: Meghalaya Tourism Logo Design & Slogan Contest 2019

Organisation : Meghalaya Tourism, Government of Meghalaya
Competition Name : Logo Design & Slogan Contest 2019
Applicable For : Permanent citizens of India
Last Date : 15 August 2019
Prize : 1,00,000 For Logo Design & 50,000 For Slogan
Website :

Meghalaya Tourism Logo Design & Slogan Contest

Meghalaya Tourism invites applications for tourism logo contest for the Department of Tourism for its publicity and branding purposes. The design of the logo should be reflective of the state of Meghalaya especially in relation to tourism.

Related / Similar Contest : IIT Delhi Logo Design Competition 2020


The contest is open to the following ;
** Permanent citizens of India.
** Those not eligible to enter or win the slogan contest are the following; the judges of the contest.


Win attractive cash Prize :
1. For Logo Design Contest – Rs 10,000
2. For Slogan Contest – Rs 50,000

How To Apply

Duly filled forms along with entries to be emailed to info.meghalayatourism AT

Application Form :

Please Note :
In absence of any desired or suitable entry, Tourism department will have the right to be reject all entries

Slogan Contest

Technical Requirements

Each entry must:
Consist of an original SLOGAN with key qualities with the theme of the following–
(1) Communicates the essence of Meghalaya Tourism,
(2) Communicates Clear Message of Promoting Meghalaya,
(3) The slogan must not consist more than 8 (eight) words and should ideally be less than 5 (five) words.
(4) The entire slogan must be typed and written in English. It must be in Times New Roman and double spaced on white 8 1/2 ” x 11 ” (one side only) paper.
(5) Must not contain any information to identify the entrant such as name, address, e-mail or signature.

Slogan Requirements

** Every Slogan submitted must be the original work of the entrant, not previously published or won in any other contest or awarded any prize and should communicate the essence of tourism in Meghalaya.

** The Slogan cannot infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy or any intellectual property or other rights of any person or persons or entity.

Multiple Entries

An entrant may submit more than one entry but must be a new Slogan.
a. Each slogan must meet all requirements of the contest rules.
b. All entries will become the property of Meghalaya Tourism and will not be acknowledged or returned.

c. By submitting an entry, each entrant acknowledges and agrees that Meghalaya Tourism may obtain many entries in connection with this contest and that such entries may be similar or identical in theme, idea, format or other respects to the other entries submitted in connection with the contest. Meghalaya Tourism reserves the right to use a part of/or whole slogan selected and edit the same to suit its requirement.

d. By entering the slogan contest, each entrant grants further permission to Meghalaya Tourism to publish all or part of the summited slogan and to use the entrants name and photograph and to publicize the winning entry and the names of the author of the final winning slogan contest, all without royalty or other consideration.

e. This contest will be subject to the provision of all applicable local laws and regulations.

Logo Design Contest

Logo Specification

i) The design of the logo must be original, professional and must incorporate the essence of Meghalaya
ii) The logo must not have any elements which may be considered negative or sensitive to any person and must have colors that reflect distinctiveness of the state. The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.

iii) The design of the logo can be made using computer graphic in soft-copy using JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 1280 x 960 and to be sent in size A4 (21cm x 29.7 cm) through email or the design may also be presented as a sketch which will later be refined using a professional designer to finalize the logo if selected. The minimum data size submitted for the image(s) should be 2 MB. Further, no watermark or logo or name should be present on the image.

iv) All logos received by Tourism Department, Government of Meghalaya will become the property of the Department, which shall have the right to make changes/ amendments on any part of the logo.

Terms & Conditions

** You can participate in the contest by downloading a registration form from Meghalaya Tourism website
** Participant is to make sure that his/her Profile/information is accurate and updated for further communication.

** This includes details such as name, e-mail id, photo and mobile number.
** Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.

** Every entry must be accompanied with information about place, station, clearly filled in the column.
** Entries missing these details would not be considered.
** Once submitted for competition, copyrights of designed logo will be with Meghalaya Tourism, Government of Meghalaya.

** Multiple submissions by the same participant would not be considered. Only single submission will be accepted.
** Logo should be submitted in pdf or jpg or jpeg file format.
** Both colour and monochrome images will be accepted.

This post was last modified on May 12, 2022 2:57 PM

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