Organisation : Radio Mirchi
Contest Name : Smule Mirchi Cover Stars 2020 Contest Audition
Applicable For : Indian citizens age between 18 and 35 years
Last Date : 19/01/2020
Website :
Radio Mirchi Cover Stars Contest
Welcome to Smule Mirchi Cover Star! Participate now and win a chance to perform at Mirchi Music Awards in front of the entire music fraternity. To enter, simply download the Smule app and sing.
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The Participants shall fulfil the following criteria:
** The Competition is open to the participants between the ages 18 and 35 years of age as on December 15,2019.
** Citizens of India
Competition Period
Registration for participation in the competition shall be open from 10/12/2019 12:00:00 hrs to 19/01/2020 at 12:00:00hrs on the Smule Application for Android and IOS only
How To Participate?
** Participants need to download Smule App from Google/Apple store for entering the competition
** Once they login register through any social media/google account or through mobile number
** Post registration Participant needs to click on the Mirchi Cover Star Banner which will direct them to the list of songs shortlisted for the Competition
** There are 25 songs shortlisted by the management as listed in the Smule App
** The Participants shall record video of the as per the specifications of the application and instructions given in the Smule App (“Audition Videos”)
** Participants shall ensure that the Audition Videos of the Participants must conform to the requirements
** Performance must be a cappella (no instruments or backing track)
** Audition Videos must have been recorded within time limit specified by the application
** Audition Videos must only contain the Participant and no other member and/or voice of any other person.
** Audition Videos must NOT contain material which is sexually explicit, obscene, pornographic, violent, discriminatory illegal , offensive, threatening, profane or harassing.
** Audition Videos must NOT include mention or feature any uncleared copyrighted material, including but not limited to music, films, books, television programming, artwork, sculpture, photographs, etc., or identifying descriptions of any copyrighted material.
** Audition Videos must NOT contain derogatory references to the Producer, the Company, the Channel, etc.
** Audition Videos must NOT include any third-party trademarks, logos, insignia, location signage, etc.
** Songs Sung in the Audition Videos should be in Hindi only
** A Participant can upload only one video for Registration
Selection Process
** All valid correct entries received across all platforms on the Smule App will be screened by a software and/or set of independent juries on a pre-defined rating scale
** While multiple entries from the same landline / mobile telephone number will be submitted by the participant only the first entry submitted by the participant will be taken into consideration for the competition
Winner Determination
Subject to completion of documentation as prescribed by Organizers, the Participants will have to go through following rounds:
A. Public Voting Round:
Where the audition video of top participants will be taken to a social media platform for voting.
B. Jury Round:
Post selection in the public voting round, the Participant will be taken to sing in front of the Judges forming a part of a Jury
Public Voting Process
** Top 100 videos shortlisted post documentation checks will be announced to public for voting by Organisers across various platforms
** The number of entries that could be opened to public voting can be modified and changed at the discretion of the Jury and Organisers
** Public can vote for up to 5 nominees announced through logging on to , as facility made available by the organiser
** If the entries are not received in the correct and defined format then they may not be considered for tabulation purposes
** A cap of maximum votes per registered voter will be applicable and will be decided internally by the Awards Management
** Last date for public voting will be announced subsequently by the Organisers
This post was last modified on February 28, 2022 3:01 PM
View Comments (2)
High rated gabro garu randhwa song
Kabira song jabin notilya