Zee Cinema #MyCelebPic Contest 2015

Organization : Zee Cinema
Competition Name : #MyCelebPic Contest 2015
Applicable For : Residents of India
Competition Last Date : 2nd December, 2015

Website : http://www.zeecinema.com/
Enter Now : facebook.com/ZeeCinemaChannel/
T&C : on.fb.me/1XktybI

#MyCelebPic Contest 2015 :

1. The contest will be held on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram from 27thNovember till 2nd December.
2. Participants must submit at least one valid picture with a Bollywood celebrityto be entitled to win.
3. The contest winners will be decided at the sole discretion of Zee Cinema
4. The contest is only for residents of India
5. The winners will receive either free couple movie tickets
6. Participants must use the hashtag – #MyCelebPic at the beginning oftheir entries for them to be valid.
7. Zee Cinema reserves the right to make changes to the contest and its prizes
8. Only the entries sent along with the contest hashtag will beconsidered as being valid

Process flow of Redemption of Movie Voucher :

** After receiving the movie ticket voucher, a customer has to log on towww.cinerewardz.com to register the voucher OR he may call on 022 40270000/40270038/40270034
** A Customer needs to Click On “Registration Tab” and enter his voucher no., name, telephone no., mobile no. and email. He supposed to click on submit button after filling the details. Registration period will be valid for 45 days from the date of voucher.
** Customer will get an Email & SMS with “Authentication No” (this Authentication no. will be used for booking the tickets)
** After receiving the Authentication code, customer needs to visithttp://cinerewardz.com/Booking.aspx (section for booking the movie tickets)

At the booking page, customer is supposed to enter
a) Authentication No. (which was sent on his email id and as an SMSon his mobile).
b) Region/City
c) Select multiplex and date of his choice
d) After selecting multiplex and date, customer have to “typeinMovieName” (he can check the Movie Name and Show Timings by referringtosomepopular movie websites ).

Within 24-60 hours(excluding Sundays), of filling this form, Cine Reward’s customer care will either give a call to a customer for confirming the tickets (from the options he had filled in while booking)or will send him an email for confirming the booking of his tickets. After confirmation, he will receive e-tickets on his email Id & via SMS. He will have to show the print out & SMS at the ticket window to avail physical tickets.

1. Customer will be allowed to book tickets in advance fortheshowscheduled after two days till seven days. The validity of the ticketswill be 3 Months/90 Days from the date of issue of the voucher
2. Ticket can be booked from Monday to Thursday – all shows andfrom Friday to Sunday – only applicable for morning shows
3. Booking shall be accepted from the second week of movie release.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:51 PM

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