Organisation : Goa Forest Department
Contest Name : 3rd Bird Festival of Goa Vihang Wildlife Video & Bird Photography Competition 2020
Applicable For : People of all ages all over India
Last Date : January 15th, 2020
Website :
Goa Forest Wildlife Video Contest
The main objective of the 3rd Bird Festival of Goa & the Wildlife video & Bird Photography contest is sensitization, awareness and conservation of Wildlife with special emphasis on bird life and its critical habitat.
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Contest Details
Wildlife Video Contest
Entry into the #Wildlife Video Contest 2020 is subject to the acceptance of these terms and conditions.
** This contest is open to people of all ages all over India. It is open to both individuals and teams.
** There is no minimum or the maximum number of members for a team submission.
** A representative or leader should, however, be designated in the case of a team submission.
** Contest participants must create a video which will be based on the following theme: Wildlife of Goa
** The suggested length of the video is two minutes.
** The video is not expected to be professionally produced but can be done using any technology (cameras, smartphones or animation) and edited by the participants themselves.
** The video should be in MP4 format only and max size of 150 MB.
** The final video needs to be submitted on or before January 15, 2020.
** Entry to the contest is free.
** The wildlife video should have shot entirely in Goa during the period 1st January 2019 to 14th January , 2020 only
** Copyright of the submitted video remains with the respective entrants.
** However, in consideration of winning one of the prizes, each entrant grants a worldwide royalty-free perpetual licence to GOA FOREST DEPARTMENT to feature any or all of the submitted materials in any and all media for publicity and marketing purposes.
** This implies that any entry can be used for promotional purposes.
** All contest participants grant GOA FOREST DEPARTMENT the perpetual licence to copy, edit, display, publish and make available their submission materials and agree that GOA FOREST DEPARTMENT may publish their names in connection with this video contest and the campaign.
** It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that all videos have been taken with the permission of the subject(s) and no harm of any nature has been inflicted to any life form during filming the video.
Bird Photography Contest
Contestants must minimize disturbance to bird life and habitat. Birds cannot be trapped or restrained. Judges will be asked to severely reduce the score or disqualify photographs of birds that appear to be stressed. Welfare of the subject should be the foremost consideration.
** This contest is open to all
** Photographs of nesting birds or in the nests will be disqualified
** NO photographs of tame or caged birds is allowed.
** Flash Photography is NOT allowed and will be disqualified.
** Bird photos must necessarily be taken in Goa during the period 1st January 2019 to 14th January , 2020 only.
** The photographs, in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the Contest entrant.
** Each participant may submit a maximum of 2 entries and must be captioned.
** EXIF information for the image must be intact to prove the date taken.
** Images must be submitted with no borders and also no watermarks. All submitted images must be minimum 1024 pixel on the long side.
** The images are to be mailed on /
** The file name has to be in the following format e.g. Ravi Desai_Shikra
** A print in 8×10 inch has to be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Conservator of Forest, North Goa Division, Ponda on or before January 15, 2020 Ph. No.: 0832 – 2312856/2312095. /
** The details of the photographer (Name, contact No. & email id), location, date, time and caption is to be written on the back of the print.
** All entries must be original (must show original RAW or JPG image file). Optimization of images or colour correction, color contrast, brightness is acceptable, as is cropping.
** Digital manipulation that distorts the reality of the images will not be allowed.
** The entries are non-returnable. Participants retain the copyright of the photographs submitted.
** However, the entries may be used or reproduced by the organizers for promotional and educational purposes and Photo credits will be acknowledged.
** The organizers will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to an entry.
** A panel of Wildlife Photographers and Bird experts will evaluate all eligible entries based on the following Judging Criteria:(1) Interesting Behavior (2) Photographic quality (Sharpness, colors, exposure, etc).
** Decisions of the judges are final and binding. Winners will be notified at the prize giving ceremony.
** The panel of judges reserve the right to call for original JPEG or RAW files for the purpose of authentication. An image may be disregarded if the original files cannot be provided.
** BEST PHOTOS will be printed in A3 photo print and exhibited by the organizers at the Bird Festival venue.
Three winning videos will be selected and will be awarded cash prizes as follows:
** 1st Prize – Rs.20000/-
** 2nd Prize – Rs. 10000/-
** 3rd Prize – Rs 7500/-
Three winning photographs will be selected and will be awarded cash prizes as follows:
** 1st Prize – Rs. 15000/-
** 2nd Prize – Rs. 10000/-
** 3rd Prize – Rs 7500/-
The winners will be announced on January 15, 2020. Winners will also receive an email notification from the GOA FOREST DEPARTMENT.
The Bird Photography competition is being held as an event under the 3rd Bird Festival of Goa, 2020 and is organized by the Goa Forest Department, Govt. of Goa and the Goa Bird Conservation Network.
This post was last modified on March 1, 2022 5:07 PM