and in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
** The Organizer shall directly notify the Winners between the 12th March 2019 to 15th March 2019.
** In case of Winner(s) who are below 18 (eighteen) years of age, parents/guardian of such Winner(s) shall be required to sign the release form in the format required by the Organizer, for and on behalf of the Winner(s).
** Further, such Winner(s) shall be required to submit to the Organizer, a document evidencing the fact that his/her participation in the Contest was approved by and was subject to the prior consent and knowledge of the Participant’s parents/guardian.
** Mere participation in the Contest and sending the correct Contest Answers does not entitle the Participants to win the Contest or the Prize.
** The selection process may vary and shall be as per the Organizer’s sole discretion.
** The Participants or any third party shall have no right to question the process of selection.
** The Organizer may determine the correctness, quality and validity of the Contest Answers in their sole discretion.
** Income tax, gift tax or any other statutory taxes, duties or levies as may be applicable from time-to-time, arising out of the Prizes, shall be borne and paid by the Winners.
** In case the Winners fail to comply with the applicable laws or pay the requisite taxes, duties or levies, if any, the Winners shall indemnify the Organizer of any losses, claims, expenses, costs and actions for the same.
** The Participants acknowledge that they do not have any medical, physical and/or emotional condition which can jeopardize their eligibility for participation in the Contest.
** The Prize shall not be transferable, negotiable and/or redeemable for cash. No request shall be entertained by the Organizer in this behalf.
** Only the Winner and no other person can claim the Prize for or on behalf of the Winner.
** Employees of the Organizer, its affiliates and associates and sponsors, are not permitted to participate in the Contest.
This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:55 PM
View Comments (2)
rudra has done well
it is very interesting
i also try to do like rudra
Good Contest.