Organisation : Viacom18 Media Private Limited
Contest Name : Colors Bigg Boss 13 Video Vichaar Contest 2019
Applicable For : Citizen of India
Last Date : Contest will end on last episode of the Program
Website :
Bigg Boss Video Vichaar Contest
“Bigg Boss 13 VOOT Chugli Booth” is conducted by Viacom18 Media Private Limited in relation to the television show “Bigg Boss 13” telecast on the television channel viz. Colors
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This Contest is organized by Viacom18 and is open to all individual participation who
** Are citizens of India and hold valid proof of citizenship;
** Are above 18 (eighteen) years of age;
** Are viewers of the Program;
** Have and are able to provide a valid email address to Viacom18 when required;
** Have downloaded the Voot mobile application (owned and operated by Viacom18) on their mobile phone device and/or any other device (“Voot App”) and registered themselves on the Voot App.
** The Participant agrees that he/she will be required to submit all valid proofs of name/ age/ address/ nationality/citizenship and/or any other document if and as may be required by Viacom18 from time to time.
Contest Period
** The Contest shall commence from 30th, September, 2019 and will end on the first airing of last episode/finale episode of the Program on the Channel or until such date as deemed fit by Viacom18 or till such other date as determined by Viacom18 in its sole discretion.
** The Contest shall open every day during the Contest Period and shall commence immediately after the telecast of the respective episode on the Channel every day and end at the first telecast of the subsequent episode on the Channel the next day and so on for each Contest Day till the first telecast of finale episode of the Program (“Contest Hours”).
How To Participate?
In order to participate in the Contest, the Participant will be required to download the Voot App, follow the registration process as displayed therein and submit the Contest Video in the manner as prescribed hereinafter.
Participation process shall include the following steps:
The Participant shall be required to click on the link as displayed on the Voot App , in the ‘Video Vichaar’ section and complete the registration process by entering details/fields which may include such details as, inter alia,
i) Name,
ii) Age,
iii) Address,
iv) Nationality,
v) email id,
vi) online social media accounts,
vii) Contact number mobile;
viii) Contact number landline, etc.
and after filling in all the required details the Participant shall upload / submit the Contest Video as per the instructions, steps and specifications detailed herein and detailed within the Voot App from time to time.
Contest Questions
Viacom18 will invite participation from the viewers of the Program to provide their reactions/responses to one question in relation to the Program in the form of Contest Video (defined later), made available on Voot App after the telecast of the episode of the Program on the Channel on each Contest Day during the Contest Period.
The Contest Question shall be refreshed/changed every Contest Day and the Contest Video shall be strictly in relation to the Contest Question of the given Contest Day. The Contest Questions shall be displayed on the Voot App, in the ‘Video Vichaar’ section.
Contest Video
** Participants will be required to share their entry by recording their response to the Contest Questions in the form of an audio-visual recording and submit the same on the Voot App in the manner as instructed and detailed on the Voot App, for selection by Viacom18, at its sole discretion to telecast / exhibit the selected Contest Videos in any other manner on any other platforms, including Voot App or any such other digital platforms as per Viacom18’s sole discretion.
** Any recording of the Participant sent as an entry/Contest Video other than as per mentioned in the Contest guidelines/the terms detailed herein and/or in accordance with the specifications on the Voot App shall be deemed to be an invalid entry and Viacom18 shall not be responsible or liable for any claims arising therefrom.
** The Participant shall ensure that the duration of the Contest Video shall be minimum 5 (five) seconds and maximum up to 30 (thirty) seconds. Any Contest Video which does not adhere to the aforesaid duration will be rejected.
** The Participants may upload his/her Contest Video on the Voot App multiple number of times before the end of the Contest Hours for each Contest Day during the Contest Period. Viacom18 at its discretion shall select the Contest Video as the Participant’s final / last entry for the purpose of selection and consider any entry thereof.
** The contents of the Contest Video shall be, at all times subject to the S&P guidelines as detailed in Annexure A hereto. In the event the Contest Video is not as per the S&P guidelines, the Contest Video shall be deemed disqualified.
Selection of Winners
** After Contest Day during the Contest Period, Viacom18 will review all the eligible Contest Video(s) submitted during the each Contest Day and after the submissions are thoroughly scrutinized by Viacom18 and/or its representatives, Viacom18 will then select the best eligible Contest Video(s) from each Contest Day.
** The Winners(s) will be selected by Viacom18, determined as per their sole discretion for each Contest Video submitted.
** In the event that Viacom18 is of the opinion that none of the Contest Video(s) are eligible to be selected, then Viacom18 may exercise its discretion not to select any Contest Video(s) and hence there will be no Winner/s.
** Viacom18 will have the right to verify the authenticity of each Contest Video uploaded as part of the Contest and the Participants are required to comply with the requests of Viacom18 to verify the authenticity of the content of their Contest Video(s) submitted to Viacom18.
** Viacom18 reserves the right to disqualify any Participant(s) from participating in the Contest without assigning any reason. The decision of Viacom18 in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Participant(s).
** A Participant once chosen as a Winner will be entitled to the Gratification (as defined below). Mere participation in the Contest does not entitle the Participants to win any Gratification.
This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 4:57 PM