K-Pop India Contest 2020 : kpopindia.com

Organization : Korean Cultural Centre India
Contest Name : K-Pop Contest 2020 India
Applicable For : Above Age 14 years
Country : India
Contest Last Date : 15.06.2020
Website : kpopindia [dot] com

K-Pop India Contest

To cooperate with the precautionary measure issued by Indian Government to control the spread of COVID-19, the K-Pop Contest 2020 will allow solo performance ONLY.

Related / Similar Contest : K-Pop India Contest 2021


** Anyone interested in K-Pop.
** Above Age 14 years, Indian Nationality.
** Indian Nationals currently living abroad can participate, as long as they are able to attend the regional round in India.

** Contestants must be able to travel overseas. Please make sure you will have a valid passport if you are selected as a finalist
** Non-Indians can not participate in the Contest.

** First Prize winning teams/solo acts from previous years are not allowed to participate.
** Member of First Prize winning teams from previous years’ final round are not allowed to participate.

** Participants can submit entries for both vocal and dancing category. But not more than one entry per category.

** By participating in the contest, Participants agree and give their permission to all related parties to record, film, photograph, audiotape or videotape their performances, and to display, publish or distribute these works for publicity or advertising purposes.

Contest Period

Entries will be accepted from 15th May, 2020 11:00am (IST) till 15th June, 2020 11:59am (IST). No entries will be entertained after the deadline.

How to Participate?

To Participate in K-Pop Contest 2020 India just follow the simple steps mentioned below
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Korean Cultural Centre through the URL http://www.kpopindia.com/index.php

Step 2 : Then click Upload link in the menu bar and fill the following details.

1. Enter your User Id – SAME AS EMAIL ID(required)
2. Enter your Password (required)
3. Select your Region of Participation (required)
4. Select Vocal or Dance (required)
5. Enter your Participants Name Or Team Name (required) Eg.: Immortals Army, Staccato

6. Enter Number of Members (required)
7. Enter the Names of All Members (required)
8. Enter your Name Of The K-Pop Song & Band (required) Eg.: BTS-Dope
9. Enter your State (required)
10. Enter your City (required)
11. Enter your Active Contact No 1 (Required)

12. Enter your Active Contact No 2 (Required)
13. Enter your Postal Address (Required)
14. Enter your Video Title (required)
15. Upload your Video Link (required)

Step 3 : Tick the check box I Agreed to all the terms
Step 4 : Enter the contents of image and Click Confirm button

How To Register Your Video?

Step 1 : Upload your video to YouTube.
Step 2 : Click the ‘Share’ link below the YouTube video.
Step 3 : Copy the YouTube video URL.(NOT the URL in your browser’s Address bar)
Step 4 : Paste the URL in the VIDEO LINK box above.

Rules For Online Round

** Entries containing any obscene/ provocative/ inappropriate contents will be automatically disqualified.
** Multiple entries per category will lead to disqualification.

** Any entry apart from K-POP will not be entertained (Music released after 2017 is recommended)
** One FULL song must be performed; there is no limitation on time.

** K-Pop Contest 2020 India is a nationwide contest and participants can upload videos irrespective of whether their city is chosen as a regional round venue or not. Participants must apply only to the region that they are currently based in/ nearest to.

** Full names of all the participants should be clearly mentioned in the registration form.
** Direct point of contact provided in the registration form should be active with communication.

** In case of any invalid/misinformation or not fulfilling the criteria of the registration form will lead to disqualification.
** The songs performed irrespective of the category must remain the same for all rounds and cannot be changed under any circumstances.

** No surprise is allowed (throwing glitter, water, gel or any other material).
** Props directly related to the choreography can be used if Korean Cultural Centre so sees fit. If participant wishes to use a prop in the cover, they must approach Korean Cultural Centre first.


** Solo ONLY. Owing to the ongoing conditions, we are requesting all participants to be follow safety regulations and to avoid stepping out of their homes unless necessary. Thus, considering the safety of all participants we have made the decision.

** The K-pop Song should be covered 100% and freestyle is NOT allowed.
** No English songs or English versions of Korean songs will be acceptable, even if performed by Korean artists.

** Rapping is allowed. Please note that in this case the selection criteria for vocalists will be utilized to mark your performance, and hence if you are confident in your rapping skills, and pronunciation, you may apply.

** Studio recording is NOT allowed.
** Merging of songs is NOT allowed.

** Editing of videos in any form is NOT allowed, we request participants to not use any filter/ affect or camera work as it can be perceived as editing by the judges and could lead to disqualification. All participants should film their videos clearly.

** Vocalist face must be clearly visible in the video.
** The video’s sound quality should be good.
** Vocals should be audible.
** Playing Instruments is not allowed


** Solo ONLY. Owing to the ongoing conditions, we are requesting all participants to be follow safety regulations and to avoid stepping out of their homes unless necessary. Thus, considering the safety of all participants we have made the decision.

** The main criteria for judging will be similarity between the official choreography of the song and the submission by participant.
** For the competition all participants MUST cover K-pop song 100%
** Merging of songs is NOT allowed.

** Editing of videos in any form is NOT allowed. We request participants to not use any filter/ effect or camera work as judges can perceive it as editing and could lead to disqualification. All participants should film their videos clearly.

** It is not allowed to overlay music over the video.
** Participants should know the lyrics of the part they are covering.
** Dancer face must be clearly visible in the video.
** Video quality should be good.

Online Selection Criteria

Vocal :
** Voice Ability – 60%
** Expression and pronunciation – 20%
** Stage Charisma – 20%

Dance :
** Choreography (Composition, Uniformity) – 40%
** Technique – 30%
** Stage Charisma – 30%

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:14 PM

View Comments (42)

  • So my name is NIBHASHARMA. I from Karnataka so even my dream is k-pop idol so I have some dout that if my state is seleted for audition I should do still video in u tube or so pls reply😅


  • I am from India and l also want to become a K-pop ldol it my big goal in life can l know that can l give this or any other audition

  • I want to became an indian kpop idlol this is my passion and I now one day i will be the most famous and confident idol from india hoping the entertiment notice me thank you

  • I don't know i have the talent to sing or dance but will try my best to give all and I am 14 from india fighting!!!!

  • I am very glad to become a kpop idol but i dont get a chance to become actually but i have hope ...!!!~swe

  • but I can't come to south Korea my parents will not allow
    and now I'm 14 years old and iam very interest in kpop idol
    If there is any chance to become kpop idol trainee in online section due to covid please tell me iam very to be kpop idol so if I start to be a trainee I could become a idol please

  • I like to be a trainee for 2 years and now I'm 14 years old and iam from chennai iam very interest in kpop idol
    If there is any chance to become kpop idol trainee in online section due to covid please tell me iam very to be kpop idol so if I start to be a trainee I could become a idol

  • My dream is to become a kpop star in my life i want that people know me by my telent plzz give me chance

  • My dream is only to become a kpop star i just want a chance to express my self by my singing i know that i am late

  • Please tell me is this contest will held in 2021 if yess then I will wait for it... coz my family will not let me to do so 😭😭more please tell me vann💜💜💜 anybody

  • Make sure your dancing will be as strong as you keep going all of you . I wanna share a fact with all of you bout myslf when i was just 4 years my parents send me to dance class that will make myself as self taught girl and atlast thanks to all who are reading my comment hope your dreams come true

  • I know all came here to make their dreams come true.Even I also came for that Becoming Kpop idol is my dream, I can dance well and also singing, I'm practicing to sing and dance at same Time.At any cost I'll reach my goal, in order to achieve my goals I'm ready to face any difficulties. I'm ready physically and mentally.....

  • Is this competition is going to held again in india in 2021
    Because now my age is 13 and in this October I am going to become of 14 and I am practicing so hard for it and I want to participate in the competition
    Please inform me plz..

  • I also want to become a K-pop artist but I have come to know about this competition late so I was not able to perform please can I get a chance to impress you all and make my dream real

    • Ya ofcourse I'm late,but I'll never lose my hope, I'll wait for my chance to prove myself. I'll chase my dream to become as a kpop idol until my last breath......

  • I'm so late for registration and I really want to become a k-pop idol.....and I'm crazy about that....but the time period is goner...I'm really really latee.I hope I know about this early 😭😭

  • i want be a kpop idol the worlds most famous. i have visuals i can dance sing and i am flexible also. i want to be a world famous kpop idol .

  • I want to be a kpop artist. I want to be a trainee. I want to show my talents to the world. But I can't participate.

    • My dream ambition passion every thing is to become a kpop idol it was my dream from when I was studying in 5th standard for that I am studying Korean and I always hear to kpop songs

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