Amity Law School 4th International Moot Court Competition 2016

Organization : Amity Law School
Competition Name : 4th Amity International Moot Court Competition 2016
Applicable For : Three/Five year LL.B. or LL.M Students
Registration Last Date : 10th February 2016

Website :
Moot Proposition :
Registration Form :
Rules :

Related :
3rd Amity National Legal Essay Competition 2015 :

Moot Court Competition- Rules & Regulations:

Aim and Purpose :
The Amity Law School, Center II is organizing International Moot Court Competition, 2016 to enable students to familiarize themselves with the law and practice of the International law.

Competition Dates 10th, 11th & 12th March 2016

Date and Venue :
Block I-2/I-3,
Amity Law School, Center II,
Amity University,
Sector – 125, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh – 201303

Dress Code :
Formal wear :
Ladies: Dark coloured salwar or trouser, white coloured kurta or shirt/ suit (black)
Gentlemen: White shirt with tie and dark coloured trouser / suit (black)

Language :
The competition shall be held in English language.

Eligibility :
** All students currently enrolled in three year or five year LL.B. or LL.M. degree in any Law School/College/University in India, are eligible to participate in the Competition.
** Any recognized Institution/College/University shall be entitled to send only one team to the Competition.

Team Composition :
a. Each team shall be comprised of maximum 3 members, i.e. 2 speakers and 1 researcher. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances. Teams shall identify such speakers and researcher during registration.
b. Teams shall not disclose their identity or that of their institution or city at any time before or during the competition. Such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the Organizer.
c. Any additional Member or Team Coach of any Team shall not be recognized and will not be entitled to a certificate from the Amity Law School Centre-II.

Registration :

** Each team can register provisionally by filling the online registration form whose link has been provided – .
** To complete the process of registration, all participating teams are required to submit the complete registration form, duly signed and stamped by the Head of Institution/Principal/Head of Department along with the Demand Draft (DD) of Rs. 4500/- in favour of Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, payable at Noida.
** The aforementioned documents must be sent (by post or courier) to Amity Law School, Centre II, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201303. The Last Date for registration is at 5 pm IST on Wednesday 10th February 2016. The Travel plan has been attached at the end of the rules and regulations kindly fill the plan and send the same along with the registration form.
** The Registration fee for SAARC Countries is 50 USD which they can pay in INR as well.
** All other International teams shall pay 250 USD or its equivalent excluding service charge (If Any) as the Registration Fee

Contact :
Any clarifications for the competition can be sought from:
1. Mr. Tushaar Ved Saxena
Assistant Professor
(Faculty In-charge)
Mob- +91-9717000519

2. Mr. Sarthak Gaur :
Student Bar Forum
Amity Law School, Center– II.
Mob – +91 – 9971347479

3. Tel : +91(0)-120-4392967 (Landline)

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 1:15 PM

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