Silver Zone iOM 2020-21 International Olympiad of Mathematics :

Organisation : Silver Zone
Contest Name : iOM 2020-21 International Olympiad of Mathematics
Applicable For : Students of classes 1st to 12th
Last Date : 31st August, 2020.
Exam Date : 18th November 2020 & 15th December 2020
Website :

Silver Zone iOM Olympiad

The iOM is that foremost educational event for which the math enthusiasts from all over wait eagerly, and which decisively excites the imagination of the students, uncovering their true potential.

Related / Similar Contest : SilverZone International Olympiad of Mathematics 2021-22

It is a test of competence and proficiency in Mathematics and is held annually at the National and International levels, based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ ICSE/ ICBSE and the other State Boards.

Apart from the syllabus, a part of the test paper is based on Applied Mathematics. A comprehensive report based on Olympiad examination enables students to deliver deeper into their strengths and weaknesses and also motivates them towards excellence.

Olympiad Levels

Level 1:
All the students of classes 1st to 12th are eligible to take part in Level 1.

Level 2:
Top 1000 International Olympiad Rank holder’s (iOM, iOS, iOEL) of first level from each class will compete for the top position in 2nd level examination provided they secure minimum 50% marks.

In addition to the above criteria, all Class 1st Rank holders having more than 75% marks (In Level 1) for schools having more than 100 participants in (iOM, iOS, iOEL) are also eligible for Level 2.

Level 3:
Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level will be eligible for Level 3. Level 3 will be conducted at New Delhi, India.


The Olympiad is organized in the respective schools of the participants during the school hours. The structure of the event (iom) stands as the following:

An objective-type test of 60 minutes duration, comprising 40 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for classes I and II; and 50 MCQs for the classes III to XII.

The question paper is class specific and usually consists of three sections:
(i) Section-1: Mathematics
(ii) Section-2: Reasoning and Aptitude
(iii)Section-3: Scholar’s Zone

The medium of the test is English only. The iOM is conducted on two dates. Each school may select a date for conducting the Olympiad as per its convenience. Each date of the Olympiad has a separate set of question papers.

Students Registration

** The prospectus containing the Registration Forms of iOM are sent to all the schools registered with the SilverZone Foundation.
** The schools which are NOT registered with the Foundation may also request for prospectus by sending an e-mail at or by calling the Foundation on 011-26166210, 11, and 12.
** The schools must return the Registration Forms, properly filled in and complete in all respects, by the due date to the Foundation.
** A student can register through his/her respective school only. Individual registrations by students are not accepted.

Principals/teachers may please note that any school can become a registered centre for the International Olympiad of Mathmatics (iOM). No fee is required for the same. Only for feasibility reason, a minimum of 20 students need to be registered for the iOM, from the school.

Important Dates

** As iOM 2020 is being organised at National and International level, due to various reasons, it is not possible to conduct the olympiad on a specific single date.
** The Mathematics Olympiad will be conducted on 18th November 2020 and 15th December 2020.
** Please decide the date which is suitable to your school.
** You may opt for either 18th November 2020 or 15th December 2020 as your International Olympiad of Mathematics date.
** Last date of registration is 31st August, 2020.
** The Result of the 1st Level will be available at in the month of January 2021.
** The Registration for iOM’20 has already started.
** The Venue of the 1st & 2nd level will be the school itself, whereas 3rd level will be conducted at New Delhi.


Any clarification regarding rules, format/pattern of the paper, etc., may be sought from the SILVERZONE FOUNDATION through phone-call – 011-26166210,11,12 or email at

This post was last modified on March 8, 2021 12:03 PM

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