Star Asianet Middle East Dove Fresh Face Hunt Contest 2019 UAE :

Organisation : Star India
Channel Name : Star Asianet Middle East
Contest Name : Dove Fresh Face Hunt Contest 2019
Applicable For : Female, UAE Residents
Contest Last Date : 31th March, 2019
Website :

Star Asianet Dove Fresh Face Hunt Contest

Dove Fresh Face Hunt Contest is Contest hosted by Star India Private Limited for participants residing in the UAE.

Related : Star Jalsha Happy Weekend Contest 2019 :

STAR shall promote the Contest on the channels “Star Plus Middle East”, “Asianet ME”, “Asianet Plus” and “Asianet Movies” and on its Facebook Page.

Contest Period

The Contest shall commence on 8th March, 2019 at 12:00 AM UAE and shall conclude on 31th March, 2019 at 11.59 pm UAE


The Participant(s) must be Female individual citizens/resident of the Territory and of twenty (21) years of age or above at the start date of the Contest Period.

How To Participate?

1. The Participant will take a one minute video from one of her favourite movies in which she will perform a scene and send the 1 minute video along with her mobile number to:
2. Only the first Entry per Participant(s) shall be allowed and considered for the purpose of the Contest. For the sake of clarity, if a Participant(s) has/have submitted their first entry with the incorrect answer and subsequently with the correct answer, only the first Entry shall the considered for the Contest, the subsequent Entry shall be considered null and void.
3. An Entry will be deemed valid only on completion of the full details requested along with the answer to the question.
4. Any details submitted must be accurate and complete and are subject to proof upon request by STAR.
5. Participant(s) must enter the Contest on her own behalf and Entry(ies) by proxies will not be accepted.
6. The Entries received before the commencement or after the expiration of the Contest Period shall be void. Any incomplete and/or illegible entries will result in disqualification from entry into the Contest and the receipt of any prize.

Selection Process

STAR shall within ten days after the expiry of the Contest Period shortlist 10 Participants basis the Entry which shall be viewed and evaluated by the representatives of the Company and /or and /or renowned experts appointed by the Company.

Shortlisted Participant(s) shall be required to be present in the Audition Centre at the Audition Centre on specific dates as decided by the Company. The Shortlisted Participant(s) may be asked to perform a minimum 1 (one) act and maximum 2 (two) showcasing their talents and /or skills including but not limited to singing, dancing, martial arts, acrobatics etc.


The Winner shall be required to be present in such location as required by the Company to feature in the Company’s show “Kerala Samajam”.


The Winner will be contacted on the phone number through which the Entry was submitted. The communication to the Winner would be done within thirty (30) days from the end of the Contest Period.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

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