Tata Tea Gold ‘Buy Gold Get Gold’ Contest 2020 : tatateagoldcampaign.com

Organisation : TATA Global Beverages
Contest Name : Tata Tea Gold Buy Gold Get Gold Contest 2020 (Tata Tea Gold Campaign)
Applicable For : Residents of Orissa / Jharkhand / West Bengal / Bihar Only
Last Date : 31/03/2020
Website : tatateagoldcampaign.com/site/showtab/1

Tata Tea Gold Contest

“Buy Gold Get Gold Offer” program for consumers is sponsored and launched by TATA Global Beverages.


This Contest will be open to all the residents in the state of Orissa / Jharkhand / West Bengal / Bihar Only; with the exception of entries received from Tamil Nadu, employees, their immediate family members, agents, distributors, retailers and any other channel partner of TATA GLOBAL BEVERAGES and the agency.

Contest Period & Timings

The contest will commence from 20/11/2019 to 31/03/2020. The Participants can make an entry any time during the Contest Period but the winner generation will be for the entries received on weekly basis between 00:00:01 AM of the first day of the week to 23:59:59 PM of the last day of the week.

How to Participate?

** Any participant can participate in the contest any no. of times from a Unique mobile number/ household / IP Address during the contest period.
** To participate in the Contest, customers have to send an SMS within the contest period.
** As a first step, Participants are required to send an SMS with a valid Unique Code printed inside the pack to the respective long code from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone.

Example : SMS GOLD <space> Unique Code to 7353977777

** After sending the SMS, Participants will receive an SMS confirming their registration, thanking them for their participation and that winners will be announced shortly (If the Unique Code is valid and the keyword is correct).

Winner Selection

** A draw through random scientific selection will be conducted every week as per below.
** Winners for the week will be selected on the following week from the pool of valid entries (Valid entries means entries received between 00:00:01 AM on the 1st day of the week & 23:59:59 PM of the last day of the week) received during the week.
** There will be 1250 Winners for Rs. 4000 Gold Gift Vouchers will be chosen for the contest period of 133 Days.


** Participants will be chosen each week between 00:00:01 AM of the first day of the week & 23:59:59 PM of the last day of the week during the Contest Period.
** Participants will be chosen through a computerized, scientific random selection by TATA GLOBAL BEVERAGES or the Agency appointed by TATA GLOBAL BEVERAGES.
** There will be 1250 prizes (Rs. 4000 Gold Gift Vouchers) to be won during the Contest Period.
** The winners will be selected by lucky draw every week, and each shortlisted winner shall be eligible to win gifts, subject to the conditions duly fulfilled by the shortlisted winner.
** The cost of Procurement and Shipping of all prizes to be borne by Tata Global Beverages.

How To Redeem?

1) SMS in the following format: GOLDUnique Code to 7353977777
2) You will receive a participation confirmatory message
3) We will contact you if you are a winner

Winners List

Check Here : tatateagoldcampaign.com/site/showtab/4


Email: feedback@bigcity.in
Tel: +91 80 4055 4893

This post was last modified on February 28, 2022 3:02 PM

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