Living Foodz LF Summer Recipe Contest 2020 :

Organisation : Living Entertainment Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Contest Name : LF Summer Recipe Contest 2020
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Last Date : 19th May, 2020
Website :

Living Foodz Summer Recipe Contest

Have a pickle recipe handed down by grandma? Or an amazing summer smoothie bowl that you came up with?

Related / Similar Contest : Living Foodz Your Recipe Contest 2020

Upload your recipe to participate in LF Summer Recipe Contest 2020. Get your recipe voted; recipes with the highest number of votes will stand a chance to win fun prizes every week.


The Contest is open for Indian nationals residing within the territory of India (Territory).

Contest Period

The Contest shall be effective from 22nd April,2020 till 19th May, 2020. For clarity:-1st week shall commence from 22nd April 2020 to 28th April 2020, 2nd week shall commence from 29th April 2020 to 5th May 2020, 3rd week shall commence from 6th May 2020 to 12th May 2020 & 4th week shall commence from 13th May 2020 to 19th May 2020 (collectively Contest Period). The Contest is open 24 hours a day for each day of the Contest Period.

How To Participate?

The Contest will be conducted on Living Foodz Website (Website) in the manner described hereinafter

a) Viewers of the Channel can participate in the Contest by simply sharing their unique summer recipes on (Website).

b) The entry link shall have the requisite columns to be filled in by the Participant, like Name, Email id, Town/City, Mobile Number 1.

A valid entry for the purpose of this Contest is only one which is made by submitting the recipes on the Website (Entry).


** From amongst the Participants who have submitted the Entry, LEEPL shall select 10 winners each week basis the highest voted recipe and/or LEEPL™s selected recipes in case of a tie /lack of enough votes.
** A total of 40 Winners will be chosen during the Contest Period who will get a gratification in the form of exciting goodies which is subject to change by LEEPL at its sole discretion (Prize).
** The Winners will be declared by Living Foodz every Wednesday on the Website.
** LEEPL may also declare the same through social media and its Channel or any other platform at LEEPL’s discretion.
** The Winners once announced on the Website may be contacted by LEEPL, or the Winners themselves may contact LEEPL within 7 days of such announcement on the Website, failing which the Prize shall stand forfeited.
** If the Winners fail to respond or fail to contact LEEPL within the timelines as specified such Winners shall not be considered for the Contest and shall not receive any Prize whatsoever.
** Thereafter, LEEPL shall have no further liability in relation to such Winners and LEEPL shall be free to select another eligible Participant as the Winner at its sole discretion.

Contest Terms

** The contest titled “Your Recipe Contest” (Contest) is conducted by Living Entertainment Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (LEEPL)
** The Prizes may be modified/changed/revised at the sole discretion of LEEPL.
** Each person participating in the Contest is hereinafter referred to as Participant.
** Each Participant may share multiple recipes, however, shall be entitled to be declared as a Winner only once during the Contest Period.
** The Winner(s) shall be requested to furnish documents to LEEPL’s such as age proof, residence proof and their nationality proof (i.e., permanent driving license, Aadhar card, passport, election card) (Documents).
** Only the Winner shall be entitled to receive the Prize and LEEPL shall not be liable to provide the Prize to any third person on behalf of the Participant.
** The Contest terms of use mentioned on the website where the terms and conditions are uploaded should be further referred to and abided by each Participant.
** The Winners shall not have any right to claim any kind of alternative i.e either in cash or in kind in respect of the declared Prizes.
** Each Participant to the Contest declares hereby that he/she is a real person in existence and not a computer programme.
** Employees of LEEPL, its affiliates, subsidiaries, any other business partners associated with this Contest (collectively the Employees), and immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of Employees are not eligible to participate in this Contest.
** LEEPL does not and shall not subscribe for any claims / disputes / confirmation / responsibility in respect of the Contest including the Contest Period and conditions and any breach thereof.

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