PVP Cinema Win 1Kg Gold For Size Zero Film Contest 2015 : Picturehouse Media

Organization : Picturehouse Media Limited
Competition Name : Win 1Kg Gold For Size Zero Film Contest 2015
Applicable For : Telangana & Andra Pradesh Region Only
Competition Last Date : December 17, 2015

Website : http://pvpcinema.com/

Results Update :  www.pvpcinema.com/updates.html

Film Contest -Terms & Conditions :

** Please retain this coupon in its working condition till the end of the draw along with the movie ticket of Size Zero.
** This coupon is only valid for one entry/one person.

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** We will contact you on the mobile number you use to send us the SMS or mobile number you use to register your entry online.
** In the event that the winner is unreachable through phone within 28 days after the draw, the prize will be awarded to a new winner.
** The prize is non-transferable.
** This coupon should be produced at the time of redemption for validation.
** By entering the draw, winners confirm their agreement to take part in any associated publicity. The producer will have the right to use the photographs and video content related to the contest as deem fit.
** The draw ends on 17th December, 2015.
** As per section 194B of Income Tax Act, 1961, the winner is required to deposit the tax calculated @ 30% of the aggregate value of the prize. The winner is responsible to pay the tax.
** Income tax deducted on prize money is not refundable.

Eligibility For Participation :
Participant should meet the following criteria in order to be eligible to participate:
** Participant must purchasea ticket to watch Size Zero from the Box Office for viewing the film in cinema halls in Telangana and Andra Pradesh region only.
** Individuals who purchase the ticket of Size Zero through online portals need to visit the box office of their respective cinema hall and collect the physical coupon.
** The participant is required to retain the coupon and the ticket in its working condition till the end of the draw.
** Coupons of participants which have been successfully registered through SMS or the designated website shall only be considered for the scheme.

Steps To Participate :
** An individual can ONLY participate if he/she has purchased the ticket to watch Size Zero.
** A coupon will be given with every ticket purchased.
** The coupon can be obtained from the box office of cinema halls on the purchase of a ticket to watch Size Zero in Telangana and Andra Pradesh region.
** SMS the unique code to the mobile number mentioned on the coupon.
** An individual can also register online through pvpcinema.com/goldcontest provided they have a coupon.
** Maximum entries allowed for a single mobile number is 10.

Allocation Of The Unique Code :
** The unique code is allocated by the printer electronically on the coupon through a check digit format.
** No number will repeat itself and will be randomized and in no particular order.

There are two modes of registering the unique code:
Mobile :
** The participant sends the unique code to 9545466666 as SMSthrough his mobile number.
** A De-Dupe engine will verify if the coupon is used already or if the mobile number is used for max 10 entries. If found violating any rules a message will be sent to the participant on the same.
** A confirmation message will be sent to the participantthrough SMS after his entry is successfully registered.

** The participant can log on to pvpcinema.com/goldcontest and enter theirunique code and mobile number.
** A De-Dupe engine will verify if the coupon is used already or if the mobile number is used for 10 entries max. If found violating any rules a message will be sent to the participant on the same.
** An OTP will be sent to the mobile number and the participant is required to enter the OTP to confirm their identity.
** A confirmation message will be sent to particip`ant through SMS after their entry is successfully registered.

Winner Determination & Award of Prize :

** By participating in the Scheme, the Participant gets a chance to win 1 KG Gold.
** On sending a valid SMS the participant will receive a ‘Thank you for registration’ message.
** If the codeis invalid theywill be informed via return SMS accordingly.
** Participants must bear the cost of sending the SMS as per the charges levied by their respective mobile service providers.
** Cost of sending the SMS will be as per their service provider. Participants must bear the cost of sending theSMS.
** The Scheme ends on December 17th, 2015.
** At the end of the Scheme period, a lucky draw will be held with the help of randomizer software in the presence of a committee consisting of third party process advisors, auditors and evaluators where 20 participants will be selected to meet the lead actor of the film Ms. Anushka Shetty in an especially organized event and the date of which will be announced later on the website.
** Out of the 20 system generated participants, Ms. Anushka Shetty will hold a physical draw to choose one winner to receive the 1 KG Gold prize.
** Information of the draw will be published on the website.
** The chosen participant will be informed on the mobile number used to send the SMS.The list of the 20 chosen participants will be listed on the website.
** Prize to the winner will be handed over within 4 weeks after the announcement and efforts will be made to follow the timelines.However, in the event of circumstances beyond the control of Management, the Management has the discretion to alter the timelines.
** Winner must carry original identification proof bearing his/hername and address like PAN card,driving license, Aadhar card, passport or any other identification document which management may deem fit to be considered as a valid proof of identity and address.
** Winner will have to pay all the applicable taxes and other ancillary charges including gift tax, VAT, service tax, delivery charges and such other taxes, as may be applicable.
** If the winner is unable to pay the amount of taxes required, then the prize will lapse and will under no circumstances be transferred to someone else.
** Taxes as applicable will be required to be paid in advance. The prize fulfillment will take a maximum 30 days from the receipt of the taxes from the winner.

Contact :
For further assistance regarding the contest, please contact 9100990486

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 4:15 PM

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