SilverZone iOS 2019-20 International Olympiad of Science : Silver Zone Foundation

Organisation : SilverZone Foundation
Olympiad Name : iOS International Olympiad of Science 2019-20
Applicable For : Students of classes 1st to 12th
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Registration Last Date : 30th September, 2019
Olympiad Dates : 19th November, 2019 | 19th December, 2019
Website :

SilverZone iOS Olympiad

The International Olympiad of Science, a test of competence and proficiency in Science, is held annually at the National and International levels, based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ ICSE and the State Boards. Apart from syllabus, a part of test paper is based on the Applied Science.

Related / Similar Contest : Silver Zone iOS Olympiad 2020-21

iOS Eligibility

All the students of classes 1st to 12th are eligible.

iOS Test Paper

The language medium is English only. The examination is being conducted for all classes from 1st to 12th with the following details.

For Classes 1-2 : There will be 40 questions and the duration will be of 60 Minutes.
For Classes 3-12: There will be 50 questions and the duration will be of 60 Minutes.

The details of the manner in which the test is to be conducted will be sent with the question papers. The questions will be of objective type in nature with multiple choice answers. There is no negative marking. For classes 3rd onward OMR answer sheets will be provided.

iOS Olympiad Structure

Level 1:
All the students of classes 1st to 12th are eligible to take part in Level 1.

Level 2:
Top 1000 Olympiad rank holders of the 1st Level from each class will compete for top positions in a 2nd level examination. All Class 1st rank holders with minimum 60% of marks with minimum 100 students from a particular school are also eligible for Level 2.

Level 3:
Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level will be eligible for Level 3. Level 3 will be conducted at New Delhi, India.

How To Register For iOS?

The Registration for iOS’19 has already been started. Registration Forms are available in the Silver Zone website. Download and fill the form and send to the below address

School Registration :

Student Registration :

Postal Address:
SilverZone Foundation
B-2, Ansal Chamber-2, Bhikajicama Place,
New Delhi-110066, India

Tel : +91-011-26166210, 11, 12

iOS Fee Details

For Schools Outside India

The participation fee for the Olympiad is USD$8 per student, out of which USD$2 shall be retained by the school.

For Schools In India

The participation fee for the Olympiad is Rs. 125/- per student, is to be collected by the school from the students. The school may collect an additional Rs.25/- per student.

iOS Payment Mode

For Payment mode in India and Abroad, please refer to the ‘School Registration Form’.

iOS Prizes/ Scholarship

Level 1:

Rank Award
1st2nd Top 2 students of the 3rd level participants will be sent for educational excursion to NASA .

Level 2:

Rank Award
1st Olympiad 1st rank holder of class 12th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 75,000/- along with a Winner’s Trophy and Olympiad 1 st rank holder of class 11th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- along with a Winner’s Trophy.
1st 1st Olympiad rank holder from classes 1st to10th will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
2nd 2nd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 15,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
3rd 3rd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
1st2nd3rd All Zonal Rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of all classes will be awarded with exciting prizes (Minimum marks 50%).
All All participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).

Level 3:

Rank Award
4th-10th 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with wrist watches.
11th-25th 11thto 25th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with exciting prizes.
26th-500th 26th to 500th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with the topper achievement certificate.
1st2nd3rd Class Topper 1st, 2nd 3rd rank holders of every class of each school will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks.
All All participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC) and Descriptive Assessment Report.

iOS Important Dates

** The Science Olympiad will be conducted on 19th November 2019 and 19th December 2019
** You may opt for either 19nd November 2019 or 19th December 2019 as your International Olympiad of Science date.
** Last date of registration is 30th September 2019.
** The Result of the 1st Level will be available at in the month of January 2020.
** The 2nd Level will be conducted in the month of January/February 2019.
** Second Level Result will be declared in 2nd / 3rd week of march 2020

This post was last modified on March 25, 2020 12:05 PM

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