MyGov Ayush Sanjivani Quiz 2020

Organisation : Ministry of AYUSH
Contest Name : The Ayush Sanjivani Quiz 2020
Applicable For : Residents of India
Last Date : 21.06.2020
Website :

MyGov Ayush Sanjivani Quiz

Participation in this quiz will help you understand the AYUSH systems of healthcare in general, and the Ayush Sanjivani app in particular.

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About Quiz

The Ayush Sanjivani mobile app is a notable effort in the field of public health research in India. It aims to study the impact of AYUSH-based practices in improving the health of the general public.

The AYUSH Ministry advisories on immunity boosting came at the difficult time of the Covid- 19 pandemic, and are believed to have helped millions of people to ward off health problems in these difficult days.

The Ayush Sanjivani has at its heart a set of questions which aim to assess the impact of the said advisories in the prevention of Covid -19.

Who Can Apply?

** Entry into the Quiz is open to all Indian citizens.
** Participants from all age groups will be allowed to contest in the quiz.

Quiz Period

The quiz shall open on May 22, 2020 at 10:00 hours (1ST) and will close at 23:59 hours (IST) on June 21, 2020.


** This is a timed quiz with 10 questions to be answered in 120 seconds
** These questions will be randomly picked from the question bank.
** Winners will be adjudged on the basis of maximum number of correct answers.

** In case of multiple participants having given same number of correct answers, the participants who take the least time to complete the quiz will be adjudged the winner.

** You can skip a tough question and come back to it later.
** The quiz will start as soon as you click the Start Quiz button.

Quiz Duration

The quiz will be available for all contestants for the period of 2 minutes (120 seconds), in which they have to answer 10 multiple choice-based questions


Cash Prizes will be sponsored by the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda, an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of AYUSH.

** First Prize – one prize – Rs. 25,000/-
** Second Prize – 3 prizes – Rs. 10,000 each
** Third Prize – 5 prizes – Rs. 5,000 each
** All participants will be given digital Certificate of Participation.

Terms & Conditions

** The Quiz is being organized by Ministry of AYUSH
** Once submitted an entry cannot be withdrawn.
** The Participant shall abide by all the rules and regulations of participating in the Quiz from time to time.

** By entering the Quiz, the Entrant accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, mentioned above.
** Entries received outside of these time/dates will not be valid.

** One entrant can participate only once. Multiple entries from the same entrant will not be considered and will be discarded.

** If a winner is not contactable within five working days from the result announcement, he or she will forfeit the prize and another winner will be selected from the remaining eligible entries in accordance with the above process until a winner is selected and can be contacted.

** Participants are required to update their details like name, email address, telephone number and postal address. By submitting your contact details, you will give consent to these details being used for the purpose of the Quiz.

This post was last modified on June 8, 2020 3:55 PM

Categories: MyGov

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