MTV India LinkedIn Get A Job Contest 2015

Conducted By : Viacom 18 Media Private Ltd
Competition Name : LinkedIn MTV Get A Job Contest 2015
Applicable For : Residents & Citizens of India

Website :

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Get A Job Contest Terms & Conditions :

This Program is conducted by Viacom 18 Media Private Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Viacom18” in association with LinkedIn Corporation (“Linkedin”) for selection of participants for the campaign/program proposed to be undertaken by Viacom18, “MTV Get a Job” (“Program”) which is proposed to be produced by the Viacom18.

Competition Last Date : 15th March 2016

Those applicants who are selected after various application stages and further screening shall have a chance to win a summer internship job with 12 (twelve) India’s top reputed companies (“Job Partners”) as per job profiles for each such Job Partners listed on the Website (defined below).

Eligibility :
The Program is open to all participants who are:
a. above age of 18 years;
b. residents and citizens of India;
c. viewers of the Channel “MTV”;
d. have a Linkedin account or would be required to create a Linkedin account in order to apply;
e. have a valid degree in higher school education or equivalent provided by relevant/recognised Indian authorities/universities;
f. who are college students of recognised colleges in India (“Participants”).

Application & Selection :

The application process shall commence from 4th November 2015 at 2:00 pm and shall conclude with final selection of the candidates for summer internship on 15th March 2016 at 2:00 pm or on such date and time as decided by Viacom18 (“Period”). Any entries received after the timelines for each Phases (defined below) for the Application and Selection shall not be entertained and shall be considered ineligible for the Program.

Call For Entry Phase Of The Contest (“Phase 1”) :
1. Application for Phase 1:
a. To participate in the Program, the Participant needs to log on to the MTV Get a Job website located at following link (“Website”) and based on the various summer jobs of different companies listed on the Website the Participants may select a summer job they wish to apply for by clicking on “Apply Now” tab and follow the instructions mentioned therein (“Call for Entries”);
b. The Participants shall be required to submit their basic profile/resume to apply in the Phase 1 of the Program i.e Call for Entries and for such application process the Participants shall be directed to sign-in with their Linkedin account. In the event any Participant does not have a Linkedin Account, the Participant may choose to create a Linkedin Account by signing up using the tab provided therein.
c. Every Participant understands and agrees that by clicking on the sign up to the Linkedin Account tab Viacom18 shall have access to information provided on the Linkedin Profile page of the Participant including but not limited to information such as experience, education, skills, recommendations, the primary email address used by such Participants for their LinkedIn account, address, phone number, and bound accounts etc and such profile page of the Participant shall automatically act as the resume of such Participant for Phase 1 application and selection process for the Program.
d. The Phase 1 of Call for Entry for application and selection process shall commence from 4th November, 2015 (“Start Date for the Phase 1”) and shall end on 15th January 2016 or such other date as may be determined by the Organiser (“End Date for Phase 1”). The Participants shall be required to register themselves latest by End Date for Phase 1 to be eligible for next phase of selection.
e. Participants may choose to register himself/herself for more than one summer job listed on the Website subject to if they deem themselves fit for the job requirements listed for each such summer jobs.

2. Selection of Phase 1
a. Out of all the application/registrations received by Viacom18, total 100 (one hundred) applications/Participants shall be shortlisted by Viacom18 and Linkedin mutually and each such Participants shall be selected based on the job requirements provided by each Job Partner for whom the jobs are listed on the Website. Such profiles shall be shortlisted primarily by Viacom18 on behalf of each such Job Partner, however, the Job Partner shall be involved in the selection process all through.
b. These shortlisted participants shall be informed by Viacom18 and/or Linkedin through an email or such other mode as may be determined by Viacom18/Linkedin at the time of selection for Phase 1 and such shortlisted participants shall then be eligible to participate in the Phase 2 of the Program.
c. The date for announcement of the shortlisted Participants of Phase 1 shall be 15th January 2016 or such other date as may be determined by Viacocm18.

Phase 2 Of The Program (Call For Video Entries) :
1. Application for Phase 2:
a. As a part of Phase 2 of the Program all the shortlisted Participants of Phase 1 will be required to send a short youtube video of maximum duration of 2 (two) minutes or such other duration as may be informed to them via email announcing their selection for Phase 2 telling us why they are best suited for the job for which they are shortlisted. Such youtube video can be submitted by submitting the link of their video on their youtube channel on the Website as per the instructions provided on the Website.
b. At the time of submission of video entry as provided in 5.1 (a) above, the shortlisted Participants may be required to provide some basic details/scanned documents as per the instruction provided on the Site at the time of applying for Phase 2 of the Program.
c. The Phase 2 of Call for Video Entries shall commence from 15th January 2016 (“Start Date for the Phase 2”) and shall end on 15th February 2016 or such other date as may be determined by the Organiser (“End Date for Phase 2”). The Participants shall be required to submit their video entries latest by End Date for Phase 2 to be eligible for the final phase of selection.
d. The video submitted by the shortlisted Participants as per 5.1 (a) shall be original unpublished work created by the shortlisted Participants and it shall in no manner infringe any rights including intellectual property rights, including without limitation, the copyright trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights; or contain libelous, defamatory or otherwise unlawful material and the shortlisted Participant shall indemnify and hold Viacom18, Linkedin and all the recruiting companies listed on the Website, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and each of their directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or in connection with the videos uploaded on the above sites by the shortlisted Participants.

2. Selection of Phase 2
a. Each recruiter companies shall select total 5 (five) videos out of the 100 (one Hundred) shortlisted participants who have submitted video entries for Phase 2.
b. Viacom18 and each Job Partner shall mutually determine the best video entries submitted by the shortlisted Participants under the Phase 2 of the Program and such best video entries shall be selected for the next final phase of the Program.
c. The date for announcement of the final shortlisted participants of Phase 2 shall be April 2016 or such other date as may be determined by Viacom18.
d. These shortlisted participants may be informed by Viacom18 and/or respective recruiter companies through an email or such other mode as may be determined by Viacom18/recruiter companies at the time of selection for Phase 2. Such shortlisted participants may be required to give a telephonic interview to be determined mutually by Viacom18 and recruiter companies at their discretion.
e. After such best video entries are shortlisted, the participants may be required to provide his/her scanned copies of attested mark-sheets and experience letters, copies of citizenship proof, identity proof, address proof and any other document(s) as may be required by Viacom18 and recruiter companies. In the event any shortlisted participant’s fail to submit such documentation as required within the given timeline as indicated by Viacom18, Viacom18 in mutual consultation with each Job Partner will be free to choose an alternate participant in place of such participants. No request shall be entertained by Viacom18 and/or Job Partner in this behalf.
f. Each such shortlisted participants of Phase 2 shall then be eligible as final candidates for Phase 3 of the Program that involves group discussions and personal interview phase with respective Job Partner (“Final Candidates”).

Phase 3 Of The Program :
a. Each such Final Candidates shortlisted and selected under Phase 2 shall become eligible for group discussions and personal interview by the hiring manager of the Job Partner.
b. Based on the Job Partner for which the Final Candidates has been selected, the Final Candidates would be required to travel to the city of location of such Job Partner for group Discussions and/or personal interview. The dates and location(s) for the GDs/PIs shall be as decided by each such Job Partner and the same will be informed through various communication channels across media by Viacom18.
c. Viacom18 shall be responsible to make arrangements for travel to and fro from the city of residence of the Final Candidates to the city where the Job Partner’s office is located and stay, if required, of each such Final Candidates shortlisted and selected.
d. Failure of the Final Candidates to report to such venue as may be informed by the Job Partner and/or Viacom18 at the date and time so mentioned for group discussions and personal interview and/or any delay in reporting shall automatically disqualify such Final Candidates from participating in the Phase 3 and Job Partner in consultation with Viacom18 may be free to select alternate candidate in place of such Final Candidate.

Finalist (Summer Internship Job) :
a. The finalist eligible for summer internship offered on the Website shall be selected at sole discretion of the Job Partner based on the group discussions and personal interview of such Final Candidates with the hiring manager of each such Job Partner.
b. Such finalist for each such job shall be announced on 15th March 2016 or such other date as may be determined by Viacom18.
c. The said summer internship job shall commence from 1st April 2016 or such other date as may informed by the respective Job Partner to the finalists and each such finalist shall be eligible for a summer internship job with the selecting Job Partner for an approximate duration of 2 (two) to 4 (four) months as per the job description and further terms and conditions agreed between the finalists and the Job Partner during the group discussions and personal interview.
d. At the end of the Program, there will be total 12 (twelve) finalist selected for each 12 recruiter companies for the summer internship job listed on the Website.
e. Each such Finalists understands and agrees that the summer internship job is been offered by the recruiter companies directly and Viacom18 shall not be involved and/or responsible for terms and conditions, internal company policies with respect to such summer internship jobs including but not limited to hiring policies, retention, termination, duration of such internship, stipend/compensation for such internship, etc.

This post was last modified on July 1, 2021 1:04 PM

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